Are stylists trained to tell you your hair is damaged just to get business? (VENT)

Re: Are stylists trained to tell you your hair is damaged just to get business? (VENT

Daaaangg... Lesson learned :yep: and thanks for sharing.

ayanapooh said:
LOL BrwnSugaBabee! :lol:

I don't know about men stylist either though! :naughty: Your post reminded me of my worst salon nightmare:

The summer just before law school I went to a well known salon in the San Francisco Bay Area that had been written up in Essence. My cousin had been there and had nothing but good things to say about it. My hair was very long, almost BS, and very healthy, but in long layers. I wanted my hair cut in a bob, so it could be all one length, the length of my shortest layer. (I was going for a studious approach since everyone told me how hard my first year of law school would be! :lol: ) I also needed a relaxer, so I planned on dropping some serious cash so I could look fly when I boarded the plane for DC the next day. The owner of the salon seemed nice but very busy. His assistant relaxed and wrapped me and put me under the dryer. Once I was dry, she unwrapped me, and I waited patiently for "the Diva" to arrive. I had even picked out the style I wanted in 3 hair magazines, so I could show him exactly how I wanted my hair. Once he got to me, he looked at my hair, mumbled something under his breath, verified that I was the one that wanted the bob, and picked up a comb and started combing the back middle section of my hair. I though, no harm, he's going to comb it a little and talk to me about what I want. AT LEAST I THOUGHT HE WAS COMBING!!! Do you know that this fool was CUTTING MY HAIR WITH A RAZOR COMB??? I had never seen one, and didn't know to stop him b/c I thought it was a comb!!!!! Before I knew it, THE ENTIRE MIDDLE SECTION OF MY HAIR LOOKED LIKE A BABOON'S A$$!!! :eek: I jumped out of the chair, shocked, and all he could say was that he thought I wanted a bob! I wanted a bob that sat below my shoulders, not to my ears and shaved in the back!!! To this day, I still cringe when I see my law school id card! So many girls had long swinging hair, an

d I had an ear length bob that I HATED!!!! I spent the next 3 years growing my hair back to where it was!!! My hair had never been that short in my life, and hasn't been since!

Uh, so the moral of my story is, watch out for the male stylists too. :look:
Wow, this thread seems to have gotten a little misunderstood since I left! :lol: My post about my salon horror story was actually in response to this comment:

BrwnSugaBabee said:
So now i go to a guy when i need my hair trimmed, I figured men are less likely to have hair envy.

And thanks to those that tried to clarify, I was NOT bashing male stylist, or any stylist for that matter. The original post had to do with folks automatically telling you you need a trim without knowing a :censored: thing about your hair. At any rate, the moral of the story is, ANYTIME you trust ANYONE with your hair, just make sure they take the time to get to know your hair a little before they pic up the scissors and start cutting! ;)
Re: Are stylists trained to tell you your hair is damaged just to get business? (VENT

Girl, don't even pay him no mind, I went to the salon this past weekend and the stylist had the nerve to tell me that if I wnat my hair to grow then I would have to trim every six weeks. I was like yea, sure I don't think so. Sadly, I would have feel for this hook, line, and sinker, in the past, but thanks to LHCF , no longer.
Re: Are stylists trained to tell you your hair is damaged just to get business? (VENT

My stylist told me that I need to come in more often b/c relaxers CONDITION the hair ok.
BrwnSugaBabee said:
Ok this thread def brings up some bad memories. Once my hair was slightly past brastrap and very healthy. I had worn braids off and on for like two and a half years. I went to a new hairstylist, she told me i needed a trim. Ok no prob no since on holding on to damaged hair right? So i got the trim and still had length to spare. I go back to her maybe 2-3 weeks later to get my hair wrapped and flat ironed.And she says I need another trim! Keep in mind i had hardly put any heat on my hair and was still gettin mad compliments on it. To make a long story longer lol :lachen: I went back to her thinking she was helping me to have healthy hair. I got a trim every 4-6 weeks. One day I came home an looked in the mirror. My hair was just barely touching my shoulders! I was sooo ticked off! :crying3: This all happened over the course of prob three months!! Did I mention she hardly had any hair?? So now i go to a guy when i need my hair trimmed, I figured men are less likely to have hair envy.

Hey, that's my story, right down to her no-hair-having-stylist! The only difference is I let her "trim" twice and when I realized that I was 4" shorter, it was over. She was soooooo upset in February when I didn't let her trim my hair. She kept going on and on about how "damaged" my ends were. But her philosophy is that you trim with every touchup...regardless of what your ends look like. Pure nonsense. That's why I'm going to have to leave her alone. I got a recommendation from another LHCFer who I want to check out. Oh yeah, and she could never say anything nice about my hair. Interestingly enough, the Black women I'd gone to before both had long hair themselves and thought my ends looked fine. ;)
Nyambura it seems as if we may have had the same stylist lol. I didnt notice because I would go to her to get my ends trimmed then i think i would wear it up alot, it was just sooo gradual you know then finally i look in the mirror and i'm like wait a min! LOL well, it's funny now at least.
I went to a stylist for about three years. The first year my hair was past my shoulders. As the months passed, I recieved no education on how to care for and protect my hair besides a wrap.
The main hair care advice I was given from her was coming to her every six weeks for a relaxer and a trim! (Might I add that this was $65.00 a pop.) Even though I was wrapping and moisturizing all of the dag time, EVERY TIME I came to her I had "damage," resulting in my "trim" turning into an inch being chopped off! I would try to hold out on relaxers and trims 'cause I saw WTF was happening to my hair!
The final straw was when I came to her and she did my relaxer as usual and wash and conditioner. But for my "trim" she put me in the chair of a dude that supposedly "trained" her! Ladies, I came out of there with a bob about half an inch past my EARS!!! WTF!!! Everyone who saw me was like: "Who the hell cut your hair that short!!??" I just broke down!
Needless to say, I haven't returned to her since!
(Ironically, even though I was her customer for 3 years, I'd say a regular, she never provided me OR my mother with her "regulars" price! :eek: