95 Theses Against Worldliness...Good Read.!!


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95 Theses Against Worldliness: Written by Haron Kaisa & Philippe Viguier

Yesterday at 10:15pm

95 Theses Against Worldliness

1) We have forgotten what is eternal for the comfort of this world

2) We read the Bible to appease our conscience rather than pursue Christ

3) We use the time we have as if it was ours and not God’s

4) We worship God with songs as if He wasn’t listening to us

5) We confess our love to God more in public than in private, just like the Pharisees

6) We can quote more secular songs and movies than Scripture

7) Our hope for marriage is materialistic rather than in the pursuit of God’s glory through mutual growth in Christ-likeness

8) We excuse not giving monetarily to the Church because we are students

9) We care more about what people think about us rather than what God thinks about us

10) We think that struggling with sin is “cool”

11) We don’t ask God, “How much can I do for you today?” but rather “How little can I do and still have a good conscience?”

12) We gladly push the nails further through the hands of Christ and then justify our acts with a wrong view of God’s forgiveness

13) We listen to music that glorifies sin

14) We’d rather represent Christ’s “coolness” than Christ holiness

15) We take the talents that God has given us and bury them in the ground

16) We take the Truth for granted

17) We treat God like a spare tire and not a steering wheel

18) We seek God’s hand and not His face

19) We treat God as a part-time job

20) We get more excited to talk about the things of the world rather than the things of God

21) We value the knowledge of secondary things more than the Gospel of Christ

22) Praying for our pastors is as remote from our minds than the idea of fasting

23) We should value God more than we value facebook

24) We’d gladly justify adding dessert on our bill but our hands are tight for the things of God

25) God’s will is our sanctification (1 Thess 4:3). We don’t even know what that means

26) We would rather be comfortable than grow in our faith

27) We glorify martyrdom but we can’t even make it to church on time

28) We’ve been redeemed at a great price, yet we tie ropes of sins all around ourselves, return to our vomit of slavery, and justify it in demeaning terms of “struggling”

29) We are more focused on how we look and dress rather than how we bear the name of Christ through our actions

30) We say we love people but don’t pray for them

31) We love the things God hates

32) We don’t call sin for what it is

33) We know the majority of the world is going straight to hell, yet we don’t bother praying and fasting for them

34) Our pursuit of the other sex is based more on worldly standards than on godly standards

35) The Bible says, “Do not love the world or the things of the world” yet we have prostituted with Hollywood

36) We say we repent but we don’t grieve over our sins

37) Spending an hour with God sounds more like torture than pleasure

38) We live more for worldly entertainment than for holiness

39) We have been given so much, yet thank God for so little

40) Even when we gather to worship God our true desire is for selfish entertainment

41) Even if someone came to us to accept Christ, we would not know how to tell them the full gospel of Christ

42) We seek our own pleasures rather than the pleasures of God

43) We have been called to make disciples of Christ, not of our personalities

44) We live by emotions and not by faith

45) We are supposed to be travelers on earth, yet we dig deep foundations for our comfort

46) We have more hope of joy in picking up magazines and other books rather than the Word of God

47) We have come to believe that it is more blessed to receive than to give

48) We have forsaken our first love for things that are perishable

49) We’d rather not have our eyes fixed on Jesus because it would prompt us to give up our worldly affections

50) We critique preachers in terms of entertainment standards

51) We would rather forget than ask for forgiveness and keep the body of Christ in good health

52) We fight with our hands but not our knees

53) We glorify mission work but unfaithfully pray for missionaries

54) We love the praise of men, more than the approval of God

55) We are more pastor-centered than God-centered in terms of our choice of church

56) We have neglected to bless the world by showing the joy and love of the Lord

57) We have been called to be lights, yet we hide ourselves under baskets of wrong priorities

58) We say that God is first yet we rarely talk to Him

59) We have more hope in money than in God

60) We’ve heard that God is all we need, but we don’t believe it

61) We forget God’s goodness and sovereignty in appointing authorities in our lives

62) Our hearts burn more for celebrities than for godliness

63) Our right hands are closer to our cell-phones than our Bibles

64) We respect popularity more than elders

65) We love the rich and not the poor

66) Evangelizing is viewed as a burden and not a privilege

67) The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but we don’t even know their names

68) We have heard that the Lord is good, but don’t believe it enough to pursue Him

69) We can’t make disciples because we don’t practice what we preach

70) External appearance is more important than internal adorning

71) Living by faith is a foreign concept

72) As long as people believe that we are godly, we don’t need to pursue God more

73) We don’t believe that the Word of God is our daily bread

74) People know us as Christians by our talk and not our walk

75) We have hardened our hearts towards the stewardship that we have been entrusted

76) We frame the meditation of God’s Word in boxes that cannot contain more than a few minutes

77) We disbelieve the reality of hell in our conversations with unbelievers

78) The Bible speaks about spiritual warfare, but we don’t apply it to our lives

79) We support and praise with more passion sports teams than God and His Kingdom

80) We call ourselves followers of Christ, yet we can’t lead others in His footsteps

81) We find sweeter comfort in sports, television and media than in the fellowship with the Lord

82) “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12). When have you been persecuted for your faith?

83) We complain more than we praise

84) We don’t pursue God as if other lives depended on it

85) We don’t water the Spirit enough to have His fruit come out

86) As long as we are strong, we don’t need God

87) We rely more on methods and programs rather than on the Spirit and on prayer

88) We are called to depend on God, yet we only come to Him sporadically

89) We want God to answer here and now rather than wait and live by faith

90) Our heavenly storehouses are empty of treasures

91) Our prayers ask for temporal answers

92) We mock those who are different and forget that Christ made them

93) We are lazy to promote the work of God’s Kingdom

94) We bear the name of Christ. But who knows?

95) Love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength.


Well-Known Member
Oh My Goodness - this brings tears to my eyes. I knew I would probably love it even before I opened the post.


Loc'd up and loving it!
Wow, I was just coming on here to post this. I saw this earlier on FB and had to repost it on my page.