Advice needed


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas everyone !!!!
I have a strange hair problem and you guys are the only ones that would listen or care. For the past year, my hair has not been taking relaxer like it use to. Meaning, everytime I perm my hair it becomes more and more underprocessed to the point where it slightly texturized. This is the 3rd time that this has happened to me in a row :eek: :eek: :eek: . The first time, I used Soft and Beautifuls no0,ye relaxer, that was ok, not too straight. However, after one month i really really saw the underprocessed/texturized hair. I know new growth and I know hair that is underprocessed. Ok, so I bought Affirm Mild lye. I went to the hairdresser as usual, the smoothing time and time the perm was left on my head was 45 minutes. My scalp was starting to burn so I let her wash it out. I go home, 3-4 days later, I washed my hair (no protien) and my hair is wavy, completely underprocessed/texturized :mad: :mad: :mad:. Fast forward, this was 14 wks. ago. Last weekend, I got a touch up and was determined to NOT have underprocessed hair, so I bought a perm that has never failed me, Affirm NO-Lye, Regular strength. Ok, the perm was applied quickly and smoothed well. Before I even began to relax my hair, I showed the hairdresser my new growth/underprocessed hair. As soon as the relaxer hit my hair the waves smoothed out. My hair looked bone straight. This process took a total of 17 minutes. I even asked the hair dresser if it is straight, she assured me that it was and told me I have a lot of hair but it is fine and easily straightened. Well, I wash my hair with poo and light conditioner about 5 days later and AGAIN texturized/underprocessed hair. I know that my hair is becoming resistant to relaxer b/c this is has never happened to me before and I have been relaxing for 12 years. I am thinking of texturizing my hair b/c. Is this some type of wierd divine sign? Especially since the healthiest/thickest part of my hair is the underprocessed/texturized part. Can u guys take a look at my hair texture in my hair album and give me some of advice on texturizing since it may be a strong possibility here.
Britt, I am not an expert on this, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your frustration.

I looked at your album and you have a lush head of hair! Is the new growth that you had touched up stgraight, or is that underprocessed too? Have you considered trying a completely different line of products?

My stylist used Mizani on me once, because like you have a lot of hair, but it's very fine. It didn't last a hot minute in my hair. In the past, I have had stylist used different brands that were too strong for me (bone straight is one that I can think of). I ended up trying Creme of Nature regular.

Maybe you need to try something new. I hope that someone here can help.

Merry Christmas
That's the same way my hair is, it looks straight and then when I wash it, it turns wavy.
Tene and Britt, is it possible that it's the drying process that leaves your hair looking wavy? For instance, I roller set my hair after each washing. If my rollers are not tight enough, or if I don't blow my roots, my hair looks wavy/curly too.

What is your regimine?
Technically, your hair should not be processed to the point of being bone straight anyway. If your hair is underprocessed to the point where there is a dramatic difference in the textures and breakage is a result, then you do have a problem. If your hair is still healthy and you can still achieve straight styles with heat or roller sets, then maybe this is a good thing. Why is your hair doing this? Maybe it is the method used by the hairstylist. Maybe your hair has too much buildup on it from various products and the relaxer cannot break down your hair properly. Affirm makes thes towellettes taht you use to wipe mineral deposits off of the hair strands. There are many types of clarifying shampoos that help remove mineral deposits and/or product buildup from your hair. HTH.
Well I wash my hair once a week, deep condition once a week, and do co washes the rest of the week. I do light protein treatments once a week and heavy protein treatments every 6 weeks. I get my hair relaxed every 8 to 12 weeks. I didn't start having this problem until maybe about in May or so. It started off with just one wave on top and a few on the sides. Now the whole half top of my hair turns wavy when wet and the hair on my nape area and underneath turns wavy when wet also. Other than that I don't have any problems my hair is 100% healthy so maybe I shouldn't worry.
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Please try another hair stylist. Before letting a hairstylist do your hair you should interview him or her. If you don't feel comfortable asking them how long they have been in the business then I suggest when you see a female with nice hair ask her what beauty salon she goes to and who does her's and don't do touch ups yourself! :)