BANNED!!!!! (Not in this church) *yoga spinoff*

Keike said:
So I guess the men are wearing conks or jheri curls? Or does the natural hair thing only affect the women?

That's a very good question... can men wear their hair "natural"?
Christians who are in these 'holiness' churches who have all of these rules and regulations need to worry about their spirit man rather than the physical man. Doesn't the Word tell us that we are not saved by our works nor can we enter heaven by our works? Making sure you don't have on nail polish, dangling earrings, pants. skirts that are not below the knees,etc,etc sounds like works to me!!

If you are a part of the a holiness church (aren't all churches (Christian) churces supposed to be holy?) don't be offended. I grew up in a 'sanctified,tongue talking' church that had all of these rules and most of the folks were just as hateful as they could be, yet, they had on skirts to their ankles as a symbol of their 'holiness':smirk:
Hi Catsuga,

I don't know Holiness Churches but the Mennonites, Amish, River Brethern, Old Believers and many other plain and conservative churches have specified restrictions. I think the intent from what they taught me was looking at what was the general intent in society for particular actions, dress or behavior. Like the Amish wear no mustaches because when They were struggling to maintain their passifist non aggressive views it was a time whem military men all wore full facel hair. They wear beards cause Christ did but to be separate and not like the military they shaved their mustaches. Pabably when your church came up with the natural hair thing was when the black movement started and going natural had been a sign of rebelling and returning to being african. Check on that discipline the history is probly from the "70s"
Mennonites teach if you do not separate yourself from the world you will more likely gravitate to it more. Also the verses which say come out and be separate. Its the same on make-up. The idea that woman in our society are covering up with make up to be more attractive to men.
I think, my opinion, you should understand why your church have picked these things and then if these restrictions will help you in your spiritual walk then you can use them for your own growth. These different congregations have said they feel it is their responsibilities to set a standard to help people. Then weaker Christians will have guidance to how to live out their walk and stronger Christians won't be a stumbling block.
I think its fine to have restrictions for one's congregation. Just explain where they are based from. They can all be supported by scripture. For example its not having technology that is the problem with mennonites or owning a radio, its the idea you are connected to the world and more dependant on non Christians and ungodly influence has a direct route into your home and your mind. Old order mennonites don't own cars because it is a fact that sprall takes family away and breaks up communities due to the ability to get and live farther away from each other. I can testify from having been very close to mennonites that survival of their communities has been due to these rules. THese rules have also protected them from many of the things that plague the rest of society like teen pregnancy, aides epidemic, loosing their young men to drugs and crime, divorce broken homes, fatherless households, homelessness and the list goes on. If your church is trying to protect its members from being drawn into sinful ways and lifestlyes then good on them.

Oh yes, I own persian lambs, the same of the ancient area of Jesus and Abraham. Their hair is straight maybe some with a slight wave and very coarse. Little to no frizzyness. It hangs down. Spins to be a strong yarn. The babies have a deep wave but it is not fine and crimpy. That changes very early to the straighter wool. Their skins are used for cuffs and collars but are harvested in the first few week of life. There was another sheep from that time that had more crimp but not from that area. So reference to Gods hair, it could have been any thing from type 1a to a 4a.
Vintagecoilylocks--is that you in the avatar? Great hair! And, thanks for elaborating on restrictions in religion. Your view was very informative.