Camera for hair pics


New Member
Please help. I'm in the market for a digital camera and was wonder what's the name and model of the camera you are using for your hair pics? TIA!
My digital camera is Canon Powershot S200 (I think they have S400 now though). It's really small and sleek looking. I've had it just a little over a year and am still learning the various functions!
Vivitar Vivicam 3500. it was expensive when i got it, but of course is obsolete now. if i was going to get a new one, i think i'd get a Fuji Finepix because they're small and very light. mine is heavy.
Thanks Hairlove and Adreienne.

Hairlove, are you satisfied with the camera's ease of use and if you had to do it all over again would you purchase the same camera? If not what would you prefer?

If I had to purchase a digicam all over again, I would definitely still pick the same camera! It's so small and light, I can fit it into my "small" purse. Plus, it has a lot of features packed right into a small camera. I admit, I screwed up some pictures before getting it right b/c I didn't know about lighting settings. It's a learning process b/c I NEVER used to take pictures. Off and on, I'll read the manual and learn something new. Overall, it's pretty easy to use and very easy to upload.

Digicams can be expensive. What I did is research online - I read practically every review on Then, I decided on a couple of cameras and headed out to Best Buy and Circuit City to look at them in person. Then, I came home and comparison shopped - using I found the best price for the camera I wanted.

Here's a picture of the S400 which is just an updated version of the S200 that I have:
I think u can take nice pictures with anything as far as digital camera are concerned

I have a vivitar camera -- which I got for free from AOL for signing up with broadband and it has quality photos
got one at walmart but instead of shipping to me at school they shipped it to my home. The only pictures that I will be having are the ones that I will be uploading from the Kodak disk.
I have the Sony Digital handicam PC100...they don't sell this particular model anymore...but there are some that they make that are very similar to it.
Thanks for sharing everyone!

My experiments have begun.....starting with Sony's Mavica....the sales people saw me coming but as always I will keep my receipt close by.