Birth Control and Shedding?


Well-Known Member
Is there a connection?

I recently started taking Nordette. I'm on week 3 of the packet, and I've noticed increased shedding. A big increase...When I do my rollersets, I'll have like a small handful of long hair strands as compared to a few strands before BC... so I know it isn't breakage.

Is there anything I can do? Switching formulas is out of the question...BC wacks me out because of the hormones and the Nordette seems to have less side effects than anything I've tried before.

Anyone else ever had this problem?
I experienced excessive shedding when I was taking birth control and it scared a sistah! I immediately called my doctor and told him that I wanted off of them and ended up getting a tubal.
I've recently stopped taking BC pills and I'm shedding like crazy! I didn't have any shedding when i started, but now that I've stopped....whew! It's gotten alot better this week, though. So, maybe its slowing down now. I hope you think about continuing to take these things, they really aren't good for us women in the long run.
i never used BC but i did hear someone say complain about their hair falling out do to BC. sorry i cant give any suggestions.
I've heard a lot of complaints about how shedding from BC but its not everyone that experiences it. When I was in high school girls would always talk abotu how the BC shot would make their hair come out in clumps.
I have taken Nordette for years with no problems, but then again it's been so long I can't remember if i experienced any shedding. You may need to increase your iron intake because iron deficiency can cause shedding. I don't think that you have anything to worry about...just be patient and don't stress b/c that can lead to more hair will pass:p
erin558 said:
I've heard a lot of complaints about how shedding from BC but its not everyone that experiences it. When I was in high school girls would always talk abotu how the BC shot would make their hair come out in clumps.

I heard that too,I never heard ANYTHING good about the Dep shot. Yeah it prevents pregnancy, but your hair will fall out and you'll bleed for weeks at a time! Yippee, sounds like fun!
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It could be due to your body getting used to the hormone changes. Just try to keep your hair moisturized and use protein as well. I did this when I experienced shedding after my baby and it helped.
Thanks for the replies, ya'll. I'm going to stick it out for one more month to see if it gets worse, and then take iron pills as suggested. Lucky me, I have some left over from a prescription so there we go.

If in a month it doesn't level out, I'll look into other methods.

When I was on it, I had HORRIBLE depression.
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Starian said:
I heard that too,I never heard ANYTHING good about the Dep shot. Yeah it prevents pregnancy, but your hair will fall out and you'll bleed for weeks at a time! Yippee, sounds like fun!

When I was on it, I had HORRIBLE depression.

my friend Angela was on the Dep shot and she said she had her period the whole time she was on it.
Mom23 said:
It could be due to your body getting used to the hormone changes. Just try to keep your hair moisturized and use protein as well. I did this when I experienced shedding after my baby and it helped.

*nod* That's what I've been doing. Good to know I'm on the right track at least.
i was on mircette when relaxed and never noticed any shedding, but it is also a low dose pill. now that i am natural i still take mircetter and there isn't any shedding now either. must just depend on how the pill effects each individual
Yeah its the hormones, sometimes it could give you alittle too much estrogens if you already have enough and that can lead to male pattern baldness/shedding. But they dont have enough hormones in them to make you go completly bald, just shedding.
Starian said:
I heard that too,I never heard ANYTHING good about the Dep shot. Yeah it prevents pregnancy, but your hair will fall out and you'll bleed for weeks at a time! Yippee, sounds like fun!

This was not the case for me and a few of my other friends. I took it when i first got married and i never had problems with my hair and i never bleed for weeks. This is my second time on it and i was having some hair issues before i got on it which have gotten better and again i didn't bleed all the time. My periods were lighter.
toosexy1 said:
i got off the depo 3 months ago and i still havent gotten my period back

I have heard it can take up to a year for things to balance out. But for me i got my period 30 days after my last shot expired. Then again it depends how long you were on it also.
You have to figure out what pill or method is best for you. The ideal thing for docs to do is test a woman's estrogen and progesterone level first and then prescribe a birth control pill that will help balance them out. For example, I used to take Orthocyclen for years and had alot of shedding last year. Come to find out orthocyclen has more adrogenic (male) hormones, which can lead to male pattern baldness. I stopped and switched to Orthocept that has very low androgenic hormones and high progesterone (which extends the hair's life cycle) and my hair has stopped shedding excessivley. Maybe over time, the androgenic hormones caught up with me, because last year was the first time I ever experienced excessive shedding for the 5 years that I was on Orthocyclen. I will never know for sure. This website helped me...

It gives a breakdown of most of the pills on the market. Also, I noticed all my problems began when I started taking the generic brand of orthocyclen. Docs say generic and brand are the same, but I would beg to differ.
Sweetcoco82 said:
I have heard it can take up to a year for things to balance out. But for me i got my period 30 days after my last shot expired. Then again it depends how long you were on it also.
yeah i heard that too. in fact, im still gaining weight. 20lbs so far. from a size 0 to a size 2. yeah im ranting sorry. i was on it for 9months
Starian said:
Is there a connection?

I recently started taking Nordette. I'm on week 3 of the packet, and I've noticed increased shedding. A big increase...When I do my rollersets, I'll have like a small handful of long hair strands as compared to a few strands before BC... so I know it isn't breakage.

Is there anything I can do? Switching formulas is out of the question...BC wacks me out because of the hormones and the Nordette seems to have less side effects than anything I've tried before.

Anyone else ever had this problem?

Hi Starian,
these hormones can really mess with your hair and its growth. I started with the contraceptive injection and was so loved up I neglected my hair. I did some research on the internet and the hormones for my injection caused hair stunting, well I never went back to get a third repeat.

I would try another formula and research the side affects before taking. Again it effects others differently.
