products don't make ur hair grow


New Member
I was on youtube and i came across this lady who has long pretty hair, and she vents about what she did to grow her hair. anywho she said that she believes that products do not grow the hair it just help retain length, and that kinda bugged me out because ppl in the hair community spend lost of money and hair products, as for myself i am a pj l.o.l. if anyone agrees with this please please comment.
It's true they don't. Hair growth is internal. Hair products are for external use and help to retain. Common sense.
I agree. People are just always looking for a miracle product to make your hair grow but it doesn't exist--spending 1000's because "____" said it made her hair grow....I believe hair growing out of your scalp has to do with heredity and internal things (medications, pregnancy, etc...). Products help the hair that has already grown. IMHO when someone attributes their growth to a certain product---how do they really know this? Yes they may see changes since they have been putting something on their scalp...but it could very well be other changes to your body and not a product. There is no way to actually know whether a product stimulated MORE hair growth or at a faster rate....unless its a dermatologist or scientist analyzing or something lol
So true. There is no holy grail out there. Some products do more harm than help. I really think more than anything it is technique in many cases.

What causes your hair to grow?:

Water intake
Healthy Diet
I also agree with the comment, product protect your hair from the damage we inflict on it and from the weather conditions, unaided your hair wouldn't be able to with stand it for long.

We must thank our bodies for the growth of our hair it does so without our permission. Thank you body!!!!!
There are topical drugs for skin and hair (for example, I once had a small spot of alopecia and used topical steroids to regrow hair in that area.) I have used topical treatments to reduce arthritis inflammation.

Because of all this, I think products applied to the scalp do have the potential to impact growth, although clearly not as much as internal factors.
I agree with her, however this doesn't apply to those with scalp and growth issues. Some people need certain products maybe medical products to grow and or regrow hair.
I agree that topical products, like Rogaine, help people grow hair. But that's for people with pattern baldness, not people who are having a hard time retaining length.

The misleading marketing of black products actually pisses me off a little. Doo Grow, Super-Gro, Wild Growth, etc., whatever, it's lies! I know I've fallen for it, and many black women are still falling for it.
Products and vitamins CAN maximize your hair growth potential by giving your scalp increase circulation/stimulation, providing nutrients, riding the scalp of fungal and or other disorders that can impede hair growth.
Your hair will grow for as long as you are alive, even if you are unhealthy. It will just grow slower.

Products are key though in this retention journey. Especially for those of us that mess with our hair a lot. :sekret:

But if you don't mess with your hair, like no color, hardly any straightening, etc. products become even less important imo
Never a truer word said. Products can only provide optimal conditions for retention and growth but they cannot physically make the hair grow.

Its just like your brain, you can't be more intelligent than your genetics provide for but you can make optimum use of the genetics you have by keeping your brain stimulated by reading and learning new things etc....
hair grows, nails grow, skin regenerates, that's what the bottle does. now when your skin or nails become brittle, or your hair is dry yaddi yadda it can be from poor nutrition, or a bunch of other stuff.

it's like this, nail polish doesn't make your nails grow. leave off nail polish for two weeks, i guarantee you will see your nails get longer. now they may not stay that way cause nothing is protecting them. hence putting on nail hardener, polish and whatnot to help keep them a bit hard so they dont break off.

hair works the same way.
I can buy a treadmill but if I don't use it correctly I won't lose weight. Same thing with hair products. I can buy all the expensive products in the world, but if I'm not using these products in a consistent way then its all in vain.

FOR ME its all about choosing the right products, minimal heat, protective styling, doing search and destroys, and doing all that consistently. I also make sure to tweak my regimen every so often and get rid of products that don't work for me.
Hair grows unless you're dead or something. *kanyeshrug*

My cousin's father's hair even grew when he was newly dead. His gray started showing from the roots. No kidding. :nono: The same applies with the fingernails, according to my teacher.
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I totally agree with her. I don't think there's anything you can apply topically that will give you super fast growth.
I have a question then. What about mega-tek and OCT, MN, and Sulfur? Just curious because I have used MN and that sure as hell made my hair grow. One inch in about 3 weeks
I think shes talking about you all know who??? on youtube, but i agree what about mega tek, mtg, and mn???
Topical aids enhance the growing environment and thus speeds up the normal growth rate. I have seen it personally with my daughter while using sulu max gro (mtg) and groganics shampoo and conditioner. Her diet was/is very healthy and she was already taking MSM for her eczema. Her rate definitely increased with the use of the topical aids.

