Can We Try This Again?-- Christianity & The Law of Attraction

kelouis75 said:
This is just a quick post. I have to run in a few minutes, but I am interested in reading The Power of Positive Thinking (suggested by Divine Inspiration).

Another person mentioned a Christian book club on this forum, but we haven't done much since. Is anyone game for reading it & exchanging their ideas with me?

That would be really nice. Count me in! :)
kelouis75 said:
This is just a quick post. I have to run in a few minutes, but I am interested in reading The Power of Positive Thinking (suggested by Divine Inspiration).

Another person mentioned a Christian book club on this forum, but we haven't done much since. Is anyone game for reading it & exchanging their ideas with me?

I have to agree...this is a great read.
secretdiamond said:
But this is exactly how I feel as well (I stated that in my first post and other posts after). I just want to be able to do it better.

If there are people who disagree with the idea of this thread, feel free to express so and why (as I'm trying to learn from all points of view and a healthy discussion/debate fosters learning). Everyone sees things differently and that's alright. As long as we know for ourselves that we are here to serve God and that ultimately HE is the one who knows our hearts.
I don't disagree with the idea of the thread at all. I think it is important for Christians to openly discuss things and make sure they are in line with GOD. I am just voicing how I feel about the whole subject surrounding LOA and the Secret the way most people are using it in their lives. I have a friend who has been into it long before I heard about it on this board. She has given up on GOD totally and is focused on making things work for her according to the principles of The Secret. I think with anything you have to look at the good and bad but make sure that no matter what GOD gets the glory. I hope that people will now be more open to apply certain principles to their relationship with Christ and they will be blessed. Q
queeny20 said:
I don't disagree with the idea of the thread at all. I think it is important for Christians to openly discuss things and make sure they are in line with GOD. I am just voicing how I feel about the whole subject surrounding LOA and the Secret the way most people are using it in their lives. I have a friend who has been into it long before I heard about it on this board. She has given up on GOD totally and is focused on making things work for her according to the principles of The Secret. I think with anything you have to look at the good and bad but make sure that no matter what GOD gets the glory. I hope that people will now be more open to apply certain principles to their relationship with Christ and they will be blessed. Q

Wow... :( That's definitely something I want to avoid. Now I see why some people might not agree with this so much. Thanks for telling me this.
kelouis75 said:
This is just a quick post. I have to run in a few minutes, but I am interested in reading The Power of Positive Thinking (suggested by Divine Inspiration).

Another person mentioned a Christian book club on this forum, but we haven't done much since. Is anyone game for reading it & exchanging their ideas with me?

This would be great! :)
Let's do a book club please!:D --but we should have some ground rules.
Let's make sure our book club has a vision/mission statement, as I do not want to defend my faith or get into arguments about my Lord's importance in my life.
I felt compelled to share this with you all. I was reviewing responses to "The Secret" show on Oprah's website and ran across some of the responses from the Christian woman in the audience that asked the question about "The Secret" and Christianity. Here are some of her posts from the website.

Posted on: 02/16/2007 at 10:08pm (1395 of 5378)
I was the one on the show today that asked the only question that had anything to do with Christianity and it was not how to blend the two. I have no desire what so ever to use the teachings of the cult leader (Michael Beckwith) and the snake oil salesman (James Ray)! I only went on the show as a way to bring up the fact that this has nothing to do with God, Jesus, Christianity or the like. The Secret states that the universe is where all the "gifts" come from. They don't recognize God as our Creator or our Father in heaven, or Jesus as His Son. I had asked them that question in person on the show, but it was during commercial. If you do any kind of research on either of these men, you will see that have nothing to do with God.

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 3:02pm (1972 of 5378)
first off James Ray is not a scientist and Michael Beckwith does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He says Jesus was a prophet and a great teacher but not the Son of God. How do I know? I asked him at the follow up show. During commercial: "Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?" and he made some kind of grunt and turned away. That was the point I was trying to make. These "teachers" (and I use that term loosely)use scripture to attract believers and tell them this is okay for Christians when in fact it is not.

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 3:25pm (1987 of 5378)
Here is the reason God and Jesus were brought up into this whole thing in the first place. Faith. and because the "teachers" did bring up the name of Jesus but not as the Son of God but as a prophet. I wanted to know if this secret would be good for my family. I am a Christian and trust in the Lord in good times and bad, in times of health and sickness, etc. If I put my faith in the universe than where's my faith in God? And the reason we need to debate this is because the secret teachers are liars. They say that this is about God when it's not.

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 4:12pm (2025 of 5378)
and in my opinion there is no way to tie the whole concept of the secret into Christianity because it is being taught by people who do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They believe the universe is God not God the creator of the universe. How can you be a Chirstian and believe that the universe is your go here to do your bidding? There are principles of the secret that are good, but the whole concept of the secret is laughable. Positive thinking, yes. Bills in your mail box turning into checks? no. The universe is your genie? no. It's funny,I was the one that asked Oprah that question and I don't even remember what she said. All I heard come out of Beckwith's mouth were lies about the bible, God and Jesus. I hate that the secret teachers are trying to throw in the bible comments to make it sound like something a Christian could use and still be faithful to God.

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 8:52pm (2180 of 5378)
How about 2 Timothy 4-3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4-4: They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 11:13pm (2255 of 5378)
You really don't seem to understand what I'm saying. Okay, let me try one more time. I am not saying that no one should use the secret because it's not Christian, I'm saying that's why I don't use it and not only because it's not Christian, but because when asked how God fits in they danced around the question with their doublespeak so as to make it sound like it was Christian without coming out and saying so. So they are liars about the Christian/God thing. That's all. Now do you understand?

Posted on: 02/17/2007 at 11:25pm (2260 of 5378)
I have to tell you it was the scariest thing I ever did. When I saw the first show I fell for it. I researched the movie and then watched it on the internet. After I saw the movie I realized that this is not for me or my family, mostly due to the fact that Neale Donald Walsch said that God doesn't have a plan for us and that no one will stand in judgement now or ever. That is why I brought it up, I wanted to expose them for the liars they are. Unfortunately some people didn't get it. That's why I came on here, to let people know what they believe and not to fall into their trap. Thanks for supporting me. It was scary but I would do it again in an instant if it helped only one person.

Posted on: 02/19/2007 at 3:47am (2702 of 5378)
Yes, I am that lady. And I have to tell you that after I left the studio, I felt totally used by Oprah! She had an agenda and I at the time felt like I was part of it, but after I saw the show, I see Oprah wasn't the one who used me...The truth got out and that's what mattered. All I did was ask a question and I can not believe the reaction! I just wanted to know if this was right for my family and I got my's not. I also feel like it was an infomercial. Now I'm getting accused of pushing my faith on everyone. I'm not doing that. People ask questions, I answer some of then. It is still the USA right? If I boldly state something that I believe in I get accused of being judgemental. I'm not the Judge...and I get brow beaten for speaking up and now I'm wearing my Christianity like a badge. You bet I'm wearing it like a badge! Proud to be a Christian! Am I supposed to hide my faith because it may offend someone? Sorry, not gonna happen. And I also get accused of being fearful? and angry? Blaming God for my screwups? I sure as heck don't do that! I accept it and go on. Why is it that anyone who doesn't believe as I do accuses me of all sorts of untruths? Why attack me? I don't attack non believers, I'm just trying to point out this Secret is not for me. I don't need it because I have God and Jesus and their book which (for anyone who cares) by the way was God Breathed.

Posted on: 02/19/2007 at 12:17am (2656 of 5378)
The funny thing about your reply is you don't know me, you don't know anything about me and you don't know how deep my faith goes or what "laws" I believe or disbelieve. Why do you assume that you have superior Christian training? The fact of the matter is that the so called "teachers" were exposed. Some caught it, some didn't. It's not even the laws as much as it is the "teachers" that are trying to decieve people. So you may believe what you want, I for one will still put my faith in my Father, my hope in Christ, walk in the light and try to lead by example, but will ALWAYS expose the truth when I have the chance. That is not only my choice, but my duty.
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RelaxerRehab said:
I'll just put this out here.... I certainly agree with what has been said about the biblical scriptures that so readily apply to what has been labeled "law of attraction". Some folk (not Christians, per se) would debate on Who or what came first? Various deities or universal law. I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega...Creator of EVERYTHING, including the so-called "universal law" and that He is true to Himself and His word that He would not violate that universal law because He ultimately gave us FREE WILL... so He's not going to IMPOSE anything on us...and He's not going to necessarily stop us when we spiral downward with negative thinking....

This (that He does not stop us from negative thinking) is what sticks out to me.... I have been having temper tantrums about why God's promises had not manifested in my life...because it's not TIME yet? Negative thinking? What? What is it? I know some of these promises are LONG OVERDUE and so I am at the point where I've got to stop the insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.... And so one thing I appreciate that has become clearer to me is MY ROLE, ACCOUNTABILITY TO MYSELF that (maybe) I let doubt/negative thinking stop the flow of blessings and promises....

ETA I have more to talk about concerning this but one thing that I wanted to add is that I'm really DONE with all of the so-called Christian books, authors, preachers, etc. and the variety of cliches.... I think that's been part of the issue: an OVERDEPENDENCE on these preachers that have moved so many people into a place of laziness and apathy about the personal/individual part of that personal relationship with the Lord and the flow of blessings into one's own life.
-End of mini-rant--
I agree with EVERY.SINGLE.POINT in your post! :clap:
I also wanted to add that what we are seeing and hearing now regarding the Secret and LOA is a fulfillment of prophecy. But in the end "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess"... Q
The responses from the board are interesting.

My issue is that if these people who swear there's no Biblical basis for the Secret REALLY knew the Bible, they'd know that there IS Biblical basis for positive thinking & the power of our thoughts. Not only does the Bible tell us that without vision we fail, it also says WE ARE WHAT WE THINK. That's the foundation of the Secret...the decision to package it as being from the "universe" is subjective, but God does indeed tell us that both our thoughts and our faith are the hinges that open the doors we want opened.

So, Biblically speaking, we know that we are what we think, and that without faith, it is impossible to please essentially, if we THINK about abundance and God's gifts and we BELIEVE that God will anoint us with the same, then we will RECEIVE these things.

I understand the concern with these people cloaking their worldly principles in Christianity...but my point is that the premise IS Biblical whether these people choose to acknowledge that or not. They can say "universe" all they want, but a God-fearing Christian knows that every blessing comes from God and that all things begin and end with God.

At some point, IMO, it begins to resemble arguing about religion...telling a Muslim that he/she is going to hell or telling a SDA that he/she will pay for worshipping on the wrong day. Labels are such a subjective thing, and suggesting that an entire concept is malicious based on a label is short-sighted IMO. It's not my place nor anyone else's to judge people and their personal decisions. We all have our own way, but the only way, the right way, and the correct way does not truly exist. In spite of many people believing that they "have it all figured out" and that everyone should follow the "truth", those things are ultimately subjective. People are simply doing the best they can given the knowledge and resources available to them, and because of my own shortcomings, I wouldn't dare cast stones on anyone seeking spiritual peace in spite of him/her searching in places that I wouldn't. This includes the Secret. We all have our own idea about where our blessings & curses come from, and we know that people in this world operate under a variety of religous tenets...with that in mind, why do we expect everybody to have the same appreciation, understanding, and application for ANYTHING, including the Secret? As Christians, we approach everything differently than the world, money, marriage, child-rearing, etc so if we believe that our approach to living is right for us, another person's label of it is irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. I use LOA principles in my life, and they are in keeping with my spirituality and my relationship with God. I believe that my blessings come from God, and that it is because of my FAITH in God that I attract blessings and abundance...I'm not bothered by the fact that the next person will say their blessings come from the "universe."

Again, for any Christian trying to reconcile how God and LOA fit together, you'll be forever changed by The Power of Positive Thinking. I certainly was. I use the things I learned in that book EVERY day, and my life has certainly been enhanced since introducing its teachings.

Bottom line: Faith is the breeding ground for miracles. When you stop expecting God's promises, you cancel out your blessings. A paradigm shift can change your entire life.
queeny20 said:
I also wanted to add that what we are seeing and hearing now regarding the Secret and LOA is a fulfillment of prophecy. But in the end "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess"... Q

Can you explain this further please. I'm really confused. I've heard this saying before, but I'm not sure of what your post is actually saying. I'm sorry. Thanks.
Divine Inspiration said:
The responses from the board are interesting.

