Who Inspired You To Go Natural?

Hi Ladies!


I'm pretty new on my HHJ ( officially started on November 2nd, my birthday!) so I'm definitely still learning what works best for my hair. So I was was wondering - who inspired you to go natural? For me, I had just started my new job in October and one of the girls was natural. We just got on the subject of hair one day and I told her how much I had been admiring her hair and how I wish my hair "could do that." She practically took me by my hand and gave me a bunch of links to natural hair blogs! Eventually I found you LHCF in December and the rest is history :yep:

What's your story? Who inspired you to go natural?
Congrats to you and your journey! For me it is not so much who but more so seeing my own curly new growth poke out every time I needed a touch up. The more I prolonged my touch ups the more I wanted my natural curls & kinks back. If I had to pick a person LHCF overall is definitely full of enough inspiration and motivation no matter what kind of hair journey you are on. This site has definitely provided me with many "Hey maybe I can do that!" moments just from all the nice pics.
My story is also more of a "what" inspired me vs. "who" inspired me. Mainly just got tired of relaxers being iffy and never getting past shoulder length, and barely got there! I will say though those threads with natural 4A/4B hair beauties inspired me even more to stay on the journey. When I see ladies with hair like mine and it's long, thick, and simply beautiful I know I can stick this out!
I would see so many cute naturals walking around the streets of NYC and I'd be thinking, "Hey, my hair can do that too." I remember the one chick I saw where I finally said *** this, I am going natural! Her style was so original I can barely describe it. People who are true to themselves never know how many people they inspire, just by being real.
My decision came from damaging my hair so badly with hair dye that I had literally only strands of hair left. My naturally thick hair was just gone and I thought I was dunnzo but I found this place and learned I could chop and start all over.
My hair was so short after the big chop that I caved and relaxed again hoping to find a way to feel better about the way I looked then again decided to go natural but this time without chopping. This time it was these two chicks who come into my job a lot and they both have such fluffy pretty healthy looking natural curls all about their faces and I knew that in the end that's what I want. I can always straighten my hair but I never want to change my curl pattern again.
This might seem weird... but my boyfriend. I was texlaxed when we first started dating and I loved seeing natural hair on other women... I was just afraid I wouldn't look attractive with natural hair.

My boyfriend is actually white and would comment positively on women with natural hair. Eventually he began asking me if I could wear my hair like that and why I don't because he thinks it is sexy. I was in shock but very impressed in his taste.

About 5 or 6 months into our relationship I had a bad experience with my stylist and had to cut my APL hair to SL. A month later I went back to her asking her to cut more off because I decided to transition to natural. I was nervous at first but my boyfriend reassured me that I would look beautiful no matter the texture or length of my hair... And that was that!

I feel sort of shallow when I admit this to people... because it comes off as "I went natural because my boyfriend likes natural hair." But really, my boyfriend just gave me the confidence I needed to go natural. I always knew I would eventually do it... I just did not think I would do it in my 20s.
After joining the forums and fotki back late 2007, I noticed that a lot of girls where going natural.

I was surprised to see ladies w/ 4b hair going natural successfully and not relapsing to the creamy crack :giggle:. I was sold.

I also ABSOLUTELY dreaded relaxer day.
My scalp eczema inspired me. Relaxers on that mess is like napalm. I quit the creamy crack, but didn't actually take care of my hair.

Naptural85 inspired me to embrace it. LHCF inspires me now as well :)
I have always wanted to go natural, but thought I couldn't because of my " stubborn hair". Reading the crown and glory website plus finding LHCF gave me the confidence I needed to take the plunge.
My bio professor. I'd stare at her hair instead of listening to the lecture.

I had some other reasons too, but she was the person.
My desire to not visit hair salons anymore inspired me. I always hated getting my hair relaxed, moreso 'cause of the time it took, the smells, the general unpleasant atmosphere than any pain associated with the process. Now it wasn't till I saw some truly beautiful heads on youtube that I started my natural hair growth journey.
To answer directly myself.
Hated the routine relaxer trip needed. Every 6 weeks to touch up. Hated the heat straighteners. Hated the attitude if certain stylists. Hated my dependence on them. So decided to cut of all these chains and be natural. :)
The ladies on this site inspired me. I was amazed by all of the beautiful textures and eventually took the leap from stretching to transitioning to BCing.
Best decision I ever made for my hair.:yep:
My daughter.

She has BEAUTIFUL long natural hair as I took care of it and I wanted that for myself,lol. I couldn't phathom telling her, her hair was beautiful while I was relaxing. It just didn't feel real to me.
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My sister. She was suffering serious scalp problems and in my pursuit to help her I commited to not realx for a while until she was doing better and we found out more. That was almost two years ago!
Two of my best friends from college were natural. My mom was also natural-ish for most of her life. She was a LONG term stretcher (I don't think she liked getting her hair done). She was like BSL/MBL with this really wavy/coily texture.

