My hair for the 09' !!*PICS*


FKA Pokahontas
So I decided to finally straighten out my hair. I wasn't all that thrilled about it because I don't like my hair straight anymore....but I like how it turned out.

I did get scissor happy though. I had more length but I trimmed my hair like 3 separate times. On the last one I did the "V" cut.....or I attempted it at least. I don't see a V but maybe if I keep trimming my hair that same way it will start to form one. I probably didn't cut enough off so I might go back and cut some more. I have to cut my bangs back too, they have gotten so long. My hair naturally grows longer on the sides and stays shorter in the middle (my right side grows super long) so it's a constant battle to keep things looking somewhat presentable.

And my hair is so fine though!!! There really isn't any weight to it at all. I have to put product on the ends just so they will lay right.

Oh, what I did in these pics was my "Cheat Set" which I have an album of how to do.....then I flat ironed with Sabino Moisture Block.
The Sabino holds up very well. I had a motorcycle helmet on yesterday and I thought my hair was gonna be a sweated out mess when I took it off but it still looked reversion.





Updated Fotki......
You just trying to make people pass out! You need to give us some kind of warning before we scroll down and see all that lusciousness that is your hair. Dang's gorgeous! I can't believe how much thicker and longer it is in just 4 you did mean 12/31/08 and not 12/31/09...right?! LOL
Wow, it looks great...and thicker than last year too.

I understand about the fine ends...I have to weigh my hair down too!

By the way, I love your "cheat set" and I do it almost every week!

You are one of my "hair heroes" :notworthy:
Beautiful hair. I'm really interested in getting information about your curly hair. I have a daughter who has hair very much like yours. After a year spent living with her father in Argentina, she has returned with dry, frizzy hair - I've given her a couple of treatments, but she has this part right in the front (I call it her devil horns) that won't defrizz for love nor money - or any amount of conditioner either.

Curled, her hair is arm pit length, fine strands and lots of them, so it looks really thick. Right now, she's using Wen - I don't want her use anything that going to dry her hair further.

Would you please talk about your curly hair and what you did (even if over time) to make it look so great - in the pics it's shiney and not frizzing at all. We looked at your texture pics on the fotki - that is so just like her hair. We need help.
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You just trying to make people pass out! You need to give us some kind of warning before we scroll down and see all that lusciousness that is your hair. Dang's gorgeous! I can't believe how much thicker and longer it is in just 4 you did mean 12/31/08 and not 12/31/09...right?! LOL

I know! I can't believe it either....I do see a difference and I'm very critical of my hair. I'm wondering what I did for it to grow so much and thicken up.....I think it's a combination of things cuz I was on a mission, lol.

Wow, it looks great...and thicker than last year too.

I understand about the fine ends...I have to weigh my hair down too!

By the way, I love your "cheat set" and I do it almost every week!

You are one of my "hair heroes" :notworthy:

Thanks girl! Yeah, surprisingly a lot of people liked the cheat set. When I first posted it I thought everyone would laugh, lol. It's really great for pre-straightening and it's quick to do. I actually wore that as a hairstyle back in high school, that's where I got that method from.

Beautiful hair. I'm really interested in getting information about your curly hair. I have a daughter who has hair very much like yours. After a year spent living with her father in Argentina, she has returned with dry, frizzy hair - I've given her a couple of treatments, but she has this part right in the front (I call it her devil horns) that won't defrizz for love nor money - or any amount of conditioner either.

Curled, her hair is arm pit length, fine strands and lots of them, so it looks really thick. Right now, she's using Wen - I don't want her use anything that going to dry her hair further.

Would you please talk about your curly hair and what you did (even if over time) to make it look so great - in the pics it's shiney and not frizzing at all. We looked at your texture pics on the fotki - that is so just like her hair. We need help.

Sure....I'll let you know everything I do to my curly hair but if I leave something out just ask me or pm if you have any specific questions.

When I wear my hair curly I wash and condition like normal making sure my hair is detangled in the shower. To style the curls I use the Curlisto method.....I use regular conditioner as my leave-in (usually Suave, Herbal Essence, Hairveda conditioners, just whatever I have on hand).

I section my hair into four sections concentrating on one section at a time. Apply the conditioner to each section using Curlisto method and for extra hold I'll use gel (EcoStyler, Fantasia IC) over top of the conditioner. EcoStyler is what I used in my siggy pic and the texture pics you saw.

After I've done all the sections I go through and shape each individual curl with my fingers so that it's smooth and frizz free, adding more product if needed. In the warm weather I let it air dry but if it's cold I use a diffuser to blow dry.

At night I moisturize and seal and loosely braid in two braids to maintain. I actually have a video of me doing this but I took it down. I might put it back up or make another one.
Your looks great! I understand where you're coming from...I have to straighten my hair tonight as well and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate straight hair now since I've perfected my braidouts!
Thank you for sharing your progress. Your hair is beautiful and you are an inspiration for everyone. Thanks for sharing your curly girl method too. Happy New Year!
Thanks so much for your complements ladies!

I wish I had taken a pic before I trimmed off all that I think about it:rolleyes:. It's weird but for some reason I've been extremely scissor happy. It's like I couldn't wait to cut it....I actually straightened it only so I could cut it....scary.

I should be doing a crosswrap video in the next couple days. I'll probably post the link in here if it turns out well. I may do one on my wash n' go's as well I just gotta stop being shy.
Thank you so much. I had my daughter read the response (she was with me when I typede the questions), and we sent you a pm. At 16, the look is all.

I, for one, am looking forward toa detailed wrap tutorial. I want to learn how to deal with the beehive thing, so I can actually style my hair and wear the style for more than one day.

Thanks bunches and happy new year.
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Your hair is soooo pretty! :love:

You make me wanna straighten my hair, but I know I don't have the patience for it :grin: