Who's taking chlorella for growth?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Is anyone taking chlorella for growth? If so, what brand are you using and how much growth are you getting from it? If you used to take it, why'd you stop?

Are there any side affects like msm and biotin?
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! lol:grin: i take the sun brand....been on it about 3 weeks and im Natural so i dont know if i have any extra growth yet besides 3 weeks is not enough time...sorry!
Anywho...im gonna tell u this...i did NOT experience the breaking out i did like when i took MSM or biotin so its good in that aspect, one thing i noticed though the 1st 3 days was an almost immediate bowl movement, i know TMI but it happened about 10 mins after ingestion which was good for me anyway bcos i take iron (im anemic) which makes me hella constipated ...i did my lil research and it does infact have slight laxative properties:lachen: ...i took 15 pills....but it can be fixed if u take less , as in 10 and slightly build up as ur body gets used to it...HTH
I have jarrows in the capsule form and i take it in a powder that has other greens in it called Emerald Green. I take it for growth and overall health. Source Naturals is another good brand for chlorella. ;)