My issue is that if these people who swear there's no Biblical basis for the Secret REALLY knew the Bible, they'd know that there IS Biblical basis for positive thinking & the power of our thoughts. Not only does the Bible tell us that without vision we fail, it also says WE ARE WHAT WE THINK. That's the foundation of the Secret...the decision to package it as being from the "universe" is subjective, but God does indeed tell us that both our thoughts and our faith are the hinges that open the doors we want opened.

So, Biblically speaking, we know that we are what we think, and that without faith, it is impossible to please essentially, if we THINK about abundance and God's gifts and we BELIEVE that God will anoint us with the same, then we will RECEIVE these things.

I understand the concern with these people cloaking their worldly principles in Christianity...but my point is that the premise IS Biblical whether these people choose to acknowledge that or not. They can say "universe" all they want, but a God-fearing Christian knows that every blessing comes from God and that all things begin and end with God.

At some point, IMO, it begins to resemble arguing about religion...telling a Muslim that he/she is going to hell or telling a SDA that he/she will pay for worshipping on the wrong day. Labels are such a subjective thing, and suggesting that an entire concept is malicious based on a label is short-sighted IMO. It's not my place nor anyone else's to judge people and their personal decisions. We all have our own way, but the only way, the right way, and the correct way does not truly exist. In spite of many people believing that they "have it all figured out" and that everyone should follow the "truth", those things are ultimately subjective. People are simply doing the best they can given the knowledge and resources available to them, and because of my own shortcomings, I wouldn't dare cast stones on anyone seeking spiritual peace in spite of him/her searching in places that I wouldn't. This includes the Secret. We all have our own idea about where our blessings & curses come from, and we know that people in this world operate under a variety of religous tenets...with that in mind, why do we expect everybody to have the same appreciation, understanding, and application for ANYTHING, including the Secret? As Christians, we approach everything differently than the world, money, marriage, child-rearing, etc so if we believe that our approach to living is right for us, another person's label of it is irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. I use LOA principles in my life, and they are in keeping with my spirituality and my relationship with God. I believe that my blessings come from God, and that it is because of my FAITH in God that I attract blessings and abundance...I'm not bothered by the fact that the next person will say their blessings come from the "universe."

Again, for any Christian trying to reconcile how God and LOA fit together, you'll be forever changed by The Power of Positive Thinking. I certainly was. I use the things I learned in that book EVERY day, and my life has certainly been enhanced since introducing its teachings.

Bottom line: Faith is the breeding ground for miracles. When you stop expecting God's promises, you cancel out your blessings. A paradigm shift can change your entire life.

Oh my goodness!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!!!! :clap: I agree with everything in the bolded and underlined. I TOTALLY agree with every word you typed! This is what I was trying to get across. And this is the EXACT conclusion I came to after finding out about LoA. I've been explaining this to my friends and family just the way you did (just not as I told them that LoA is NOT new and it is from God and no one or anything else.

Now, my problem is just applying it and making it work for me to strengthen my faith so that it may be a rock that no wave or storm can move or crumble. This is why I'm here. My faith and positive thinking is like a mold of clay, so to speak, instead of a rock. It's great on a nice, bright sunny day, but once the rain falls, I feel like it starts to soften a little. This week, I caught this happening to me (with fear) and I was scared. I knew it was happening, but had a hard time withstanding the doubt and fear that kept invading my heart.

I guess I would say that I need to 'exercise' my faith and positive thinking more, as it is a weak muscle right now.

ETA: I just want to make clear that I don't mean my faith in Christianity or my beliefs needs exercising.
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secretdiamond said:
Oh my goodness!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!!!! :clap: I agree with everything in the bolded and underlined. I TOTALLY agree with every word you typed! This is what I was trying to get across. And this is the EXACT conclusion I came to after finding out about LoA. I've been explaining this to my friends and family just the way you did (just not as I told them that LoA is NOT new and it is from God and no one or anything else.

Now, my problem is just applying it and making it work for me to strengthen my faith so that it may be a rock that no wave or storm can move or crumble. This is why I'm here. My faith and positive thinking is like a mold of clay, so to speak, instead of a rock. It's great on a nice, bright sunny day, but once the rain falls, I feel like it starts to soften a little. This week, I caught this happening to me (with fear) and I was scared. I knew it was happening, but had a hard time withstanding the doubt and fear that kept invading my heart.

I guess I would say that I need to 'exercise' my faith and positive thinking more, as it is a weak muscle right now.

ETA: I just want to make clear that I don't mean my faith in Christianity or my beliefs needs exercising.

I know what you mean....I was the same way. When things were going well, it was easy to have faith, but the minute I hit rocky times, I felt lost and confused. TPOPT definitely gave me some concrete tools to use during those time, and I have definitely reached a place where so-called "trials" don't even phase me. I have a new method for approaching problems and concerns, and my faith is the cornerstone of that method.

I committed some scripture to memory re: faith, and I've been doing recitation every day for the past couple of months. The difference is dramatic. On top of that, I've been making the decision each morning to be HAPPY...plain ol' happy with me, my surroundings, and my blessings. I'm AMAZED at how different everything is when I'M different. It's true that our attitude is far more important than our circumstances. While storms have been raging, I've felt extreme peace & tranquility that only faith can give. God has been rewarding my faith with blessings & abundance.

The volume of our attraction is directly proportionate to our faith. Matthew 6 tells us that we need to stop worrying about the petty things and the future...and nothing could be more true. If we lived in the present and really appreciated the now, our hope & faith for tomorrow would be inevitably heightened.

When we retrain our thoughts, we prepare ourselves to receive blessings that we previously didn't have room for.
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Divine Inspiration said:
I know what you mean....I was the same way. When things were going well, it was easy to have faith, but the minute I hit rocky times, I felt lost and confused. TPOPT definitely gave me some concrete tools to use during those time, and I have definitely reached a place where so-called "trials" don't even phase me. I have a new method for approaching problems and concerns, and my faith is the cornerstone of that method.

I committed some scripture to memory re: faith, and I've been doing recitation every day for the past couple of months. The difference is dramatic. On top of that, I've been making the decision each morning to be HAPPY...plain ol' happy with me, my surroundings, and my blessings. I'm AMAZED at how different everything is when I'M different. It's true that our attitude is far more important than our circumstances. While storms have been raging, I've felt extreme peace & tranquility that only faith can give. God has been rewarding my faith with blessings & abundance.

The volume of our attraction is directly proportionate to our faith. Matthew 6 tells us that we need to stop worrying about the petty things and the future...and nothing could be more true. If we lived in the present and really appreciated the now, our hope & faith for tomorrow would be inevitably heightened.

When we retrain our thoughts, we prepare ourselves to receive blessings that we previously didn't have room for.

This post is so inspirational. Thank you so much for this advice. I can't wait to learn more from the books and start feeling the way I want to!

ETA: I'm gonna have LOTS of questions for you as time goes along. Hope you don't mind. :grin:
secretdiamond said:
This post is so inspirational. Thank you so much for this advice. I can't wait to learn more from the books and start feeling the way I want to!

ETA: I'm gonna have LOTS of questions for you as time goes along. Hope you don't mind. :grin:

Certainly! I'm here to offer as much as I can. :)

SQ, thank you! :kiss: I'm plugging away at page at a time. :) You ladies have been so supportive, and you guys will be the first to know when I'm done. :yep:
just_DSP said:
I'm sitting here crying and laughing at the same time. God is good!

After I posted my message, I received an email from a friend asking if I knew anyone who wanted a free, almost new recumbent exercise bike. I'm recovering from an illness and have prayed to regain my strength and lose this extra weight.

I haven't seen this friend since I was diagnosed and she had no idea I was in need. She is cleaning out her house now because after watching Oprah the other day, she's trying to make room for new blessings to come to her life!!!:yay:

I'm sitting here grinning like a fool and feeling rich beyond belief. I just called her up and my friend listened to me while I cried and gave thanks. Now she's giving me a yoga mat too! Thank you all for giving me a opportunity to share this -- it may seem silly, but this is a real miracle for me right now.:grin: :grin:

I'm happy you received what you wanted! Thanks for sharing your anecdote. :)
secretdiamond said:
I'm happy you received what you wanted! Thanks for sharing your anecdote. :)

Thank you! This is just a reminder for me that my Father wants what's best for me and if I ask it and it's His will, it will come to me.
Might I add that the good thing about being a Christian is that even when I'm not thinking the right thoughts or speaking the right words, God continues to bless me in spite of myself. In those moments of weakness and hopelessness I can depend upon, lean on the Lord. I don't have to depend upon myself to consistently affirm the right things or think the right things in order to have a blessed life. Thank God for that. Thank God for His grace. I have to agree that "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale is very inspirational. I would also recommend "The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life" by Charles Stanley.
The LOA is witchcraft. There is none and there will never be any other defense or explanation for it.

God says plainly, "I am God and I change not." No where in His word will you ever see or hear Him say 'attract' what you want in life. "Seek the Universe" for your fulfillment.

But He does say, 'beware of satan and his devices' who comes to deceive even the very elect of God.

In Isaiah 14:12

In Lucifer's fallen state he was still known as a light bringer, daystar and a son of the morning. These are all counterfeits to the real thing. We are the geniune and when we become an early riser to command the morning and capture the day, we displace the devil.

Wake up saints. Any of us who truly call Jesus Lord of our lives have no business dealving into the works of the devil. We cannot serve two masters. It's one or the other.

The problem is that the human race has lost and has become so detached from whom they are created in His (God's) express image. Debt and unfulfillment in material gain has caused so much doubt in God that it has become a 'let's get it for ourselves generation. What do we need God for when all one has to do is seek the Universe or manifest what they want through good vibrations; any and every thing but PRAYER and a full and entrusted relationship with God.

Did not Adam and Eve fall because of this very thing? satan told Eve she could be her own God. Life has not been right since. The "Secret" is no secret, only a fool without a clue of who God really is would give credence to such foolishness. Have you not noticed the mindset of some of the ones who have put their all into the LOA? They're crying out for help that the LOA could not give them.

God is not mocked people. There are no substitutes nor anything that can be added to Him. If you love Him and respect Him and believe in Him and treat Him as such as He so deserves to be treated. I'm not addressing those who have not experienced God in whom He truly is...I'm addressing those who say, they are His. If truly you are His than you have no need to succumb or even consider seeking any other path than His alone. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart....lean NOT to your own understanding."

The LOA is simply another scheme of satan to entrap or lure more and more souls into his lordship and away from the true and pure and sole relationship with God alone and no other god.

Job took the heat. When all was taken from him, he still took th heat. He did not curse God and die as his wife stated and as satan was out to prove. Job stood in the midst of his trial and God honored him with more than what he had lost.

Ask yourselves, what in hell do you want? What can the Universe offer you that God Himself cannot give you more and far better of? Afterall, satan is the prince of the he not? The ruler of the air? Anything that one seeks of the universe is seeking the hand of satan. Did he not try to tempt Jesus with the same? He showed him all of universe and said, this is yours, if only you will bow down and worship me. Jesus replied, "Get thee behind me satan."

It's your choice. Truly one on one with God or being lukewarm. There is no halfway choice. It's one or the other. Just remember who God is and where he is not. Why contaminate a pure relationship with God who is pure and just and Holy. God who is Lord above all.

People has plagerized God's principles for centuries and have used His resources for their own personal gain and not given Him full honor. They take the credit for themselves. Don't be fooled by those who practice witchcraft and call themselves Christians. They're deceived. For where is the pure demonstration of trusting God and giving Him Glory for all that He has done. The glory is Not of us. It's not of works which we can boast, but through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 2:

And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)
6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 not of works lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

God has never failed to prove to me and my family who He is. I've never needed the LOA nor any other form of demonic persuasion. It's God alone and His word alone. His word has never failed me or mine nor those who truly know Him. While heaven and earth may pass away, His word and His excellency shall stand forever.

Jesus Reigns.

Peace and Blessings Everyone
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Shimmie!!!!!:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: Missed you! (((HUGS!)))

When you said that before about witchcraft and LOA, that quickened my spirit because I know what I have been taught, esp. about the prophetic realm.... Yet between Oprah and even a couple of folk in real life, I began to explore this via the attention that The Secret has been getting.... I stick by what I said in this post with regard to the recognition about personal responsibility and accountability....

Basically, the Lord has been waiting on me to ACT on HIS WORD, which I had gotten lazy and apathetic about due to disappointment, discouragement, depression, anger, frustration, etc. So this topic has prompted me to go back to basics in my relationship with the be specific about the desires of my heart (which should MATCH the Lord's plan for my life--Jeremiah 29:11) and stop the negative thoughts and words from entering my mind and exiting my mouth.

Like it has been said, this isn't new and it ain't no secret..... Also, whomever put the posts from the lady that was on the Oprah show? Wow! Now that was deep.... thank God for her boldness!
Welcome Back Shimmie! I agree with your post!

I completely understand where people are coming from but The LOA is a cheap copy of what God has for the believer. The LOA of attraction gets you so focused on those things that you want. What about, "Seeking the kingdom first and everything you need being added?" What if God hasn't given you that thing you're trying to attract because He knows it'll destroy you?
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Welcome back, Shimmie and blessings upon you!

Praise the Lord for your boldness in speaking the truth, in love.

In Romans 8 vs 6 - 8 it says:

"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" Because the carnel mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." " So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."

I believe that if people who say that they are believers in Jesus, then they need to spend more time in His Presence and truly hear what He has to say about life in God. We don't need help from any book or any man....that is why the Lord sent us the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us into all truth. It's God who is true. We must believe what He says about how to live our lives. He said " My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow."

Praise God for His Word, Praise Him for His Love and Praise Him because of who He Is...King of kings and Lord of lords!!!

Thank you all for your warm welcome. My love goes out to each of you precious sisters. I wish nothing but blessings and the best for you. We have to hold strong to our faith. It is a precious gift which did not come cheaply. It came by the shedding of precious righteous blood of Jesus Christ. God is still looking for us who will not compromise His faith in us. Those who chose to press toward the mark and not look back and doubt.

Look what happen to Abraham when he waivered in faith regarding having a son of his own? Ishmael. What happened with King Saul? Out of disobedience and in a fallen state out of fellowship with God, he sought a witch, instead.

I know what witchcraft is. I know. Before I was saved, I studied it and were it not for God, who knows where I'd be today. This is one of the reasons I am able to recognize it when I see it, no matter how cleverly it is disguised. I can bear witness to the works that the LOA is not of God, no matter how much it may try to boast otherwise.

It' feeds on the 'fleshly mindset of man and its weakness. As Nice and Wavy noted above about the carnal nature of man. That what witchcraft it, the feeding upon the flesh and mindset. A mindset that 'wills' to satisfy it's self at whatever cost.

I love Galations 5... "A little leaven, leavens the whole lump."

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, WITCHCRAFT, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Ladies, what happen? When did we ever feel we needed more than God could do for us? What trial took us over the edge? What delay made us waiver and doubt? How many us will still be able to say that it God and God alone who delivered me and always will.

In Daniel 3 ...I LOVE this...

29 Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is NO OTHER GOD that can deliver after this sort.

Does anyone hear this? No other God that can deliver after this sort.
No matter what you desire or are seeking in this life, no other God can deliver after this sort. Not the LOA.
And the devil has been out to prove this wrong ever since time began with man. One of the most devastating things that can destroy a relationship is the tearing down of faith and trust in the one you love. This is what satan wants. the devil is out to steal God's glory and to steal our gift of faith in God alone.

Who can ascend into His Holy place? Who of us is left to say, Lord, yet I still put my trust in you... not man.

Jesus trusted God all the way to the cross and beyond. Jesus trusted God and waivered not at God's promise. No man or woman who calls themself Christian should have any part of the LOA. What need is there for a Christian other than their relationship with God?

As a man of the key lures of the LOA with Christians. And yes, as a man thinketh ...

Hmmmm, if a man thinketh God is not enough...then for this man/woman, so it is.

Pease and blessings and much love,
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