What makes your hair shine?


Active Member
I see alot of the girls on here have lovely shiny hair. And I too want that...How do you guys do it?
I co-wash about 3 times a week and that makes my hair soft but not as shiny as I would like it to be :( ...Tell me your secrets ;)
Safina87 said:
I see alot of the girls on here have lovely shiny hair. And I too want that...How do you guys do it?
I co-wash about 3 times a week and that makes my hair soft but not as shiny as I would like it to be :( ...Tell me your secrets ;)

I use african pride braid spray even though I don't have braids (it creates a great shine), I also use a product called vitapointe (it comes in a tube shaped like neosporin antibiotic) and I also use a hair polisher by fantasia. Hope this info helps.
1) Adding EVOO to conditioner
2) Cold water rinses
3) Aloe vera gelly mixed w/ leave-in
4) Luster's Pink Glosser (I LOVE this product. It's specifically designed to create shine and eliminate frizzies. It doesn't contain alcohol, and it contains things like wheat germ oil, castor oil, vitamin E, aloe extract, papaya extract, and much more. I've been using it since I was in high school, and it always comes through for me.)


I don't typically use shine products, even though I probably need to, but here are 2 I found that seem to work.

At the Dominican Salon the stylist used Alter Ego shine (something or other) and it worked wonders. I was looking in the mirror thinking "I know she ain't gonna let me walk out of here with my hair all dry" and she put a little bit of that Alter Ego on, and that was all she wrote.

I also like ORS Nature's Shine. I've only used it once, but it did a pretty good job and smelled good too.
I use Aphogee Gloss Therapy and/or John Frieda Sheer Reflections..

Plan on switching to Silken Seal when they are used up though :)
I use Surge Motion #9
KeraCare Oil
and a hair grease that my mom mixed for me. Not all at the same time though.
Thanx ladies...

Is there something else one can do ,that doesn't involve expensive shine products, that leaves the hair shiny?
I dunno, but hot oil treatments work really well for me. I just put warm EVOO, or Coconut oil in my hair after my CW, leave it in for a while, and then lightly rinse it out, and I have all the shine I need. It lasts until the next CW and my hair is light as a feather, plus its cheap and easy.....
Organic Root Stimulator Nature's Shine is great for high shine. It is a blend of natural oils in a spray bottle, with a bit of 'cones' mixed in. I have to use it sparingly to avoid oily hair, but it works beautifully.
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I have a method that makes my hair airdry with the shine locked in, which can look more natural than using an oil sheen or traditional moisturizer. After washing conditioning, leave-in, and combing, while my hair is still wet-ish I put a ton of NTM Shine Serum on all of my hair focusing on the outer layers, put it in a bun/ponytail and the shiny-ness of the serum literally dries right into my hair. The key is to have thoroughly combed and detangled your hair before you load up on the serum. I've gotten tons of compliments on hair shiny-ness from it....little do they know hehe, there's natural shine in there too but its mostly the serum :lol:
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i dont use any "shine products" and i am always getting told how shiny my hair is...so i would probably say its from the rinse that i have in my hair and maybe the honey i use when i deep condition. i really dont know :lol:
I use Silicone Mix as a DC for 15-20 min. and my hair comes out like "BLING BLING". I also use Fantascia IC, Clear rinses, ACV rinses, adding EVOO to my DC, and I think once my hair learned to retain moisture on a regular basis my hair has a natural shine now overall.
Divine Inspiration said:
1) Luster's Pink Glosser (I LOVE this product. It's specifically designed to create shine and eliminate frizzies. It doesn't contain alcohol, and it contains things like wheat germ oil, castor oil, vitamin E, aloe extract, papaya extract, and much more. I've been using it since I was in high school, and it always comes through for me.)


First, I want to say thank you Divine Inspiration for sharing your experience with this wonderful product! I read your post and was inspired to check Luster's Pink Glosser out for myself. :driver:

Now, I didn't have much time to braid my hair for today before leaving, only 30 minutes on my dried hair for a braidout! I was about to wear a bun but decided not to at the last minute. I used no product after my hair dried (except on my ends, of course) on purpose since I planned to go to Sally's and get me some of that Luster's Pink Glosser.

Not one of the local BSS's (including Sally's) had any left! My first thought was that some LHCF ladies ran out and bought them out after reading Divine Inspiration's post! :lol: I went to a new grocery store to check it out and there it was! The store had a teeny, tiny ethnic haircare section that had Luster's products, even had my relaxer! I went into the restroom after buying it and sprayed some on my hair.

Soon after I received a direct compliment tonight on my hair, which I was wearing in a freshly made, 30-minute braidout. This guy (who happened to be white) approached me at an office supply store to say , "I want you to know that I love your hair style. You have such nice waves going down (he demonstrated with his hands), it's very attractive on you." I thanked him. Soon afterwards, a guy (another customer in the office supply store who happened to be black) said I looked good and asked me out after some flirting. I declined but thanked him too.

Hmm... The only thing I can figure out is that the Luster's added some much needed shine on my hair and/or took out the frizz so it jumped out. It always looks good with a fresh braidout (usually done overnight) but I'm so surprised about today since I didn't have time to really make this style. This Luster's Pink Gloss is so light and non-greasy and I love the natural ingredients in it! Besides the ingredients mentioned, it also has shea butter extract, jojoba oil and more. I'm adding this one to my regimen. :yep: Thanks again Divine Inspiration and thank you Safina87 for starting this thread! ;)
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You're welcome mama!!! I'm glad it worked out for ya...I've been using it for so long that I don't even think about it anymore. :lol: I don't use it often, but it is a LIFE SAVER when I need it. I usually buy 2-3 bottles at a time. :look:

I've got a few things that work for me.

+A tablespoon of melted coconut oil mixed into my conditioner. (Suave Milk and Honey is what I use most often.) More isn't better, though. If I put too much oil in, it makes my hair frizzy. REALLY frizzy.

+Elazta QP Feels Like Silk liquid styling gel. It softens and shines my hair so well that I use it more as a leave-in than as a styling aid. *g*

+Hask Pure Shine spray, if you don't mind silicone. I stopped using it for awhile because the other two products worked so well in the softness/shine department, but I'm using it again because it helps cut frizz. It's also fairly cheap: about $4.00 a bottle.

Any of these alone will work, but I use them all.

~R. :Rose: