A question to Affirm users


Active Member
I went to a beautician and she used affirm on me, my hair is so silky. I went to another beautician on the same day for a consultation after i got my hair done and he said he recommended that I keep going to who I went to instead of switching to him because my hair cut/style/retouch looked good. Before I left he asked me what type of relaxer I got and I told him Affirm. He was very against Affirm because he stated it has lithium hydroxide in it. He stated that he only uses calcium hydroxide relaxers(designer touch) because the lithium based ones will eventually fry/dry your hair, over a period of time. Has anyone experienced this using Affirm, I am so confused right now. At first I thought he was lying, but he said I should keep going to her, just get her to change brands of perms or bring my own perm and let her do my hair if I still wanted to go to her.

In memphis and confused :confused:
I've had an Affirm relaxer for years and haven't had any problems with it. Calcium Hydroxide relaxers are actually the ones that do the most damage and cause the most dryness to the hair.

The Affirm relaxer that I get is not lithium hydroxide, but sodium hydroxide. Make sure that your stylist is using a sodium hydroxide formula if it is your intent to get a lye relaxer.

I know that calcium hydroxide is no-lye and lithium may be also. Again, it's the no-lyes that dry the hair out the most. The draw-back for lye relaxers is that they are tougher on the scalp, but ALL stylists should base the scalp before applying a lye relaxer.

I know I said alot, let me sum up:

No-Lye Relaxer:
Calcium Hydroxide
possibly Lithium Hydroxide
Gentler on the scalp
Harsher on the hair
Very drying to the hair

Lye Relaxer:
Sodium Hydroxide
Gentler on the hair
Harsher on the scalp
less drying to the hair