Product Review: gudonya "salty dawg" creme shampoo


New Member
This is a copypasta from my blog. I didn't think it was anything amazing the first time, so I didn't share. But after a few months and playing around with it, I thought I would share! :yep:

ingredients: distilled water, sodium chloride, glycerine, sodium cocoyl isethionate, sorbitol, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, stearic acid, bentonite, panthenol, hydrolyzed wheat protein and starch, fragrance, lemon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, pentasodium penetrate, tetrasodium etidronate, preservative, color.

etsy store: click!

original review said:
so, for some reason, i like anything with salt. especially dead sea salt. i've tried the kiya fizzle when i was relaxed and absolutely loved it; cut right through my new growth and left the relaxed parts softened. i haven't tried it since i've BC'ed, but instead, i found this product on etsy (link). it sounded good: sexy tahitian vanilla scent, dead sea salt, rich lather, etc. etc., so why not?

first off: it doesn't smell a thing like tahitian vanilla. or any vanilla, for that matter. it's more of a cloying, sugar-sweet, pseudo-tropical-berry twist bubble gum and not necessarily in a good way. it doesn't stink, by any means, but it ain't vanilla and that's what i wanted my hair to smell like. the scent has grown on me, though. i do like sweet things.

it comes in a very sturdy plastic jar that i thought was glass at first. and you get a good sized amount (4 oz) for only $6.50, and they stuff the jar full of it, so not bad at all. i suspect the jar will last me at least a year, at the rate i wash my hair, if i decide to use it all up (and i will try).

i only used about a quarter sized amount and the lather was lacking. not soapy, creamy, nothin'. not bad, but the way it was advertised, i expected the stuff to just explode into bubbles as soon as the water hit it. massaged it in, la di da. and as soon as i began rinsing, my hair felt dry, almost as if my hair was raw, no nothing on it. so i'm suspecting i'll only use this when i really need to actually clean my hair. it was after this shampoo that i began to notice the shedding/breaking hairs too, but i'm not sure if the harshness of the shampoo was the reason.

overall, it's nothing amazing and the scent and lack of bubbles can't make up for it. on the upside, it was a great price and customer service was smooth and shipping fast. they even sent me a sample of another shampoo (and this one actually smells like it says). i'll keep trying with this, maybe doctor it up with a bit of oil, and report back.

verdict: i won't be repurchasing.

My thoughts now? :grin:

It's still not OMGWOWHAIRGASM amazing, but after playing around with it a bit, I have come to like it! The scent hasn't magically transformed into a dropdead sexy tahitian vanilla, but still has a bubblegum sweet scent that really perks up my mood. It's a very fun, light, sweet scent without being overbearing. You can smell it when it lathers, but it does not linger, which I am grateful for. :yep:

I also take back what I said about it's lather... I'm still trying to cure my chronic heavyhanditis, so I'm guessing I used a very little bit the first time because it is shampoo. I allowed myself a little more this time and it really did POOF as soon as it hit my hair! It wasn't a rich, thick lather, but there were more than enough bubbles to go around.

This time (just Saturday morning), I did a quick prepoo with some coconut oil and JBCO and I really think that helped to combat the harshness. My hair was shiny, squeaky clean and my scalp (after a few weeks of cowashing and heavy moisturizing) was clean and fresh. My curls were shiny and springy and no stripped hair. :yep:

All in all, it was a good find at a GREAT price. But, would I repurchase? Maybe! I honestly can't say seeing as how I have a whole list of other products I'd like to try before I repurchase any of the same stuff, but there's a good chance I may come back around to this. and like i mentioned earlier, very nice customer service, a quick transaction and even quicker shipping. :yep:
No problem, you guys. :yep:

Char, how'd your dryer work out!

Its great, thanks for asking! I think I am gonna be a heat straightened natural. I experienced no breakage while blow drying, only shed hairs. And when put my fingers through my hair, I get no broken little hairs! My hair is so soft too, not dry at all!
That's great. Does that mean you're gonna send it back for your 20 percent? :giggle:

Lol!!! I was gonna but they also sent me this kit with an awesome paddle brush that I would have had to buy anywayz and the best hair clips I have ever had! I'm gonna have to trash my clips from Sallys! Anyways the kit is supposed to be worth 40 bucks.

I'm not trying to send my kit back.....
Are they like the FHI t-rex clips?

I wouldn't have sent the kit back. :look: Maybe you could just email them your coupon code and they'll refund the difference. From what I recall, Follica has really good customer service!
Are they like the FHI t-rex clips?

I wouldn't have sent the kit back. :look: Maybe you could just email them your coupon code and they'll refund the difference. From what I recall, Follica has really good customer service!


I just purchased a Sedu 4000 hair dryer. To my dismay after I ordered it I realized that a 15% promo code was being offered. I have heard allot of good things about your customer service from the Long Hair Care Forum, they are the ones that reccomended this particular dryer and I was wondering if there was anyway I could recoup that 15%. This is an considerable amount of money due to the price of the high price of the Sedu.

:sekret: :sekret:

Yeah I think those are the kinda clips!
Sounds good to me! Nice touch, dropping that you were referred. They'll want to keep you, so they'll make you happy. :yep: