What is the shortest and longest lengths......


New Member
your hair has ever been? The shortest my hair has ever been is a bob cut to my to my ears.. The longest its ever been is to my shoulders.
Shortest: Remember the 'snatch back'? I had one (a very short one) in 12th grade.

Longest: A bit past waist length.
The shortest it has ever been was almost shaved in the back, and about ear length on the sides...

The longest it's been is the length it's at right now!!
my hair has been neck length pretty much all his life (except when i was a little girl when it was long and thick and perm free) well since i've been keeping it in protective styles it has finally gotten a few inches past my shoulders in the back, still need some work with the front sides and crown though....
I think the shortest my hair has ever been is when I was born. Other than that shortest is shoulder length. The longest is bra strap length.
front about 1", Halle cut like she sported in "Strictly business"

back was shaven
too short for curlers...could only be brushed.

Longest: about 2-3" from waist (a lil longer than it is now)
Shortest: Oh lawd, it was back in 88" when that cropped look was popular. My sides and back were shaved and I had a little bit o hair in the front. What was I thinking??? My family hated it!!! I just didn't have the head shape to sport that look. Couldn't use anything but a brush on it. It was bad, but I thought I was hot stuff!!

The longest it's been was several inches past my shoulders when it was all natural.
Shortest: Halle Berry look & shaved in the back
Longest: 3 inches past shoulder in the back/shoulder length on sides & front.