What product do you use for roller set to make curls stay in?


Well-Known Member
Everytime I roller set, the humidity takes most of my curls away. What products do you guys use that help curls stay?
I couldn't open shtow's link that was referenced above. I want to try flexirods to maintain soft bouncy curls but am having a hard time figuring out how to use them.
I use Eco styler gel for my rollersets. The curls come out smooth and shiny as if I used a curling iron. The curls hold up for about two days but sleeping on them flattens them so much they look like dreads by the 3rd day.
In the spring/summer I use a creamy leave-in - NTM and a little serum on the length of wet hair before I roll.

The serum is what keeps the strands smooth and frizz free.
I like Nairobi foam wrap,I have used a lot of wrap lotions and no other compares.
This foam wrap is kind of expensive but worth every penny.
After I wash my hair and apply my leave ins I put in a nickel sized amount to each side of my hair of Wen styling cream and Keracare wrap foam to both sides as well. :)
I think I've mastered the rollerset, I should do, I've been setting for long enough! :D

This is what I do:-

Apply Keracare Foam Wrap to hair that has just been rinsed (mid length and ends)
Apply Pureology leave in all over
Apply Alfaparf serum focusing on ends then mid length

Ensure you have your water bottle so your hair stays very wet on the roller.

It sounds like a lot of product but the key is to be very light with the product. It's also important to make sure you rinse out all of your deep conditioner; I always have limp curls when I fail to rinse thoroughly. The above method ensures bouncy, silky hair with volume all day. I use flexis or pin curls to maintain the look during the week.