WHY is my scalp still itchy???


Well-Known Member
So I washed my hair last night after not having washed it for a week and a half. I usually wash my hair every 2-3 days but I've been busy this week. It was ridiculously itchy before I washed it and usually washing my hair cures the itchy feeling.

I clarified about a week and a half ago so last night I did a prepoo, shampoo, protein treatment, and deep condition. I made sure to not get the protein treatment or the deep condition on my scalp and I do a good wash after. I also do not put the leave-in anywhere near my scalp.

But today my hair is still ridiculously itchy. Does anyone know why? Any advice or suggestions you all might be able to offer would be helpful. I'm thinking of washing my hair again today but this time clarifying (again!) instead.
It's getting colder so your scalp might just be dry. Not sure if you put any oils especially olive or coconut oil on your scalp but it might help.
when you scratch your scalp do you still have product/buildup? I have to shampoo twice and massage my scalp really well to get everything off.
Unless youve changed products this past month, I'd think it could be what either of the pp's said. buildup or dryness...or both.

clarifying 2x next wash and oiling the scalp might be a good idea.
Thanks guys and no I don't have any buildup when I scratch. I do think its probably dryness then. But I thought putting oil on your scalp was like greasing the scalp and it led to blocked pores and wasn't a healthy practice. I guess I thought wrong?
I've been battling the same problem for the last month or so. I've been complaining about it in the hip length challenge thread. I have no answers unfortunately but I did grease my scalp with coconut oil the other day and it's been better
I've found walnut oil to be really helpful for difficult scalp problems. Supposedly it sort of 'cleans' the scalp and is anti-fungal which helps with dandruff. It works well for me, but I have a feeling that other, cheaper oils are probably similar.
I've found walnut oil to be really helpful for difficult scalp problems. Supposedly it sort of 'cleans' the scalp and is anti-fungal which helps with dandruff. It works well for me, but I have a feeling that other, cheaper oils are probably similar.

Dilettante How much does walnut oil cost you and where do you buy it from?
It was 3 or 4 euro for a half-liter bottle, though they did have cheaper options. I got it from Carrefour when I found they didn't have coconut oil (and came to like it just as much, though for different reasons). My itchy scalp is finally gone.

I'm not sure how much it would be in the US, but I don't see why it should be more expensive. We grow walnuts in America too! I'd check Whole Foods since they usually have a good selection of natural, cold pressed oils.
Pay attention to the area of your scalp that you're experiencing itching on. If your feel it burning, or notice hair loss then it's time to visit a dermatologist.
yorkpatties said:
Pay attention to the area of your scalp that you're experiencing itching on. If your feel it burning, or notice hair loss then it's time to visit a dermatologist.

I totally agree with this. Try to keep a journal or something so you can figure out if it's a reaction to a product (or food) or something that warrants a doctor visit. A derm could check to see if it's just dandruff, dermatitis, or something more serious.
The only thing that helps me is if I use Head and Shoulders or a peppermint shampoo on just my scalp before washing. I have eczema and I'm sure this is what I'm experiencing on my scalp. Putting oil or grease on it makes it worse. So I just wash more often.