So yes, hair is always growing, but I believe topicals can increase your growth rate.
It's to much of a blanket statement for me to agree with it.

The vast majority of topical hair products do not make your hair grow...
They are for applying to the hair and help to condition and maintain it.

However, there are a smaller number of products that are to be applied to the scalp, not the hair and they do have the ability to stimulate and slightly increase growth rate.

Nothing works for EVERYBODY but sometimes there are ingredients that can make a difference in growth.

So NO, I can't cosign that statement.
I can't agree, because there are ingredients in hair products as well as in internal aids (like vitamins, supplements) (i.e. biotin) that are proven to make the hair and nails grow at a faster rate. It is true that the vast majority of products out there have no effect on hair growth rate, but instead aid in retention.

However, there are chemicals and natural substances that do enhance growth. Because of this, many companies put them in hair products. (Here are a few: sulfur, inositol, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin A, B vitamins, etc.). And the list goes on...

Just because she believes no product makes the hair grow, doesn't mean it's true. I'm sure she's no scientist or chemist, and is just making a generalized statement based on her own results. I, for one, can attest to certain products enhancing my growth rate. I took the time to do an experiment to rule out other factors (i.e. vitamins, diet, supplements, etc). And, I also took the time to research the ingredients in the product(s) to see which ones have a scientific/medicinal property of increasing growth or decreasing hair loss. That is how you separate fact from fiction, from opinion. Topicals CAN increase growth rate.
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Some people are just anti-hair growth aids. They don't believe in them, never tried them and will never try them. That's their opinion. I have my own opinions on it. Mega-Tek does work at least for me. Exercise and moisture has always been beneficial for my hair. It appeared to even grow faster and/or I maintained more length due to having less breakage.
There are topical drugs for skin and hair (for example, I once had a small spot of alopecia and used topical steroids to regrow hair in that area.) I have used topical treatments to reduce arthritis inflammation.

Because of all this, I think products applied to the scalp do have the potential to impact growth, although clearly not as much as internal factors.

True! I think that Products protect Your hair from damage and essentially breakage, some topicals like sulfur and growth treatments help to optimize Your hairs growth potential, bringing it to its full capabilities, I am a prime example, My system lacks sulfur, so using sulfur did not give Me extra growth, Per Sei, it actually brought it up to My natural potential of what it would be if My body had its proper balance of sulfur already.
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True! I think that Products protect Your hair from damage and essentially breakage, some topicals like sulfur and growth treatments help to optimize Your hairs growth potential, bringing it to its full capabilities, I am a prime example, My system lacks sulfur, so using sulfur did not give Me extra growth, Per Sei, it actually brought it up to My natural potential of what it would be if My body had its proper balance of sulfur already.

I don't know if those are considered hair products, those are medications my sister has lupus and a severe history of Alopecia and got Cortizone shots as well as cort. topical cream which by day 3 she had fuzz, I consider those more of medication as well as Vitamins. I think any time we eat right that aids in our body giving us the fullest most beautiful skin, nails and hair, I don't really myself consider that a hair product.

Products I would think are Hair this and things you find in the Beauty Supply Store. Even though I know you still find supplements there,

I was referring to the quote you were referring too. :)
I am a reformed product junkie. I have tried everything from A-Z. High end (Phyto, Mizani,Nexxus, etc...) to the low end (mom and pop brand). I've washed, conditioned, deep conditioned, moisturized, greased,etc... and my hair never grew past ear to shoulder length. I now realize that it has very little to do with the product but more to do with minimum manipulation. I also believe in a more natural approach with less chemicals (castile soap, natural conditioners, natural oils). In the 4 months of changing my approach, I see growth slightly past shoulder length.