Your man using your product?


Well-Known Member
This is my first thread....! Hey ladies:)Ever since I started this hair journey hubby has been pretty supportive...especially when he saw the results...So I decided a few months ago to rub some Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Creme in his hair and seal it with a little jojoba!..............Why oh Why did I do that?You see...home boy has soft 3B hair on top, and some weird straight hair in the back...I mean bone straight...anyhoo....the result was that his hair got that wavy look, without wearing his little every morning....Hubby: "baby can you put some stuff on my head?"......Don't forget the oil stuff too? Me: SMH: sure babe...(Me thinking: when I am now running low...even though I been in braids for over a month and haven't been using it) What the????Now last week I hipped my friend to the Cantu game so she can stop twisting her hair with BLUE GREASE (and after a stern-though lighthearted lecture on the evils of mineral oils and, I washed and DC'd her hair then braided it with my Cantu and sealed with Jojoba, and she said her 100% 4B hair stayed moisturized for a whole week....I get a text from her the other day...cause she caught HER man was caught slathering Cantu on his head...she told him to use the BLUE GREASE....and he proceeded to lecture her on the evils of mineral oils and petroleum....and how the Cantu is making his waves pop out without using the wave cap....! Are me and my friend the only one with men trying to use some of their product? Whats going on ladies?
Girl my hubby uses my poo and my Taliah Waajid moisturizer now. I had to buy him his own cuz sharing wasn't working LOL
LOL ur not alone.. the majority of my products are natural.. doesnt stop hubby smh.. he sees what I use them for and does the same.. anytime I come home with a bag of hair goodies.. hes asking what I got and what its for
Bumping, this is too funny.
My man is faithful to his ""Blue Magic"" and raggedy brush he had since the 70's. But I turned him on to Evoo and shea butter. He gets his own stuff now :)
Good. At least I know others go through this...It is kinda cute....but um...I think I'm gonna get him his own stash...

The good thing is the constant moisturization keeps his scalp from drying out and his dandruff has decreased signigicantly! :)
My boyfriend loves to use biosilk and he about flipped out when I told him Sally's has their own version for cheaper!

Bumping, this is too funny.
My man is faithful to his ""Blue Magic"" and raggedy brush he had since the 70's. But I turned him on to Evoo and shea butter. He gets his own stuff now :)

girl his brush is soooooo raggedy i need to try and sneak and replaced it one of these days. i like man a brush cost like $6.
LOL too funny. I was thinking about putting a post up the other day about my hubby loving to use my coconut oil! I put it in my hair and my boys hair, but started to notice it was dwindling kinda fast within a week or so. So that's when I fou"nd out he's been using it for a while. He was like "I love that stuff." lol. I'm like um baby I'm running lowing maybe you can use your Murray for little bit til I go to the store and get some more" lol ha ha. :)
LOL too funny. I was thinking about putting a post up the other day about my hubby loving to use my Coconut Oil! I use it just about daily for my hair and for my boys hair (after moisturizing), but started to notice it was dwindling kinda fast within a week or so. So that's when I found out he's been using it for a while. He was like "I love that stuff." lol. I was thinking "Umm can't he just use his Murray like he used to til I restock?" lol ha ha :)
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I'm "Eveline" on this subject. I expect DH to use "what doesn't work for me." That way, I don't feel bad about trying out products...he get's the stuff that I don't like.

The past weekend I was shopping for products and he stated that he "wants the good stuff. Let's buy two of what of what you use." I wasn't having it....he's the garbage can...he doesn't get the good stuff!
I'm "Eveline" on this subject. I expect DH to use "what doesn't work for me." That way, I don't feel bad about trying out products...he get's the stuff that I don't like.

The past weekend I was shopping for products and he stated that he "wants the good stuff. Let's buy two of what of what you use." I wasn't having it....he's the garbage can...he doesn't get the good stuff!

aww that messed up Ebonybee. maybe you can try out new stuff on him too. ya know just in case it would have messed up your hair.
My hubs won't use the products by his own account but he's ready and willing for me to give him what I call a "hair treatment." He's thinning at the crown of his head and is willing to do anything I (or the LHCF) suggests to revive that thinning spot.

