Justice of the Peace or Church Marriage for Christians?


New Member
If you were engaged and it takes 6 months to a year to have a "proper" church wedding and there were a job issue related to a relocation sooner than those 6 months or any other circumstance that would make you wonder if the justice of the peace wouldn't be convenient, would you do it, knowing you would then have a proper church wedding later? Would you abstain from sex in such a case until you were married in the church?
Once the paperwork is signed and someone says you are now husband and wife you are married!

I am not sure I understand your question. You mean even though you went to the JOP you are asking would you still abstain from sex? That would be NO. Married is married as long as the person who officiated is legal to do so.
What we bind on earth is also bound in heaven-so a JP marriage is just as valid as a church wedding. You can even choose to have a religious wedding at the JP.
Once someone says you are married and you have a license then it's done! I mean the only reason I've ever learned for you to need to be married in a church building is if your Catholic. I could be very wrong, but I didn't pay attention in religion class when I was at Catholic school.
I just wondered because I know protestants who say that believers who aren't married in the church or by the minister aren't married yet.
I know I was very adamant about being married in the church. I believed that what was right for our marriage for it to be recognized by God and knowing it is where God dwell. I think it should be ok to do either as long as vows are exchanged and it is legal married. For the law has a basis of the Bible and God's view on marriage is be one and follow the government law as long as it does not conflict with His law. So if the law accepts a marriage performed in a church or at the court house then it is accepted in the eyes of the Lord as long as the couple is true in their reasoning to marry.

I hope this helps!!!
The night my then bf said the Sinner's Prayer with me because I did not know it cemented our relationship right then. Seeing as DH cannot recall his own birthday :lachen:the Lord in heaven must have been involved! Since Our Father is everywhere, we got married by a judge for state purposes.