WOW.... Sabino Moisture Block video on YouTube

Ordered my samples about 3 days ago...cant wait until it comes. I tried to get some before, but I emailed...never came. Not even sure if they got it...This time I called so we will see if that will work...weird how some people get their order quickly, and some people wait for weeks and still do not get their order.
Thanks LadyLibra. Any other relaxed ladies using this and loving it? Any picks to share? My hair hates cones so I don't want to purchase and be disappointed. Can someone else holla back?????

my mother has relaxed hair and loves the stuff... sorry no pics to share :look:
Maybe I still need to work on my technique, but the Sabino is done with.

I've been working out and I've kept my hair wrapped under my wig and the roots have reverted... :lachen:

Maybe I used too little product... but I didn't want the sticky hair thing.

Probably. I was in outrageous heat - and then misters, and no reversion.....
So - yea... you may have used too little.
Ordered my samples about 3 days ago...cant wait until it comes. I tried to get some before, but I emailed...never came. Not even sure if they got it...This time I called so we will see if that will work...weird how some people get their order quickly, and some people wait for weeks and still do not get their order.

I actually don't think it's any fault of Sabino. If you read the entire thread, you will hear stories of how the post office has cut open the packages, sent them to the recipient with a vial missing, got an envelope with no samples in it. I guess the Post Office might think we're transporting some kind of drugs and confiscates them. :perplexed
Thanks LadyLibra. Any other relaxed ladies using this and loving it? Any picks to share? My hair hates cones so I don't want to purchase and be disappointed. Can someone else holla back?????

I had some pics earlier in the thread. Too lazy right now to go through all the pages to find them. :look: :lachen:

ETA: This isn't me, but here is a relaxed lady that reported in the thread already. Her hair is gorgeous.

I'll be back if I can find mine. :look:

OK, found it.
Last edited: last week I read about MB in this thread. I went straight to the website and emailed them my info and asked for a sample. They emailed me immediately telling me they were going to send it. As a 4b natural, I am always on the hunt for something that will keep my hair silky and from reverting. I've tried Biosilk Silk Therapy, Aveda Anti-Humectant, and Redken Heat Glide. None worked for my hair. My hair would be poofy before I even finished flat-ironing my hair and the ends would be frizzy. I pretty much gave up. I received my samples yesterday and didn't plan on using it until I take out my sew-in. I came back to this thread, read more posts, and decided that I could no longer wait!! I had to try it now!! :yep::yep: So I shampooed the part of my hair that is out of the sew-in, conditioned it, and applied a leave-in. Then I put in a few drops of MB and blow dried with the comb attachment. After, I added another 2 drops of MB and flat ironed (I don't know what temperature). WOW!!! :spinning::spinning::lick::lick: My hair is soooo silky, shiny, smooth, and lightweight. My hair has NEVER turned out this way when I flat ironed it. NEVER!! Let's see it if reverts. I don't think it will. I'll keep you guys updated!!! :grin:
I wish I had known about this before I gave up my transition. I'll try it again with this later.....does this eliminate 'poofy head' that relaxed and transitioners get on their new growth?

Since it can be shampooed out, will it hold up to heavy sweating while exercising?

Basically, can it work miracles, lol ? :lol:
I got my samples a few weeks ago, but I decided to straighten today for dh's birthday.:rolleyes:

I washed, deep conditioned with steam, then rinsed. I put a little conditioner all throughout my hair, then Sabino, then blow-dryed in sections. Once dry, I applied more throughout the roots and ends, then flat ironed.

I'm VERY pleased with my results.:yep: My hair felt so moisturized and silky after I flat ironed it. I've only flat ironed my natural hair twice before, but the results this time were the best.

So, I went to the store in the Georgia heat and humidity, and when I got home, there was a little puffiness, but not nearly as much as there was the last two times. Pics below:

Freshly flatironed:





Back from the store:


So I will be ordering more. This stuff isn't perfect (it takes a lot to tame this wild beast:lachen:), but it's better than Aveda and all the other anti-frizz stuff I've tried.:yep:
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This sabino moisture block is absolutely amazing:yep: Oh yeah, this product is great. I am natural with 4b hair. My hair is sooo smooth and shiny. It's almost unbelievable. When I flat ironed my hair the song " It's a Miracle" by Boy George (mid 80's) came to mind!

Next time, I will use my electric hot comb 1st b/c my newly trimmed ends ( I also did the acv rinse) where not smooth. I took a section and used the hot comb and whoa la the ends where/ are smooth. After I finished I added a tad bit more of MB all over and took lage sections of my hair and flat ironed it so that It will have a bump on the ends. One swipe is all it needs!

I rolled my hair and cant wait until I take the rollers out to see how my hair will look in the am. I may post pics tomorrow from my cell phone.
Okay, okay, I just had to come in to post this. And even though I’m new…pseudo new, I suppose, I’ve been reading up on hair care since forever.

So my hair is 4a with some strange, coming out of nowhere 3 something like patch in the very back where a rattail would be should I ever decide to grow one. I’m completely 100% natural and decided to purchase the MB since the reviews were so good because living in the DMV in the summer time is no joke with the humidity. And me being the impulse buyer that I am, I got 2 bottles.

My first go at it was with my signature braidout I do after a wash, and I followed the directions to the tee. Roots, ends, comb through (carefully) then I braided my sections and went to bed. Now, I must say, this stuff does give my hair a slip when there was none before and when I unbraided and finger styled my hair that next morning it was oh so wavy, shiny and silky. But one long metro ride to MD later, my hair actually laughed at this stuff. There was some definition there when I arrived at work, but the frizzes where definitely back.

