Which is the right Pressing Comb (Stove) ????


Well-Known Member
Iris' recent pressing video have me thinking...How do I know what kind of pressing comb (stove) to use on my hair?

  • There are copper ones, Brass ones, stainless steel ones
  • The teeth spacing ranges from fine to medium
  • There are several vendors (God N Hot, New Kentucky Maid, Kizuire
What's a black chick to do? My mom never told me how to choose a pressing comb.

Anybody here an expert. Do tell. Pulease.
Kizure is the one that most professional stylists use. The Kizure irons need a stove. As far as a stove you can actually use your gas stove. So you don't really have to buy a stove. For convenience sake, you could get a corded one that plugs in so you don't have to worry about a stove. HTH.
I use to have a STOVE PRESSING COMB when i accidentally burns the side of my hair out its still havent growed back yet.now i got a ELECTRIC BRAND NEW COMB FROM free market .its much safer than stove .
Thanks all. Iris is the one who got me started on this. I went ahead and ordered Kizure brand since it's black owned. Thanks all.
I would suggest an electric pressing comb instead of the one you place on the stove since the amount of heat used can be controlled.

ETA: I see that you already purchased the stove kind...just please be careful...wouldn't want to see you in another thread about how your hair was broken off or melted by the pressing comb! :nono:
Thanks for the warning. I feel comfortable about monitoring the heat level. Also, the electric pressing comb has torn my hair out in the past. A well constructed comb should glide through detangled hair.

I'm thinking back in the day when my momma pressed my hur.

I would suggest an electric pressing comb instead of the one you place on the stove since the amount of heat used can be controlled.

ETA: I see that you already purchased the stove kind...just please be careful...wouldn't want to see you in another thread about how your hair was broken off or melted by the pressing comb! :nono:
ALWAYS test your comb on a white paper towel before putting it in your hair. If it scorches the paper, its too hot for your hair.
CG - I hear it is tissue paper that you should test with ( like TP)

I miss y'all... back to school work...........See you on December.

I am putting away my flat iron and blow dryers. I am selling my Maxiglide. I am committing to the comb. Back to old school.

The pressing comb gets my hair straight. The flat iron crinkled parts of my hair and I beleive it lead to breakage for me.

Wonderstar and Sam, I miss you guys. Wonder, I need to stalk to fotki to get your latest hair news.

Thanks everyone.
What's the verdict CG:spinning:?