Happy Nappiversary to Me!


Dancin' on sunshine!
It’s my one year nappiversary today! YAY! I put a collage together on Oprah’s website to make it easier to view my progress in just one picture. I don’t have a regimen. I just CO-wash daily and apply whatever leave in I have. For the most part I used Hollywood Carrot Cream. Tamrin bought me the Herbal Essence LTR. I use that now and love the scent! I don’t shampoo my hair often, maybe once or twice a season. My bushy hair doesn’t mat surprisingly either. I pick out my hair maybe once a month or every other month. Geez that sounds bad, LOL! I suspect my shower head helps with detangling anyway. Ultimately, I don’t do anything with/to my hair. I don’t sleep with protective satin sheets. I probably should though.

Since, I am in my second year of being natural; I do expect to do some more things to my hair. Like twist outs and hopefully a ponytail/bun. I have never used heat on my hair either. I think I deserve a K.I.S.S. award for laziest natural ever!


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Hey happy nappiversary! Where's the cake?!

Oh my goodness I had no idea your hair was so short just a year ago. You've had AMAZING progress! Your hair looks beautiful
Hey happy nappiversary! Where's the cake?!

Oh my goodness I had no idea your hair was so short just a year ago. You've had AMAZING progress! Your hair looks beautiful

Thanks! You're right, I should have gotten some shoot!

it's my napp versary as well (don't know the date tho)



Happy Nappiversary lovie!
Tres Belle Cherie!! I love the frowhawk-ish style in the last pic. It's grown a lot.

I was just randomly thinking about you too while I was reading kimmay gate #....
Wow its been a year? I remember when you first BC'd. Congrats girlie! Your hair has come a long way :) Awesome progress!
aaaww Congrats Lucie! Your hair looks great! I still remember when you BCed. How is your family member dealing with her nautral hair? I know you went natural because of her.
I remember lurking and reading your post about being unable to put the scissors down after another thought of washing/rollersetting the hair! Good job Girl! BEAUTIFUL natural hair and you look so gorgeous!
Lucie your hair is so amazing. You were my inspiration as a relaxed head and definitely as a natural now that I'm transitioning.
Very pretty hair. I like the idea of the collage. What a great way to display your journey!