A Cut my hair morning severe breakage


Active Member
Last night I set my hair using the Vidal steam rollers. Slept in them woke up this morning took them out a cute hair style. I noticed some more short hairs at the top of my head, mind you all of the middle has broken out. My ends are falling out what I would call severe breakage. I stopped my workout and looked for my scissors I was going to let off some stress. I could not find my scissors this morning wich is probably good for my hair. I am going to call my hairdressor and ask her can she just cut all of my ends off. She normally doesn't cut much but this time I am going to beg her to get scissor happy. I am trying to wait this breakage out but it is so stressful I am at ends rope is there anything else I can do to help? How did you stop severe breakage?
STOP Your photos show a good healthy head of hair I think your being to hard on your self, DO YOU? Sleeping in rollers can cause brakage also, post new photos so we can see new problem area.
Cece22, don't really have any advice, just wanted to send you a (((HUG))). Hang in there girl, you'll figure it out. Maybe the Mane & Tail is too much protein? I really don't know, but your current pics look nice.
Cece22, I am sorry about your hair. I don't normally sleep in steam rollers. You may want to do a deep condition with protein to halt the breakage.
When I had severe breakage I used Aphogee. I think Aphogee or Emergencee would stop the breakage. Then I would suggest moisturizing twice a day. An aggressive trim will even up your broken spots but you want to halt that breakage as soon as possible.
I am a little skeptical about aphogee maybe I am doing something wrong. I use it until I get my hair hard I am not sure if I am getting enough moisture afterwards though I cant remember what I used last but both times my hair was a hard mess. What conditioner do you use after your aphogee treatments?

hairmaster- I wish I could believe you my hair has sorta gone downhill since those pics. Everybody is telling me that my hair looks fine but every time I touch my hair its all over the sink and my clothes. And my whole middle is gone. I'll hang in there but it is sooo depressing to have clumps of hair missing. I'll take some pics when I get home I wish i'd saved all those balls of hair I lost this weekend.
I recommend treating ur hair w/either Aphogee (the purple bottle) or Nexxuss Emergencee and trimming any uneven, damaged ends.

I have 4A and noticed, my hair responds positively when I stick to a regimine according to what my hair requires.

1) Trim all damaged and uneven ends
2) Switching back to a No-Lye Relaxer
3) Moisturizing, moisturizing and more moisturizing with the best moisturizing agent ----PURE WATER!! (rather than applying moisturizing creams/lotions and etc, I wash my hair according to the moisture levels which is 5-7 days. My hair responds better to pure water)
4) Protein treatments when necessary (Aphogee/Nexxuss)

Within a month, I've acquired and retained 3/4" of new growth.
My solution is Aphogee treatment for damaged hair.

Don't cut anything until you've used it and moisturize very well afterwards with a good moisturizing conditioner and with a good moisturizing products.
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I am not sure but I am contemplating going back to no-lye in the pics that was my first time relaxing with lye. Every since then my hair has been changing the lye has allowed it to remain thicker. But it still does not look as good as it did with the no-lye.

Another thing is I have not greased my scalp in forever my scalp has been so dry lately. I am going to have to start that back up. Maybe this can be causing more breakage.
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