What is the craziest thing you've ever done to or for your hair?


Well-Known Member
I know there are so many "special" growth aids, homemade concoctions to assist with length/conditioning of the hair and even "natural" hair relaxing techniques. So what is the craziest thing you've ever done to your hair becuase someone told you it worked? For example I was one of those that tried the Rio Hair relaxer when I was a teenager, because I wanted to go natural but have something to help me manage my hair. Although my hair didn't turn green or anything dramatic like that. After I waited 6 months to apply a real realxer my hair fell out horrible and I had to get it cut super short to hide the damage I had done. It was very very tramatic, I even called the Hair Club for men in LA to get some help on how to stop my hair form falling, :lachen: Sad but true. I can laugh about it now but was I crying back then. Not to mention this was days before my Senior picture :nono:
hot combed(the kind on the stove) bleached, relaxed hair from root to tip... come touch up time, i thought the hair would never stop coming out in the comb!
bought a bottle of blond hair dye from a professional beauty supply place...no developer or anything...just the dye.

I put that mess in my head, and my on top started to come out in clumps. I had a huge bald spot right on top of my head. I washed it out really quick, and saved the rest of my short brittle hair.

Then I turned around and relaxed it the same day. Before anyone asks, I was in highschool!!
Glued in weave tracks on my scalp. :nono: :wallbash: Then tried using baby oil to remove the tracks. Glue stains everywhere (in the bathtub, on the towels). That was my late high school/early college days.:ohwell:
I put almost anuthing in my hair. And donee several hair changes since i have the power to do it.

- I cut my hair form almost WL to above the chin, just because that summer was too hot
- I had red and blue highlights back in collegue
- I colored my hair all red
- i glued two waves - i hate that stylist that convince me to do it -

About the things i've put in my hair

- MN (yesterday)
- i tryed nivea to "relax" my hair
- I have putted baking soda on my hair
- Eggs

That's what i remember now
Self relaxed. My hair came out in the back but I turned around and did it again and had my hair come out again. After the second time of having my hair fall out in the back I vowed never to self relax again and started going back to the salon for relaxers on a regular basis. Both times my hair came out the length was just about APL and I had to get it cut Toni Braxton/Halle Berry short.

In college my roommate told me how bad grease was for our hair. She used a botantical oil she got from her hair stylist. So I bought oil sheen thinking it would be good enough for a moisturizer. My hair had swang and was shiny but it was dry and shed like crazy. I would comb my hair and end up with a sink full hair, the floor covered in hair, and hair all over my shirt.
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In 8th grade I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid. I had stains on my neck, hairline and clothes.
"Don't try this at home."
This if funny but I went and paid someone to glue in some weave when I was in my 20's my hair broke off in sores and everything. I found out I am allergic to the weave glue and what ever chemical they use to bond real hair... I said I'd never ever do a weave again!
Ya'll are so FUNNY:lachen:!!! Thanks for being HONEST ladies this may help someone (unlike me who kinda only got a good laugh out of it). My things are pretty mild compared BUT, only bc my momma would have beat the life out of me when i was younger. And i did allow my hair to be overly dry and some of the other mild things(if you wanna call them that). HHG Ladies!:grin:
bought a bottle of blond hair dye from a professional beauty supply place...no developer or anything...just the dye.

I put that mess in my head, and my on top started to come out in clumps. I had a huge bald spot right on top of my head. I washed it out really quick, and saved the rest of my short brittle hair.

