Post your best hair pic!!! (Hair Porn Alert)

Here's a picture of my hair. Hair was washed and detangled. No product added in this shot.

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Like we say in the Bahamas, "Well mudder sic" All ya'll hair are gorgeous, I did nothing but :lovedrool:all over your beautiful heads of hair. Maybe next year I can post my pics up in this thread:yep:.
After wearing my hair up in a bun for like 3 months, and only flat ironing once in that time span here are two pics from my hair yesterday, freshly relaxed.

Man I was tryin to stay out of this thread because I knew I'd go crazy, lol. ALL you ladies have such amazing hair and style, it's so inspiring... :yawn::yep::yep: Bravo!

In any case ok I'll share some too then, here are a few of my favs:

Caruso Roller Set:

Another Caruso Set:

Just Straight

An up do:
Those are my personal fav's:yep: some are kinda old so my hair is shorter





I don't think those are really hair porn but they are my fav's:yep:
Came into the thread and got my hair rocks off ladies... :sekret:

Thanks for the pics..

*leaves 6.83 on the nightstand*
That is soo pretty, may I ask how you do it, if you haven't already answered that?:yep:

Thanks JMS...All i did was take my hair, parted it in the middle, (you can do it to the side or whatever fits you) combed the two sides behind my ears for the swoop look, grabbed the ends of my hair and I twisted it one time to the left, and pulled it up and tucked the ends in at the middle of the back of my head. Then I just secured it with a Bobby Pin. HTH
**It's been so long since I posted on the Hair forum :spinning::spinning::spinning:, but this is a GREAT thread

May 2004

September 2005

May 2007
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These are all my fav. hair pics.

Audrey Hepburn beehive (rendition)

New SL cut 05/08

After the removal of kinky twists. Gives me inspiration to continue my natural journey. Fake fro...:look:

My rendition of the member (SouthernTease) pin-up style.
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Foxxymami, your curly hair in your May pic is so beautiful. (sigh) one day.
Cheekqueen, I like the pic of your pin-up styled hair--lovely.
Here are my contributions. I loved my color in the first pic and that's shortest my hair had ever wait I did a big chop a couple months ago so it's even shorter.


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Hi ladies...all of you are very inspiring!! I am a newbie here. Last relaxer June of 05, BC May of 06. See pics below from May of 07 and May of 08.



MAY 08
May 08