You Guys Are The Bomb!!!!


New Member
Seriously... I, like everyone else who recently joined, have been lurking on this site for some time now
What initially brought me here was my desire to find out info on ceramic irons conerning blk haircare. Although, I didn't find too much on that, per se, I found soooo much more! I was hooked instantly! I don't think I did any work the day I found y'all b/c I HAD TO page through every posting/page! You guys are hilarious and I love the way you guys treat each other...
Since joining, I discovered all of the other boards you guys have (I had no idea)! Man, with the Health board and all the other good stuff y'all offer, I am going to be looking good from head to toe in no time

I'm still learning all the board jargon, but I really feel right at home!

Thx for listening!
Awww... thx guys! I feel the LOVE

I always got excited whenever I would talk about hair and usually I would get these crazy looks from people; their eyes would glaze over and I would then try and change the subject... LOL

Who knew there was a place in this world where I could safely share my obsession..(*clearing throat*) I mean, love for everything hair related.

Anky- Thx for the compliment on my boi! Ever since I saw him in concert, I've been obsessed! (Hmm, I think there's a theme here...)LOL