cassia instead of henna


New Member
do you get the same results.

I am excited and thrilled by the prospect of henna - the shine, strength, and thickness - I want these. My problem with the prospect of using henna is I love the natural color of my hair and do not want to change it.

Can you get the same results from cassia?

In a few hours, I am taking my girls to Little India to get mendhi (henna tattos) and I would like to pick up a few things while I'm there.

Please tell me your experience with cassia and suggestions for other products i might purchase. I plan to get Vitaki oil and perhaps some Amla if I can find there - there a literally hundreds of stores in this area.

I've never used cassia, but I use henna often and have found that by not waiting for dye release and only using for 30-45 minutes that it takes much longer before you see the "inevitable" color effects of henna. You can also add such things as black tea, coffee, molassess, amla powder, or indigo to keep a dark color to hair. I hope you find a mix that works for you; Indian herbs & oils offer tons of undeniable benefits to ALL hair types. Good luck!
newflowers said:
bumping again- I want/need everything that henna does except the color change.

Please help ladies.

Cassia is all that henna is without the color change! You just mix it with warm or hot water until the consistency of pancake batter; wait 15 minutes and apply to sections of your hair until it is thickly covered. Cover hair with plastic wrap for 30 minutes and then rinse it out. That simple!

It makes your hair glossy any shiny! :D
I use cassia, and I have never tried henna. I could immediately feel the difference in the thickness of my hair while I was rinsing. I didn't think I had that much shine, but my sister commented on the shine of my hair. Someone stated on one of these threads that the results of henna are much better. If you decide to go the henna route, just mix it and use it immediately before the dye releases so you will not get a color change.

If I were you I would pick up the following items:

Amla powder-make your own Amla oil with this
Coconut Oil-use to make your own Amla oil, useful for detangling hair(prepooing or adding to conditioners), massage into scalp and hair to help split ends
Almond Oil-massage into scalp to stimulate growth?
Vatika Oil-for strength and to add to henna mixture
and anything else you can recall being mentioned on this thread

Thanks again, I bought all sorts of good things - amla and coconut oils, cassia for me and my girls, and all of the herbs and spices for curry, marsala, and tandoori chicken.

We also now have mendhi art on our hands. :)