Why Does Flat Ironed Hair Tangle Easy?


Well-Known Member
I flat ironed my hair on Sat at 6 weeks post. I have the shine and the swing, but notice that it tangles. I can comb through it with my big shower comb or a mason pearson detangler comb but it tangles again. Could this be from it hanging and rubbing against me or is it because it is stick straight? I don't like using a comb because then some is going to pop off from combing. Anyone notice this when wearing your hair staight from being flat ironed?
Sometimes I get tangles when I flat iron and it's because of split ends so I do a search and destroy and that stops the tangles.
The only time my flat-ironed hair tangle is when I need a trim. A few years ago, my ends were shot and my hair stayed tangled. I had to cut off about 2-3 inches but I haven't had any problems with tangles since.
How does your ends look? Maybe you need a slight dusting.

My ends are not smooth and look a little worn. I noticed that Sat when I was flat ironing and thought about dusting then. Maybe I should go ahead and dust but I have trimmed every relaxer this year except Sept. I was trying to wait until my next relaxer in Dec.
That's the best sign that I know it's time for a trim. My ends tangle when they normally don't. Assuming the ends are rid of worn damage, a bit of serum or light oil should prevent tangling. But, I'd focus on making sure the ends are in the best shape first.
I am always focusing on my ends....day and night....moisturize and oil. Ugly buns.....maybe I will just slap it back in bun then I won't have to worry about the tangles. All of this to try to get to full bsl. My hair is still the length in my avatar. What's a girl to do for length:drunk:
I'll come at you from a scientific angle: heat opens up your cuticles. Are you getting tangles all the day down or just at the ends? Could it be because cool air like you just mentioned, closes the cuticles a bit before the flat ironing and you didn't blow some cool air on it this time?