another "grease & water" thread :P


Well-Known Member
:hiya: everyone! i am going to be experimenting with warm water as my only moisturizer & Dax Pomade (grease) as my sealant. i do have a staple leave-in but it can be a bit pricey to replenish. my hair likes water (mixed w/my leave-in and oil), and grease has been a fantastic sealant on my hair so far, so i figured i'd just simplify it all into two products. i dont know how long this little experiment will last, just depends on how my hair takes it.

i know there are other threads about grease & water but i have yet to see an ongoing thread about the two being used consistently and with no other products to moisturize (styling products are not omitted). i especially haven't heard of many relaxed sisters like myself embracing these products so i'd love to hear from you all, but natural ladies are welcome to share their experiences as well! :yep: