Anyone else do this sort of infusion moisturizing method with a blow dryer?


Well-Known Member
Basically after you wash/condition your hair, you keep you hair in sections, I do 4 to 6, then put a bit of conditioner/leave in conditioner on damp hair followed by a dollop of castor oil on each section.

I stretch each section out and run the blow dryer along the length of my hair for like 5-10 seconds. It dries my hair, stretches it out without breakage, and infuses the moisture in my hair so that my hair stays moisturized and soft for days.

Anyone do this? Is this a thing?


Magical Mythical Princess
No. But It sounds interesting. I'm lazy so I can't see myself taking out the blow dryer,but I would love to see an after pic of how your hair looks when u do this.

Is it oily? About how much product do u use on each section?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like what ladies do when they Rollerset. In my most recent curl former set I applied peace in after rinsing my hot oil treatment a touch of flaxseed gel and sat under the dryer. I ha e been Rollerseting for a while now and my ha it is always soft and mositurzed for 4 or so days


Well-Known Member
This is my hair after I ran the dryer along my hair with a dollop of the suave coconut conditioner and castor oil and put it in my janky attempt at twists in overnight. Not the best photos but I think you can see that my hair looks moisturized.

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Well-Known Member
No. But It sounds interesting. I'm lazy so I can't see myself taking out the blow dryer,but I would love to see an after pic of how your hair looks when u do this.

Is it oily? About how much product do u use on each section?

My hair is not oily, rather fluffy and wooly. I use maybe a quarters size of the conditioner and a dime size of the castor oil


Well-Known Member
I guess I do it inadvertently. This is essentially my process for stretching my hair using the tension method.