Why don't people strand test anymore?


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is another rant I have. I should make a blog full of Anky's hair rants.

I see that a lot of people are experimenting with products only to find out that it ruined their hair. They experiment with a product, using the whole head as the guinea pig, only to find that their hair is a tangled birdnest mess.

Why aren't more people doing strand tests? Is this some Passe composee thing that people forgot about?

Well, I am going to pledge to myself again, today, that I will not be experimenting with my whole head anymore. I have been consistent with this pledge for 5 months. It has saved me a ton of money and a ton of time (think about all the styling, drying, combing, and heat usage you do when you use a new product).

Would anyone like to pledge that they will do a strand test on their hair if they get a new product, especially color, relaxers, and conditioners? This could save you from having hair the same color as a sunburned blonde.

Strand Test! Go Team :weird:
:wave: I do!

I am pretty cautious when it comes to experimenting with new chemicals on my hair. Actually, I haven't in a while but I do strand tests when I'm in that situation.
LOL rant on Anky. Get it out of your system!:lol:

As far as your question, probably one of the many reasons I needed to go natural. I hate strand tests.:( And I don't know why. Fortunately I don't plan to color my hair. Next time I try a new conditioner or gel ahma try to force myself to do a strand test. Go team!:)
I did a strand test today with a new hair color. Boy am I glad I did because it was a really bad/horrible color choice for my whole head! I need to do this with conditioners also.
Guilty as charged. I colored my hair last weekend and didn't strand test because "I've used this before." Only thing is I have never ever done a strand test with the product!
Guilty as charged. I never strand test with anything. I think I will with my next relaxer, even if it's just to get the correct processing time. So how do you ladies do it? Do you snip a couple of hairs off?
I strand test! It's taken me too much time to grow my hair to this length I can't imagine losing it now. :nono:
I strand test with relaxers that I've never used before and with hair color. I don't with oils or shampoos/conditioners though because for me thats more of a skin patch test of thing (for allergy reasons)

Once I test out ok i don't do the strand tests anymore.

ETA: I did test out my hair rinse, as a patch test, but not as a strand test, it seemed to work for me ok though.

Arcadian said:
I strand test with relaxers that I've never used before and with hair color. I don't with oils or shampoos/conditioners though because for me thats more of a skin patch test of thing (for allergy reasons)

Once I test out ok i don't do the strand tests anymore.

ETA: I did test out my hair rinse, as a patch test, but not as a strand test, it seemed to work for me ok though.

Just reminded me of someone on another hair site that I frequent used a deep conditioner on her hair and she had to chop it all off.

I am also guilty of not testing. I only use natural products but there still could be a risk. :(
Sure, everything is a risk. I have lots of allergies to natural and organic products, and I'm more prone to having problems with my skin from products than I do on my hair. Thats why I always test on my skin for most things, hair second.

You make a good point Anky! I'm planning on texturizing real soon, but I've been hesitant about doing it, I will do a strand test real soon to see how it works for me.
I notice this too.
I have repeated the following cycle relaxed...transition...natural....relaxed all throughout my life and every time I went to get a relaxer in my hair, the hairdressers never did a strand test in my hair.
It says in the cosmotology books to do a strand test before applying chemicals. But the hairdressers never did the strand test or anything in the book for that matter. I mean didn't they learn anything in cosmotology school.

Thats one of the reason why I am once again natural because alot of people just don't know how to properly handle chemicals.
I strand test everything except stuff I've strand tested before. I messed up my hair by changing the color (not brand) of dye. I didn't strand test because I'd already been using that color for years. I've learned my lesson.