Suggestion to thicken strands...please


Well-Known Member
How can I thicken up my thin strands?

I know some ladies use henna. Does henna really thicken thin, fine strands? If so, how soon does it work? Can anyone suggest a mild, moisturizing henna/indigo recipe?

Right now I'm using castor oil on my nape and edges, but I want an overall thickness.

Any other suggestions?
There are a bunch of threads on this so make sure to look at those because they have some good info. has a great illustration on how henna affects the strands and it may help you decide if that's an effective method. I think ppl have said that gelatin may help increase thickness. Megatek may be another option.
Thanks ladies.
Okay, you meant eggs on hair. I'm wearing a sew in for growth, so I wouldn't be able to use eggs regularly. I do plan on checking that out.

Thanks msa. I'll look into that asap. I'll also check for threads, but if u know any off hand, please post.

Off to research.
I got a recent suggestion from someone here (don't remember her name) to use joico k-pak conditioner. I just started but it's worth a try.