Not meaning to change the topic but....while I'm putting his business in the street...any of you know some good prods to use on the thinning spot? In another thread, someone suggested Jamaican Black Castor Oil for thinning edges. Would that also apply to a thinning spot in the crown of your head?
I'm "Eveline" on this subject. I expect DH to use "what doesn't work for me." That way, I don't feel bad about trying out products...he get's the stuff that I don't like.

The past weekend I was shopping for products and he stated that he "wants the good stuff. Let's buy two of what of what you use." I wasn't having it....he's the garbage can...he doesn't get the good stuff!

lol My bf uses my Scurl so I just let him have it. He also uses my wrapping lotion for his waves, bb oil moisturizer, and anything else he sees on the sink that he feels like putting in his hair lol I don't mind because they aren't staples. I'm trying to get rid of them.
Ive been meaning to start a thread like this, my bf looves cantu. It makes his waves pop and he rubs it in his hair all the time. I barely use it and i notice it going down. Im gonna have to buy a new one. I told him to rub the coconut oil on his skin and he's like Im a man i'll stick with baby oil. LOL
Y'all can't be selfish though, men like hair too. :grin:

You can make him buy the products back when they are all used up though. Just a thought. :look:
Aireen thats a good idea.....It'll help me keep my stock up....but at least he's taking my HHJ serious now!

But when I called my friend back she was kinda mad/shocked because she'd caught her boyfriend red-handed literally slathering the stuff on his head...he was talking about how it makes his hair soft....then when she told me about him repeating my lecture on BLUE GREASE I lost it....! Men are a trip!
Girl, my man stays all up and through my stuff. He stole my jar of Burdock Root Butter cream. He uses my coconut and olive oils, and anything else he can get his hands on. I saw him conditioning the other day with my HV Moist Condition 24/7. :nono: He's a mess.
Yup my conditioner on his beard/ mustache, I've learnt to only keep the drug store stuff where he'll find it
Mine will use my products..I offer it to him so it's no big deal.
I don't use expensive products anyway so it doesn't matter.
And Oh my gosh I forgot to mention....He looooves when I experiment.

This morning I sat the VO5 Pomegranate and Grapeseed Condish on his dry hair for like 15 minutes and then shampood on top of that....
Then when his hair was still damp I put on the Cantu, then the jojoba oil...He's like...ooh baby its so soft....he just sits like a little puppy letting me do his hair. Good way to see if a certain regimen will work or how it will work....So now I know the VO5 makes a great prepoo...especially since that one has the grapeseed oil already in it!
i let my boyfreind us my coconut oil, and my care free curl dangit! but his hair is sooooooo....ehum "nappy" like my new growth. so he needed it more them me. *looks*
Yeah, DH is always in my products. I also pass along products to him that don't work for me.

He uses my Pibbs dryer too since he hates to sit at the salon waiting for his hair to day.
I bought my man his own stash of anita grant oils, cafe latte, oyin sprays, curl junkie coffee coco, and I gave him my myhoneychild caribbean activator creme and leave in cause I hated it. Everytime I left him in my room I'd come back and his head would be smelling sweet, so honey had to have his OWN.

I got him using chagrin valley soaps too, just bought about 6 more bars for him as a surprise for father's day.
I love these cute little stories! I don't have a SO to share anything with but if I did let's just say it wouldn't be sharing. He would have to get his lazy self up and buy his own!
I am so darn tired of him using my stuff. over the weekend he was like "mmmm I like that EQ shampoo so smooth".. I thought I was going to scream he is so heavy handed with my stuff.
I'm "Eveline" on this subject. I expect DH to use "what doesn't work for me." That way, I don't feel bad about trying out products...he get's the stuff that I don't like.

The past weekend I was shopping for products and he stated that he "wants the good stuff. Let's buy two of what of what you use." I wasn't having it....he's the garbage can...he doesn't get the good stuff!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I'll admit that my FH is the recipient of anything that doesn't work on my hair.