Also, I saw a video of Mae (NikkiMae2003) on YouTube getting her big chop. That gave me the strength and inspiration to actually go through with my BC.
My son. He was teased by fellow daycare kids by telling him that his hair was poofy and ugly. He wanted to know why he couldn't have straight hair? In order to help him through this, I knew that in order for me to convince him that there was nothing "ugly" about his poofy hair, I had to get rid of my straight hair and wear my hair in its natural state. How could I tell him to love his poofy hair while I wore my poofy hair bone straight?
My first natural hair crush was DPrincess28 on YT. It was so bad I banned myself from looking at her cuz I couldn't let go of having a relaxer.
I would say my younger self inspired me to go natural. I didn't get my 1st relaxer until the 9th grade, so I remembered how long and thick my natural hair was. I wanted that back once I felt like I was equipped to handle it and not look crazy (like I use to in middle school lol).
My son. He was teased by fellow daycare kids by telling him that his hair was poofy and ugly. He wanted to know why he couldn't have straight hair? In order to help him through this, I knew that in order for me to convince him that there was nothing "ugly" about his poofy hair, I had to get rid of my straight hair and wear my hair in its natural state. How could I tell him to love his poofy hair while I wore my poofy hair bone straight?

Asha97, Love this!
This might seem weird... but my boyfriend. I was texlaxed when we first started dating and I loved seeing natural hair on other women... I was just afraid I wouldn't look attractive with natural hair.

My boyfriend is actually white and would comment positively on women with natural hair. Eventually he began asking me if I could wear my hair like that and why I don't because he thinks it is sexy. I was in shock but very impressed in his taste.

About 5 or 6 months into our relationship I had a bad experience with my stylist and had to cut my APL hair to SL. A month later I went back to her asking her to cut more off because I decided to transition to natural. I was nervous at first but my boyfriend reassured me that I would look beautiful no matter the texture or length of my hair... And that was that!

I feel sort of shallow when I admit this to people... because it comes off as "I went natural because my boyfriend likes natural hair." But really, my boyfriend just gave me the confidence I needed to go natural. I always knew I would eventually do it... I just did not think I would do it in my 20s.

isawstars.........Awwww! Your story is so cute! :grin:

I only wish MORE guys thought like your boyfriend. :yep: :look:

Anyway, like so many ladies have already mentioned... For me it wasn't so much WHO inspired me, but more so WHAT. :look:

-My widows peak having a bald spot back in 2007 due to a "bad relaxer" definitely made me WAKE UP and take notice. :nono:

-The increased dandruff and itching of my scalp that eventually led me to a dermatologist "inspired me"

-Just getting sick and TIRED of relaxers in general :wallbash:

-Lastly.... The beautiful heads of natural hair not only here on LHCF but also on YouTube definitely inspired me greatly! :yep:

I finally stopped getting relaxers in Feb 2010, and did the "BC" in Oct of 2010...and I haven't looked back SINCE! :yay: :woot: I don't for a minute regret my decision. YES it can be challenging and even frustrating at times, but at this moment, I don't regret it at all. And when I see how effortlessly my hair grows now days, I only wish I had done the "BC" sooner! :yep:
This might seem weird... but my boyfriend.

My boyfriend was a huge encouragement in my natural hair journey as well. Maybe because I'd always remark on the natural ladies I'd see and whose hair I liked, or because he thought it'd be cheaper than going to PhytoUniverse :lol: but after my BC he told me how much he really liked it and I was kind of shocked, in very a happy way. :blush:
My future children. I want them to be proud of who they are from head to toe. I saw that news report where the mother did the big chop in honor of her daughter. Her daughter was teased because of her kinky hair and her mom tried to assure her that mom and dad had hair just like her. The daughter said "no you don't!" because the mom had a perm. So the mom chopped her hair, and the daughter saw mom DID have hair like her. Result: daughter's self-esteem and confidence boosted! :D
Being pregnant was the reason I first went natural. I just was too tired to go get my hair done consistently other then my braids once every 3 months. By the time I was ready to relax, I was pregnant again. :grin:
My son. He was teased by fellow daycare kids by telling him that his hair was poofy and ugly. He wanted to know why he couldn't have straight hair? In order to help him through this, I knew that in order for me to convince him that there was nothing "ugly" about his poofy hair, I had to get rid of my straight hair and wear my hair in its natural state. How could I tell him to love his poofy hair while I wore my poofy hair bone straight?

This is one of the best stories I've heard regarding the decision to go natural. Kudos to you and your son :yep:
After watching the Chris Rock documentary, I just didn't feel right continuing to relax my hair. Also, the breakage issue, health concerns about the chemicals in relaxers, and the lack of stylist in my area that can actually do chemical processes effectively are lacking. Lastly, I dislike spending hours in a salon on Saturday.
My inspiration to go natural again was a huge relaxer burn at my crown. Pokahontas here on LHCF inspired me to start a HHJ and join LHCF. I found her picture through a google search while I was transitioning and I was in awe! I bookmarked her hair lol. Thats when I started having direction with my hair. I researched natural hair care for about a month and I kept ending up here. I thanked her for the inspiration as soon as I ran into one of her posts.