Why do some of us constantly stray and come back?


New Member
Looking around this board and thinking of myself, why is it that some of us seem to constantly stray from our values, go back, stray again etc. while other Christians are (or at least seem) more consistent?

I should start by saying I've always believed in God. My first school was a Catholic school (though my family is not Catholic) and I used to say prayers every night. Then for a large chunk of my life (about 10-11 years) while God was at the back of my mind, I was not actively religious. I don't even think I was really a Christian until a few years ago. When I was new to the faith, it was easily the happiest time of my life and everything seemed to go right for me. I feel like I was a nicer person too. Then shortly after, I just stopped, and I while I long to be like that again, I'm having a hard time getting back off the ground.

Is there anyway to break this cycle? Or like all relationships, does your relationship with Christ wax and wane?


Well-Known Member
Sigh...story of my spiritual life. I was actually thinking about this last night in bed. Like why is it so hard for me to be consistent in my relationship, in my faith and lifestyle. I feel like I always have periods of doubts, feeling clueless, feeling far, but then periods when I feel so gung ho and happy, I wonder how I could have been so flaky and doubtful.

I think back on that saying about a double minded man...I can't help but feel its applies to me. :(

"Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do."

I feel like I'm a skeptic who so strongly desires to believe, and who does, but always has that voice in the back of my head...I admire people who are so strong in their faith and constant, I wish it were me.


Well-Known Member
it's not easy ladies... takes time and growth and pain and process
it takes being willing to fight to stay..
like a man who knows he's strayed and is about to lose the love of his life..he fights
we need to d the same.. HE honors that....

keep at it


Well-Known Member
Man, this sounds like myself talking. I do believe 100% that Christians have the power to stop sinning once they're saved. Jesus died to give us the power to do so. Unfortunately, in our time of not knowing God, we were obviously exposed to sinful things that so very often are hard to give up, or disappear from our minds once we come to know Christ.

However, the Bible says there is no temptation that has seized us that is common to man, and that God provides a way each time. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

All I can say, since I'm constantly struggling with this as well, is to remember all the reasons why you are gung ho about God. That should be more than enough motivation to seek His face. It's when we allow our flesh to be tempted with things of the world, or distracted by putting things before God that we find our faith wavering.

Go to the Father. Speak to Him and tell Him about your problems and just lay them at His feet. Remember He is able to carry our heavy burdens if we would just stop to ask Him.

As much as this is a word of encouragement for you, it is one for me as well. I'm still trying to learn to be disciplined in my walk with the Rock. I hope that helps!


A True Soldier Never Dies
Looking around this board and thinking of myself, why is it that some of us seem to constantly stray from our values, go back, stray again etc. while other Christians are (or at least seem) more consistent?

I should start by saying I've always believed in God. My first school was a Catholic school (though my family is not Catholic) and I used to say prayers every night. Then for a large chunk of my life (about 10-11 years) while God was at the back of my mind, I was not actively religious. I don't even think I was really a Christian until a few years ago. When I was new to the faith, it was easily the happiest time of my life and everything seemed to go right for me. I feel like I was a nicer person too. Then shortly after, I just stopped, and I while I long to be like that again, I'm having a hard time getting back off the ground.

Is there anyway to break this cycle? Or like all relationships, does your relationship with Christ wax and wane?

The bolded reminds me of the Parable of the Sower:

Matthew 13:5
Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root

Matthew 13:20-21
The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away

There must be something wrong in our foundation.


Well-Known Member
When I was in my 20s, I especially felt that way. I remember looking at my mother and great aunt and pondering at how they could have such strong faith. I remember pleading and crying to God that I wanted to "feel" what others were feeling.
I talked to my mom about this and she told me something wonderful. She told me to ask God, "to be real to me". I prayed that prayer numerous times and embarked upon reading the Bible from beginning to end. I believe God started to talk to me and I begin to see him for myself, not just through others.
I still made many mistakes, however I begin to understand a little more.
I also began to understand that serving and believing is a "decision", not based upon how I feel. He is. He gives of faith through grace.
I also started to read scripture out loud and asking God for understanding and wisdom from his word.
As an encouragement to you, stand firm. Get God for yourself. When you go to church, write down the scriptures and go home and read the entire chapter, praying and asking God for understanding.
And as the above poster noted, your foundation in Christ gets deeper, and you are watering and nourishing that ground. Pray that his word is falling on good ground, bringing forth fruit in its season, 100 fold.
God bless you.
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New Member
I def feel you op..for me my pain has rooted due to my fait..I feel so bad bc Im not the ideal christian chick..Im way to gutter and Im really now in my life about God work more so than making nice.Like I really want to dig deep in the word more even though I still deal with sexual impurity,cursing,anger,lack of faith etc..by thinking you have strayed I feel at times that a ploy by the devil in order to make you feel why bother I might as well keep doing john dick and harry,curse ppl out,not strive for godliness etc..just keep pushing my love the fact that you even recognize a time in your life where God wasn't so much the forefront in your mind shows you how different you are