Then I turned around and relaxed it the same day. Before anyone asks, I was in highschool!!
OMG! It's amazing the risk we take in High School, LOL!
I streaked my hair with good ole peroxide right out of the bottle. It was pretty and my momma thought the sun did it.
When I was a teenager I watched "Coming To America" and Eddie Murphy made a comment about washing his hair with juices and berries and my dumb *** actually thought this would be beneficial to my hair so I washed my hair with peaches and bananas I think. Man I was picking peaches out of my hair for days.:lachen:
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Glued in a head full of curly weave for my cousins wedding and when I went to take it out I ripped it out yes I said ripped it out then after "softening with grease".:wallbash: Wait it gets worse I then combed out the rest of the glue. When my kids walked in the bathroom they started screaming MA why is ALL your hair in the sink what did you do? When I finally grasped what I had did I had a ball of hair the size for one of my head it was a mess.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::perplexed
Highlights and Relaxer on the same day performed by a so-called Master Stylist...hair was breaking like crazy weeks after even with the deep conditioning...should have listened to my gut - I knew this was wrong, but I had to be FLY!!!
Dyed with kool-aid. Shaved down to a LOW Cesar then bleached. Dyed blue, then purple, then just purple bangs. Hair was spiked when dyed. I really thought I was something else...relaxed ever 3 weeks.

Kool-aid was high school, everything else was college.

There was one girl my freshman year that had jet black hair and wanted to be blonde...we convinced her that bleach - yep, clorox would help her get there when peroxide didn't do the trick. This donkey let us pour bleach ONTO her head...not just the hair, she couldnt have unsightly root...
This isnt crazy but did cause my hair to be very dry and brittle and took several washed to get back to normal..mayonnaise
In high school, I randomly tried to give myself a shape-up with the clippers that my mom used to shave my brother's hair, but I was too lazy to go stand in front of the bathroom mirror to do it. I ended up accidentally shaving my hair from my temples all the way back to my ears. Not a good look. :nono:
I used to love to experiment

Cut my hair with the big black utility scissors people keep around the house, because I wanted a more drastic cut than I got from the hairdresser
Used hair spray and heat to spike my hair and get hard curls
Wore crazy neon spray colors in my hair
Used bleach to try to lighten my hair

Permitted a stylist to do a corrective relaxer on my hair twice in about 2 or 3 months
Permitted a stylist to shave one side of my head because he said that my hair was damaged
Permitted a braider to cut my cornrows well above the length of my hair
Permitted a weaveologist to braid my hair so tight that I was on bedrest & prescription strength painkillers for a couple days.
Permitted weaveologists to put so much hair in my head that Chaka Khan & Diana Ross would have been jealous

I used to wear a puffy cap with straws in my hair to class if my hair didn't air dry before class. Risky!
I used to use industrial strength mayo - the really oily kind used in commercial kitchens - on my hair. It smelled horrible, but my hair was very healthy and thick.

I could keep going but you can catch drift. It's been a wild ride.
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Dyed my hair red with a permanent color...and hated how it turned out, so I bought color stripper, which turned it orange, and THEN...put a permanent black dye on top of it! My hair didn't fall out, thank God, but it was brittle and dry as heck
Saw the white girls in high school use sun in, I wanted highlights too, used it, except my brown hair turn red.
Saw my mom always use the hot comb, so I figured I'd do it to myself. (Ended up burning out a big chunk of hair)
Had a stylist give me highlights that made me look like a skunk (Had a big white streak going down my head) then I had another stylist to just dye it all platnum blonde.
Also, the CRAZIEST thing was believing my mom that I could never have long hair!
In 8th grade I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid. I had stains on my neck, hairline and clothes.
"Don't try this at home."

I did the same thing in 11th grade. My hair was texlaxed (we didn't call it that at the time), soft, and almost APL. My hair had never been that nice, but I wanted to do something different and figured if you could drink kool-aid, it must be safe for your hair. :lol: Please, that stuff ain't nothing but RIT dye, flavor, and sugar. :lachen: Did it once, and wanted it redder, so I tried Flavor-Aid next. My beautiful hair broke just like as if I had dyed it. Went from almost APL to neck length in about 3 months.
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Putting Kool-Aid is at the top of my list. The dumbest thing I ever did was cancel a date with a hot Colombian guy because I had to deep condition my hair LOL That was before my DH, but if I had to go back in time I'm sure I'd still deep condition my hair instead LOL :lachen: