Why does my hair look so dull?


New Member
I am a relaxed head who has been cowashing daily with Suave coconut and moisturizing with UBH creme moisterizer. I moisterize two times a day, yet my hair still looks dull. What am I doing wrong? I have also been dc twice a week. I also have a shower filter cause I found out the water is hard in my area(Colorado). I need help. I feel like giving up.:whyme::wallbash::wallbash:
I am a relaxed head who has been cowashing daily with Suave coconut and moisturizing with UBH creme moisterizer. I moisterize two times a day, yet my hair still looks dull. What am I doing wrong? I have also been dc twice a week. I also have a shower filter cause I found out the water is hard in my area(Colorado). I need help. I feel like giving up.:whyme::wallbash::wallbash:

Cathy's moisturizer always left my hair dull looking. You may need to use a glosser with that product. I think she even mentioned in her book that she uses glosses.
Thanks for replying. So co washing could still be good for my hair? Should I keep doing it? What is the benefit of clarifiying? Which glosser would you recommend?
Thanks for replying. So co washing could still be good for my hair? Since, I have dry hair that hates shampoo, SLS or not Cowashing is the only way to go. Cowashing has never made my hair dull, so I really do not think this is the culprit. Should I keep doing it? If cowashing is working for you, I would continue with it. What is the benefit of clarifiying? Clarifying is done to remove product build up from the hair and scalp. Sometimes products can leave behind a white film on the scalp and a coating on the hair. Over time this can cause a problem, dull hair being one. I clarify when needed with baking soda Which glosser would you recommend?I use silk2 by arise and shine.

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I am a relaxed head who has been cowashing daily with Suave coconut and moisturizing with UBH creme moisterizer. I moisterize two times a day, yet my hair still looks dull. What am I doing wrong? I have also been dc twice a week. I also have a shower filter cause I found out the water is hard in my area(Colorado). I need help. I feel like giving up.:whyme::wallbash::wallbash:

You need to clarify since you've been using alot of product and having buildup as a result. When my hair is dull, it needs to be clarified; especially if you never clarified before. Clarify, deep condition and then apply a leave-in conditioner and your hair will be fine afterwards. I personally recommend Mizani Puriphying shampoo or AG Renew clarifying shampoo.
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My guess would be product build-up. Esp if you aren't rinsing all the CON out after co-washing and you are adding more moisturizer onto that. Try clarifying, rinsing well, and using a lighter hand with the products. Check the ingredients in your moisturizer, and the consistancy. Really heavy moisturizers dull down my hair, as do things with lots of waxes or mineral oil.

Do you seal with oils or anything? Coconut Oil gives me great shine, helps my hair hold moisture and makes my waves pop.
Thanks everyone for the support. I just use the UBH moisturizer. I will clarify and moisterizer lightly. I tend to be heavy-handed.