I contacted Sabino and Diane who pretty much told me what I already knew. MB doesn’t hold styles (duh) and that everyone’s hair is different, yadda, yadda, ya:blah:

Anyway, I held off on purchasing the CB4… :look: C4CH, until after I figured this MB out first. Fast forward to the end of June and in southern VA visiting my parents, a maxiglide and the MB stashed in my suitcase. So I decided I’d try it again with heat. I sectioned my hair in fours per usual, but instead of following Sabino’s instructions, I used a small dollop of MB on each small lock of hair I sectioned off before going over with the maxiglide (and I have some words about that product too that I’ll hold off for later).

It may seem like an overkill, using so much product, but this is what actually worked for me. And though my hair wasn’t swinging pin straight like a fresh relaxer, it did stay down for days. To style, I lightly braided the four sections before bedtime and in the morning, unbraided it for nice long, beach tussled waves. Me likey!
Okay, okay, I just had to come in to post this. And even though I’m new…pseudo new, I suppose, I’ve been reading up on hair care since forever.

So my hair is 4a with some strange, coming out of nowhere 3 something like patch in the very back where a rattail would be should I ever decide to grow one. I’m completely 100% natural and decided to purchase the MB since the reviews were so good because living in the DMV in the summer time is no joke with the humidity. And me being the impulse buyer that I am, I got 2 bottles.

My first go at it was with my signature braidout I do after a wash, and I followed the directions to the tee. Roots, ends, comb through (carefully) then I braided my sections and went to bed. Now, I must say, this stuff does give my hair a slip when there was none before and when I unbraided and finger styled my hair that next morning it was oh so wavy, shiny and silky. But one long metro ride to MD later, my hair actually laughed at this stuff. There was some definition there when I arrived at work, but the frizzes where definitely back.

I contacted Sabino and Diane who pretty much told me what I already knew. MB doesn’t hold styles (duh) and that everyone’s hair is different, yadda, yadda, ya:blah:

Anyway, I held off on purchasing the CB4… :look: C4CH, until after I figured this MB out first. Fast forward to the end of June and in southern VA visiting my parents, a maxiglide and the MB stashed in my suitcase. So I decided I’d try it again with heat. I sectioned my hair in fours per usual, but instead of following Sabino’s instructions, I used a small dollop of MB on each small lock of hair I sectioned off before going over with the maxiglide (and I have some words about that product too that I’ll hold off for later).

It may seem like an overkill, using so much product, but this is what actually worked for me. And though my hair wasn’t swinging pin straight like a fresh relaxer, it did stay down for days. To style, I lightly braided the four sections before bedtime and in the morning, unbraided it for nice long, beach tussled waves. Me likey!

Glad to hear you had a good report. I believe that SBM works best on 4a/b hair with heat.
I called yesterday and Diane called me back today! My samples are on the way! :grin: (I was so excited when I saw the # on the caller ID it's ridiculous!)

Hope I get it right on the first try!
I got my samples within a week!

I am torn as to whether to use it for flatironing or wearing my waves. How are you supposed to use it for a wash and go?
I got my samples within a week!

I am torn as to whether to use it for flatironing or wearing my waves. How are you supposed to use it for a wash and go?

He has directions in one of his newsletters. I think he says after you rinse the conditioner out, put some more conditioner in as a leave in, put in the MB and "bind" the curls with his other product which i assume is some kinda gel.

It's umder TIP #2 - If you decide to wear your hair naturally curly.

There is also more info in this newletter, about midway down. he does say use non alcohol gel after the MB
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He has directions in one of his newsletters. I think he says after you rinse the conditioner out, put some more conditioner in as a leave in, put in the MB and "bind" the curls with his other product which i assume is some kinda gel.

It's umder TIP #2 - If you decide to wear your hair naturally curly.

There is also more info in this newletter, about midway down. he does say use non alcohol gel after the MB
Thanks! Now I have to see if Fantasia Sparkle lites is alcohol free.....
Sabino suggests flat ironing 4a/b hair with 450 degrees.

  1. Has anyone tried this?
  2. If so, what were the results? (No heat damage/heat damage-straight hair)
  3. 4a/b naturals, what is the highest temp you use while using this product?
I would have gotten a better press with a higher temp. The press was good, but an even better press had a turned up the heat, I think:rolleyes:. I used my Solia at 400 degrees, my electric pressing comb at 400 degrees.


  • Sabino growth 7 9 08.jpg
    Sabino growth 7 9 08.jpg
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Sabino suggests flat ironing 4a/b hair with 450 degrees.

  1. Has anyone tried this?
  2. If so, what were the results? (No heat damage/heat damage-straight hair)
  3. 4a/b naturals, what is the highest temp you use while using this product?
I would have gotten a better press with a higher temp. The press was good, but an even better press had a turned up the heat, I think:rolleyes:. I used my Solia at 400 degrees, my electric pressing comb at 400 degrees.

Your hair looks really nice.

I've been using Sabino weekly with my flat iron at 450 (but I'm relaxed with 12 weeks worth of new growth). I just got a relaxer yesterday so I won't be using the flat iron again until week 6 but the stylist said I didn't have to do a trim and I had no split ends. HTH
Your hair looks really nice.

I've been using Sabino weekly with my flat iron at 450 (but I'm relaxed with 12 weeks worth of new growth). I just got a relaxer yesterday so I won't be using the flat iron again until week 6 but the stylist said I didn't have to do a trim and I had no split ends. HTH

Thanks bocagirl. I received lots of compliments last week on my hair from people I really didn't know.

I am glad to hear that using the smb with 450 didn't damage your hair. Does your stylist know that you having been using smb?