Warning, Controversial: A Conversion Attempt


New Member
How NOT To Spread the Gospel: Epic Fail

I thought long and hard about presenting this here on the CF knowing how things are often misconstrued. This particular case was truly coercion injected with a little "new age" attempt at making her feel Jesus' presence. Yikes!~ And I'm not sure if people are aware of this which was first released August 1, 2009 on Youtube, but it's the dumbest attempt ever at presenting the gospel story. There is a lot of speculation as to whether this was a joke or not. I've seen her other videos and with her demeanor etc., I really do not think she's got the brilliance to pull it off as satire. She doesn't even blink with her opening statement. It is racist.

So, here's my question. How do YOU present the gospel to people of other faiths? And here's the vid. You will cringe...and I know these two are h.s. students. It's just that these opinions stem from the parents, backed up by their church environment (G-d help us all). They meant well, but oh well. I can feel Jesus cringing:


Lastly, if you know for cetain this was confirmed a joke, please provide the source. I truly do not think it is and this is why, I've experienced this first-hand. And has anyone christian ever experienced something similar with another who feels they don't know G-d because they are Black? My focus here is the infused racism. I've seen it with me own eyes several times.

Prime example for today, Caucasian methodist teacher at a catholic school who calls every single Black child by the same name lolol! L-rd knows how she refers to the Asian kids. She plays the piano for the school mass as well (music teacher) but she's clueless as to how to respect the RCC and it's congregants. For children's music?

"Jesus loves the Indian boy, bow and arrow for his toy, big Filipino, little Chinese, Jesus died for all of these." Whuh??? She sux, period. She used to stare at us in services. Eh.
How does one say, "epic fail!" As a child, I distinctly remember someone telling me that Jesus loved me, even if I were Black and if I realized that G-d existed and that He loved me. Whuh???? Well, geez, through your prime example, nope. LOLOL
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I refuse to believe that anyone could be that ignorant. I still have hope for mankind. Then again if it was staged then that still doesn't say much...
I believe I have done a poor job at spreading the gospel of Christ, but I do the best I know how. Usually I tell others of my personal experiences, how I came to truly believe in and acknowledge the Lord. At my university I am a member of the IVCF (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship), which is quiet interesting and challenging to say the least. We have a large international student population, subscribing to many different faiths and belief systems. I don't ever tell anyone that they will go to hell for not believing in Jesus or God, that is the quickest way to alienate them, a lot of them don't even believe in hell so that threat wouldn't even phase them. I just try to educate, and reach out to anyone willing to listen :yep:
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I thought it was pretty sad, For all of them. First the lady who started off by saying regular friend and then the other is Indian. I mean she could not really share her faith and be effective anyway. I also do not agree with her posting it for the world to see. Sara is only talking about things she knows as this is how she grew up and they could have helped her see the truth but they didn't have it either. I could not watch the entire thing.
I thought it was pretty sad, For all of them. First the lady who started off by saying regular friend and then the other is Indian. I mean she could not really share her faith and be effective anyway. I also do not agree with her posting it for the world to see. Sara is only talking about things she knows as this is how she grew up and they could have helped her see the truth but they didn't have it either. I could not watch the entire thing.

Exactly! Regular human and no-so-regular human :lachen:
I thought this was a hot mess.

First of all 'Are you African or Asian' and 'if an African and a Chinese person had a baby, it would be Indian'

I hope that young lady ignores everything she heard today. She seemed very happy and strong in her religion

let me first go ahead and say HI to all LHCF members! i'm a newbie here and this is my first post. i actually joined on 8/19 and i'm just now getting posting privileges so imagine me stirring over this particular thread and being anxious to post! lol. so, i know i'm late... but, the issue is still at hand so it's ok, right ;)


when i first saw this video and before everyone began posting, i thought yes, the comments the two girls were making were indeed a bit racist.

on the other hand, aside from the racial views, they reminded me of myself a few years ago when i became truly saved (started living the life) and was on-fire for Christ. i was really excited to tell everyone about Jesus and my family got it the hardest. looking back, i see the mistakes i may have made and the approach that was taken. but, i don't regret ministering to them. i can relate to these young girls in this way, and they just need some maturity in Christ... that's all.

thank you for reading, :)
wow okay, she DIDN'T have me @ "one regular one and one Indian one". Oh.My.God.

"its like an African country only in Asia"
"so why are you so dark then?"

SERIOUSLY.this.girl.would. be.cut.so.fast.from.my.life.ignorance.is.an.understatement!

I dunno if I should laugh, cry, slap her or run screaming. Her friend is so patient with her ignorance.
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This past Saturday, I went to a church leadership conference and attended a session that discussed sharing Jesus without fear. It was very enlightening. It talked about how to approach people when sharing the gospel in a way that's not forceful. And when doing so, we must keep in mind that only God causes the conversion on his timing, not us. We are just there to genuinely share the Word as a way to glorify God, not convince them to sway this way or another. All I can say is check out the book "Sharing Jesus Without Fear" by Bill Fay.
wow okay, she DIDN'T have me @ "one regular one and one Indian one". Oh.My.God.

"its like an African country only in Asia"
"so why are you so dark then?"

SERIOUSLY.this.girl.would. be.cut.so.fast.from.my.life.ignorance.is.an.understatement!

I dunno if I should laugh, cry, slap her or run screaming. Her friend is so patient with her ignorance.

Yes, I would have told her that I didn't need nor desire a segregated heaven where the regular people would go and the lesser side where filthy, Indian dark chattle like me would have to go. :ohwell: And I've had to tell folks things like this at times. There's a mistake presenting the gospel and how it's changed your own life, then there's absolute ignorance, stupidity and racism (not a christian value) and coercion/proselytization. I *have* encountered people like this and they were much older.

People of other faiths tell me about their religions all the time. I'm happy right where I am so they will not change my mind. Sometimes their enthusiam is too much and becomes forceful. I can comprehend their joy...but I'd just say to live your faith walk daily. Demonstrate it rather than shouting it through a bullhorn. I believe the reason that people do not is that they fear the person will go to hell...without realizing that anybody can go to hell, even them.
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People of other faiths tell me about their religions all the time. I'm happy right where I am so they will not change my mind.

that's more than likely what the buddhist/hindi young girl they were ministering to was thinking.

Sometimes their enthusiam is too much and becomes forceful. I can comprehend their joy...but I'd just say to live your faith walk daily. Demonstrate it rather than shouting it through a bullhorn. I believe the reason that people do not is that they fear the person will go to hell...without realizing that anybody can go to hell, even them.

in all honestly, they behaved like babes in Christ. we have all been there/are currently there now. if you really want to make an impact, i suggest writing a constructive/Christ-like message/letter to the young ministers via YouTube.

Mark 1:14-15,
that's more than likely what the buddhist/hindi young girl they were ministering to was thinking.

in all honestly, they behaved like babes in Christ. we have all been there/are currently there now. if you really want to make an impact, i suggest writing a constructive/Christ-like message/letter to the young ministers via YouTube.

Mark 1:14-15,

I brought this to discuss here because it's a forum.:grin: I disagree with the ignorance thing, tho...I'm not into coercion at all:nono:. People make mistakes...but that was just....well....this country has a very long way to go. But to each his own. We all have our opinions.:yep: Constructive criticism...they have gotten tons of constructive vids...they don't need mine.
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