Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I suddenly ran out of my CRN Caramel Cowash and now I'm panicking a bit. I think that some time soon I am going to be promoting it to holy grail status. Are there any other fans of this product around here?
@BronxJazzy and @LushLox, thanks for the perspective of excitement about changes and new discoveries.

I think I have been focused a little too much on the concept of nailing a regimen down, or perhaps I've erroneously defined it as finding THE product combination, schedule, and technique.

I've been so concerned about not being a product or regimen hopper (ya know, like a church hopper :lol:). Recently, though, I did a pretty good job of sticking to the same regimen and products, and while I felt more disciplined, I did not feel like my hair or results were my prize for doing so. In other words, my hair could still stand some improvement, because simply being repetitive/consistent does not earn unimprovable hair or anything. (I'm not knocking consistency, though!)

What has me excited is, like you said, CONTINUING to learn and make improvements.

Even if they turn out to be a fail, I am excited about where the Aveda products and consultation may take my hair and hair care. It's better going with the flow of the journey while listening to my hair versus trying to have and follow "hair journey rules."

Relaxing while exploring patiently is working. A month ago, I would have felt terrible for trialing a new brand. There wasn't freedom to feel excited about the possibilities. Now there's joy, ease, and a "well, let's see what it do" feel to trialing. I just need to improve my ability to remove trialed fails from the house! ;)

Don't feel like you have to do anything that makes your journey less enjoyable. Don't feel bad about trying new things because I've found that's the only way you'll be able to find what your hair likes/doesn't like. As you learn your hair better it'll become easier to know pretty much off the bat whether a product will work/not work before even buying it.

I still play around with products and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have found my staples.

If there's anything I've learned on this journey is there are no rules on this journey.
Yesterday I had the urge to trim so I took out my twist one at a time combed it and pulled my hair straight between my pointer and thumb. Then trimmed where the ends were thin and raggedy. Twisted it back up and went to the next.

Surprisingly I only lost around an inch all around. My hair felt amazing when I was done. I'm really excited to grow as much as I can between now and June.

I'm going to protective style mostly and see where I'm at on the 6th of Nov. I measured and am an even 12 in at the nape and 14.5 at the front side twists.
Do you guys trim hair without heat? If so how do you do it?

I want to trim but I'd rather not use any heat. I'll have to try and get my hair as straight as possible while I air dry today.

I've trimmed my hair twice with success without straightening.

After washing and applying my leave in and sealant I put it in small twists and allow to dry. Then take out one twist at a time comb through and stretch in a downward angle between my thumb and pointer finger. Run my fingers down the length until it gets thin and trim the thin ends. Then retwist the section and move onto the next twist.

I've also trimmed my hair while the twists are in my hair by just stretching the ends and cutting where thin. Both worked very well and my hair was trimmed evenly.

The second method was quicker/easier but the first way more accurate with getting all the thin ends off.

For my hair as long as it's stretched detangled and I work in small sections I don't need to straighten.
I got it from Target, so it was fine. I am going to get the small jar of Eco Argan and another copolymer gel to see what happens. The Eco olive was fine, but my hair hates olive oil.

Thanks. I had planned to whip it with oil to see if that helped. I don't get this. Oh well...

I like how you know your hair. You listen to it and give it what it needs even if it requires extra effort and time. The brilliance and health of your beautiful hair reflect the wonderful care you give it. That takes lots of thought, analysis, time, patience and specialized knowledge.
I like how you know your hair. You listen to it and give it what it needs even if it requires extra effort and time. The brilliance and health of your beautiful hair reflect the wonderful care you give it. That takes lots of thought, analysis, time, patience and specialized knowledge.
Thank you, sweetheart! Your theory about hair texture changing every 7 years... Yeah, there is something to that. This texture I got now is not the one I had 10 years ago. My edges are turning into 4c coils, too.
Thank you, sweetheart! Your theory about hair texture changing every 7 years... Yeah, there is something to that. This texture I got now is not the one I had 10 years ago. My edges are turning into 4c coils, too.

