Are any relaxed heads using all natural products?


I want to start using more natural/organic products in my hair, however it seems that it is mainly the natural ladies are using natural products. For those who are relaxed using natural products any recs?



Well-Known Member
I'm relaxed and have been using only herbs to clean/wash my hair...I use Alba conditioner mixed with oil afterwards...I've been doing this since Feb...I haven't had any problems.


New Member
I do - about 90% of my stuff is all natural.

I alternate between LUSH's Soak and Float and Prairieland Herbs' Tea Tree and Peppermint Shampoo for my dandruff.

I condition with Africa's Best Hair Mayo or some Tresemme Conditioner (the mayo is partially natural, and Tresemme isn't).

Then I spritz my hair with Oyin's Frank Juice, and rub melted shea butter into my hair, then twist/ put in bantu knots to airdry.

The next day, I lightly oil my scalp with Hairveda's Vatika Frosting or Oyin's Burnt Sugar Pomade.

I use baking soda to clarify my scalp, and I use apple cider vinegar rinses after conditioning. I'm still looking for a very good moisturizing conditioner that's all natural.

My styling products are currently LUSH's Goth Juice and Oyin's Shine and Define. Together, both work wonders in keeping away flyaways.


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I've had success with plenty of natural products. I love Qhemet moisturizers. Komaza's poos and Shea Butter Moisturizer are great. Love shescentit and Tresscence products. Ayurvedics, Aubrey Organics, Alterna, J/A/S/O/N...... Relaxed ladies can use em all! :grin:


Well-Known Member
Two staples for me are:

Aubreys Honey Suckle Rose conditioner, smells lovely and I have never found a conditioner to give me more slip! Can be used for a prepoo, cowash or DC

Trader Joe's Nourish spa- a bottle full of loveliness for 2.49.

Giovani Direct did not work for me at all.

january noir

Sunny On a Cloudy Day
I love Qhemet Biologics products like Tiffers, and I don't know if you consider these other below natural, but they are as close to natural, if not fully, to me:

WEN products
Jane Carter Solution products
Hair2Heaven End All Hair Balm


New Member
I'm relaxed. I love natural stuff. I will never give up using EVOO, EVCO, almond oil, jojoba oil, and JBCO. I love HairVeda, AfroVeda, and Shescentit stuff. I 'enhance' all my commercially prepared conditioners and leave in sprays with natural oils. The only commercially prepared thing I use that I don't alter is my shampoo (Ok and my relaxer). My hair has thrived from this.