*~Biotin Breakouts ?~*


Coils coils & more coils!
Is there anyone here taking Biotin that has experienced breakouts? I was taking it a few months ago, and stopped using it when my face started to breakout.
I'm trying to narrow it down to find out what was exactly causing this problem. The main reason for this is because I would like to start taking it again. I limited my search down to two potential culprits. The oil that I was using in my hair at the time (that might have gotten on my face), and the Biotin. Since I stopped using both, my face has cleared up nicely (with a little help from Avon ClearSkin).
About 3 weeks after i started taking biotin, my face broke out. I stopped taking it but i still have a few tiny bumps here and there but they r not that noticable. Never again will i take biotin.
Yep and Allandra says it makes her skin oily also, so it's a double whammy! Well actually tripple -- it made my periods longer and much more heavy.
This is sad coz it really aided in my hair growth before I realized what was causing all my problems.
You are not alone. I also had breakouts from the biotin and don't plan on ever taking it again. It gave me rashlike bumps no matter what dose I took and how much extra water I drank.

I'm glad your face cleared up!! There are quite a few people on this board who have broken out from biotin. What worked for some is decreasing their dose and increasing their water intake.

If you read earlier threads about biotin, some say that biotin does cause what appears to be a breakout in the skin. However, it is just old skin shedding preparing for a renewal of skin. Really it's like how some dermatologists tell you, that all of the impurities in your body come to the surface of your skin to rid themselves. I had the breakouts, but they cleared up and my skin looked better later, biotin helps skin. I don't take it now, because I am afraid of increased body hair.
A while ago, Jade21 recommended the B-complex vitamin to me. It has a very small amount of Biotin, but not enough to cause breakouts. I guess I will just stick to the B-complex instead of adding another Biotin vitamin to it. I haven't had a problem with it. Oh well...I'm going to start taking MSM. I hope that doesn't cause breakouts!
Erica78 be careful with the MSM as well. It also caused some members to break out including myself. Some suggest starting off with a small amount (500 mg) and then gradually increasing the dose. Let us know how it works for you!

Did anyone breakout from biotin in other places besides their face? How long did it take to clear up?
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Did anyone breakout from biotin in other places besides their face? How long did it take to clear up?

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Bublnbrnsuga, It took my acne a good month and a half to clear up! I had acne on my face, and a little on my chest area.
pooh123 said:
Erica78 be careful with the MSM as well. It also caused some members to break out including myself. Some suggest starting off with a small amount (500 mg) and then gradually increasing the dose. Let us know how it works for you!


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Thanks for the advice pooh!
It first I thought maybe it was cleaning out the impurities but after a while it continued and the the pus-filled bumps got bigger, I decided never again!
sheba2000 said:
Does biotin cause increased body hair too????

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YES! It did for me...I was taking it last summer...and I had to shave my legs everyday!