Be a Blessing Today. Share With Us.

Lady Esquire

New Member
Hello my sisters!
My new personal covenant is to become a blessing. Find ways to serve. This will provide inspiration.

Were you blessed by someone or something you witnessed today?
Were you a blessing to someone today?


Active Member
Not yet but the day is not over!! I am trying to be cognizant of others and reach out to people as they cross my mind. I try to make calls or text messages of encouragement as I come and go from work. I was late this morning so no calls but I have this afternoon!!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I'm feeling very funky today. What better way to get out of your own funk. Off to find a way to bless someone. :yep: Will report back later.

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Yes, I have been a blessing today to one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and she cried.

This is a great thread!


Well-Known Member
It has been on my heart that last few days to contact the wife of the Pastor who married me and my sweetheart.

She is trying to decide to have a surgical procedure than I had last year. I called her, spoke with her and prayed with her. She was such a darling.

I have a new sister in Christ.

Will most assuredly be in contact with her again.


New Member
Awww I hope that your day gets better Mocha5:yep: Today I went into WalMart and purchased some school items for kids that live in shelters and group homes. Giving to others in need always help lift my spirits ! :love3:The Lord has really been showing me how I can be a blessing to others thru the spirit of giving.

Hmmm...I'm feeling very funky today. What better way to get out of your own funk. Off to find a way to bless someone. :yep: Will report back later.

Lady Esquire

New Member
It has been on my heart that last few days to contact the wife of the Pastor who married me and my sweetheart.

She is trying to decide to have a surgical procedure than I had last year. I called her, spoke with her and prayed with her. She was such a darling.

I have a new sister in Christ.

Will most assuredly be in contact with her again.

You probably made her difficult decision a bit easier to make, or at the very least, you made her day.

Lady Esquire

New Member
Awww I hope that your day gets better Mocha5:yep: Today I went into WalMart and purchased some school items for kids that live in shelters and group homes. Giving to others in need always help lift my spirits ! :love3:The Lord has really been showing me how I can be a blessing to others thru the spirit of giving.

That is so inspiring! It is so generous of you to give. Not only did it lift your spirits, but can you imagine what it did to those kids? :kiss:


New Member
I have been blessed by my sister and my husband. My sister is allowing my husband and I to stay with her until we can find a place of our own and paying me to take care of my niece and my husband is allowing me to be a SAHW while he works so that I can finish school.

I need to go bless someone today!


I have not experienced any specific acts of kindness today, but I just truly feel blessed. Every morning when I wake up, thank God and appreciate Him for all he's done, I always have a wonderful day!

Lady Esquire

New Member
I have been blessed by my sister and my husband. My sister is allowing my husband and I to stay with her until we can find a place of our own and paying me to take care of my niece and my husband is allowing me to be a SAHW while he works so that I can finish school.

I need to go bless someone today!

Black, family in itself is a blessing. I pray that you finish school as planned and find the perfect place.

Lady Esquire

New Member
I have not experienced any specific acts of kindness today, but I just truly feel blessed. Every morning when I wake up, thank God and appreciate Him for all he's done, I always have a wonderful day!

That's what's up, Tracy! Now, that is how I want to start my days! Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
I drop my children off at my mom's in the morning. My sister does too. She woke up very late in a panic because she had an important meeting at work in less than an hour. She works way across town and takes the bus to work. I drove her there so she wouldn't be late and get in trouble. I felt good! Off to do more!!!:grin:

Lady Esquire

New Member
I drop my children off at my mom's in the morning. My sister does too. She woke up very late in a panic because she had an important meeting at work in less than an hour. She works way across town and takes the bus to work. I drove her there so she wouldn't be late and get in trouble. I felt good! Off to do more!!!:grin:

Feels good to do something nice, huh?


Well-Known Member
I love this thread.
Yesterday in church there was a lady with two beautiful twin girls who are about 2 months old. One of the men helped her carry both car seats into the santuary and get seated. Towards the end of the service, security notified us that is was starting to storm really badly. ( I am an usher at my church) So when service was dismissed, I went up to the lady and introduced myself and told her that it was raining pretty hard and was she parked on the lot? She said that she was pretty far down the street. I noticed that she didn't have any blankets or anything on the babies. I told her that I would watch the girls so that she could bring her car around to the carport area and not have to take them out in the rain!

Our church is kind of big and can be difficult to navigate during the rush when service is over. It took her about 15 minutes to go to the car and come back around. Everybody was teasing me about how well I hid my pregnancy and popped up with two babies!:lachen: