What Did You Do/ Would You Do Differently Starting Your Hair Journey Over?

I guess I'm on my 3rd go at natural hair. Take 1 I was a product junky, no protective styling at all. Take 2 I just didn't pay it any mind. Wash and go's, was very lazy. This 3rd time around I'm doing all the right things except a few set backs. I think the main changewould have been transitioning my color out longer, less trims even though I barely. Not touching heat always a big one. And moisture more. Not forgetting I need to often.
I guess I'm still kind of a product junkie but I've learned to protective style a lot more effectively while still doing my treatments and hair care once a week to every two weeks.

Co-washing my hair while in cornrows have helped a lot as well between treatments.

Wash-n-gos are a no-no for my hair - I don't like the SSKs and split ends that occur as a result of doing them.
This time around my hair has thrived and the most prominent things I've done have been.
  • Be consistent
  • Hard protein treatments are incredible, it is better to do a hard protein treatment every 6-8 weeks than use a reconstructor every other week
  • Cut out single strand knots. They are evil and only aid in tangle