formerly nicola.kirwan
No one should beat themselves up, just know that God is always ready and willing to set you on the right path. I think that to a large degree, our faith cannot be based on how we are feeling at the moment. Faith is not our emotions about God, but rather faith comes by saying, "Lord, I believe every word of Yours is true and I will obey." The Bible says "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." If you immerse yourself in God's word and ask Him for understanding, and believe what you read such that you endeavor to respond in obedience, then your faith will grow.

It is being continually immersed in God's word and being taught by God's word that will grow you. Also, when I was first starting out, I drunk in all the teaching that I could find. Christian radio stations vary in quality, but Bott Radio Network is the best in my opinon and very very reliable. www.bottradionetwork.org I could have told you every preacher, teacher, and talk show from 6 in the morning till midnight. It was such good spiritual food.

So, gain deeper roots in Christ by choosing to continually seek His word and avenues by which you can be taught and fed spiritually. Find others to walk with who are also seeking to grow and read God's word and pray together. You don't have to know a lot to just open and read.

And again, since it cannot be overemphasized, focus on God's word rather than on feelings. We do things all day every day that we aren't necessarily excited about because we know the long term value. The Christian walk isn't drudgery, but we can't rely on our feelings to lead us to fellowship or bible study or what have you. It does take time.



Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I totally feel you SweetTea. I professed a faith in Christ and got baptized at age 8. I was a relatively good girl. As I got older, late high school years, that's when I started committing sins I never done before. And to me, it got worse during and after college. But at the same time, I was still seen as and considered a good girl. I wasn't wild or anything in college. It's just that I know I did things I never did as a child that are clearly against the Word of God. For example, profanity or using curse words. From my experience, it seems like the more people you get entangled with in the world, the more sins you are likely to commit. Right now, for the past couple of years, I have questioned my faith and whether or not I am a true Christian, all because of sin. My new desire is holiness, something that is rarely taught in churches today. The concept I have been taught is that Christians will never stop sinning and we're forgiven of past, present, and future sins. I just can't buy that anymore. I too wonder how to break the cycle. I believe it can be done if we truly give our hearts to God wholeheartedly, no lukewarmness and not yielding to the temptation of sin.
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Well-Known Member
I believe our relationship with God is like any other relationship which is a process and takes time to grow and develop. If you think of a relationship with a really close friend ... in most cases, you didn't start spending all your time with her in the beginning but as you got to know her and trust and love her, you started spending a lot of your time with her and the relationship became more consistent.

I think consistency comes from a good relationship and a good relationship is developed with time so don't seek to have a really deep relationship really quickly. Also, don't pressure yourself into having someone else's type of relationship with God but seek after your own bespoke relationship.The stronger your relationship, the less you stray I think. In developing that relationship, communicate with Him and ask Him to help you, get planted in a good church where you feel part of a family, and invest in getting to know God ... read His word, read books, listen to teachings, and any other way that works for you.


Well-Known Member
I'm guilty of this myself. Do I mean to do it? No. However, it does help me to understand that I still have the sinful nature still inside me that is constantly in battle with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The one that I feed the most is the stronger. This week for an example, I've been cursing like crazy but I'm also not shy to it. I know what I'm doing is wrong but I'm also glad that the Holy Spirit is convicting my heart each time I go against God's word. One other problem is that for 2 weeks I haven't study the bible at all, like I normal do but also I've been sick and haven't been able to attend Church or bible study. Problem, I haven't been feeding the my spiritual nature and growing in Christ like I should and I'm hindering that growth each time I don't study the word.

Verses that comes to mind is Gal 5:16-17 and also 1 John 5-10.

God knows we are going to mess up. Should we take advantage of this? No. Do we, I'm going to say yes because I can only speak for myself. I am guilty of taking God forgivness for granted.