Interesting! The key thing you may want to look to confirm is to see whether or not your hair texture swings back to the one you had before and how long it takes. That will determine whether or not it is a cycle. If it doesn't swing back, then it just may be a change. But I suspect you already know this and have inklings that what you are experiencing is truly a cyclical, texture change.

Keep me posted!
1) I am too heavy handed with leave-ins and gels.

2) I haven't had another set of eyes on my hair in months, so I'm going to let this natural lady at the Aveda salon nearest me take a look. I'm going in with zero hopes that she knows anything. I've just been burned too many times. But it's free and she won't be doing anything to my hair, so it's all good.

The Aveda DCs are around 6 ounces. Pifff. I asked a rep about this, and explained that my ear length hair is really APL+ and that 6 ounces = 4 uses. Not good. The rep said, "But our product is concentrated and contains no filler, and you'll see you don't need as much."

*insert eye roll emoticon*
Two stories this week:

One work friend came in with a weird but cute bun. Her hair was just really frizzy. Someone asked if it was intentional and she said she was trying to not wear gel like me :eek: at first I was offended and then I had her explain and she said that she wants to stop using gel on her entire head, focus on health and that I don’t wear gel (which I don’t unless doing a twist out) and that she figured I just used edge control. And that she needs to protective style so that’s why she wore the bun :2inlove: I’m soooo not mad.

Next, I gave another work friend half a jar (4oz) of QB BRBC, however, I let it sit on my desk for 2 days before giving it to her :look: When I opened the jar, I saw black dots in there and thought it was mold so I left it. Finally on Friday I told her and she looked in the jar and scooped them out and looked further in the jar. She said the pieces had texture and there were no more pieces further inside, so it wasn’t mold and thank you :lachen: I told her it was likely henna as the last time I used it, I did a henna treatment. I wasn’t expecting her to be so grateful and happy about it.
Two stories this week:
She said the pieces had texture and there were no more pieces further inside, so it wasn’t mold and thank you :lachen: I told her it was likely henna as the last time I used it, I did a henna treatment. I wasn’t expecting her to be so grateful and happy about it.

This is too funny, but when someone is in need of hair help…
Also, kudos to you for being an inspiration to your curly coworkers. :toocool:
I need to start setting reminders to oil my scalp during the week. I only seem to do so for my pre-poo/hot oil treatment and right after I wash my hair. There's no excuse to be this lazy :look:

My hair was a matted dry mess. I need to stop wearing the fro out. It's getting colder here so that will hopefully motivate me to just take the 20m to twist.
This is too funny, but when someone is in need of hair help…
Also, kudos to you for being an inspiration to your curly coworkers. :toocool:
It was funny because I left it on my desk thinking it was mold but I already told her I bought it in for her. I thought she was going to give it back but nope. She started scooping it out, digging further and was happy. I was shocked lmao.

Thank you, I try. It took me three years with the other one but I finally got her :look:
What happened? Why aren't you going to your curly hair specialist anymore? I recall, you were quite pleased with her work.

Thanks for asking.

I still like her. She's great. She's a DevaChan (sp?), stylist, but I have just ordered some Aveda products and want advice on which would perform best on my hair. So I'm going in to an Aveda salon. She won't be styling me.

The DevaChan stylist does not straighten to trim, and that's all I really desire to pay for at a salon now. But her wash and go's are bomb. :yep:

P.S. I was trying to get on with a stylist known for growing natural hair to quite long lengths, but she isn't taking new clients.
@Alma Petra

The Cantu root rinse just can’t be left on for too long. If I don’t use it and and wash it off within 5 minutes, my scalp is too clean and sometimes raw and gets itchy. Also, with komaza I have to use it weekly but with root rinse, I can skip a week.

I don’t use anything on my scalp so that also makes a difference.

Thank you for the response and congratulations on achieving waist length Saludable. I have ordered this root rinse and I'll be very careful to not let its caustic effects damage my scalp :couchfire: