Avocado + henna mix


New Member
Hey you henna queens,

I believe avocado is moisturizing...Correct me if I'm wrong...What do you ladies think about me adding this to my mix...I would hope it would have moisturizing effects, but I'm not sure + it's green...I'm not sure how it would effect my henna....Any thoughts/comments would be helpful...Thanks...
You can just try the oil or butter if you're concerned about the color of the avocado. I used to add oil to my henna mix right before I applied it but I no longer add oil...
Hmmm, I don't know.

Avacado is a 'protien' like substance, and henna is DEFINITELY a protien like substance - I think that unless your hair REALLLLLLLLLLLLY likes protien, and REALLY needs protien - combining the two might be overkill. I don't think that the color of avacado will make a difference - cuz henna is green too!

If you are concerned about making sure that your hair doesn't dry out with henna, I would suggest using no acid in your paste, and adding a healthy bit (1/2 and 1/2 is fine) of conditioner to your mix to reduce the dryness.
nappywomyn said:
Hmmm, I don't know.

Avacado is a 'protien' like substance, and henna is DEFINITELY a protien like substance - I think that unless your hair REALLLLLLLLLLLLY likes protien, and REALLY needs protien - combining the two might be overkill. I don't think that the color of avacado will make a difference - cuz henna is green too!

If you are concerned about making sure that your hair doesn't dry out with henna, I would suggest using no acid in your paste, and adding a healthy bit (1/2 and 1/2 is fine) of conditioner to your mix to reduce the dryness.

I thought avacado was a moisturizer, not protein? Please enlighten me :)
Avocados have more protein than many other berries. That's all I know.

I didn't think henna was a protein treatment. But it does act like one in that it strengthens the hair.

ETA: I just read on hennaforhair that henna combines with the keratin in your hair, thereby making it stronger. This might be why people sometimes call it a protein treatment.
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JLove74 said:
I thought avacado was a moisturizer, not protein? Please enlighten me :)
OT, that picture of you is soooo CUTE!! I keep telling ya'll I'm going to eat that avacado before it gets into my hair!
I've always heard of avacado as a moisturizing PLUS protien treatment - almost the perfect balance if your hair needs both. Since henna (in my mind) is VERY protien-like, you don't really want to add anything that has MORE protien to it (even a conditioner with protien in it), instead, you want to add pure moisture....

Henna doesn't contain protien - but it ACTS like protien in that it strengthens your hair by binding to your hair, and if you go overboard on it, it WILL make your hair brittle (I'm living breathing proof of that one!)

I hope that makes more sense.