Chin length/airdrying ladies! Questions!


New Member
Okay, my hair is chin length (maybe a little longer), and I'm 3c/4a/4b rexlaxed....My hair is cut into cute layers when flat ironed...I'm transitioning, and I'm learning that the flat iron can no longer be my long term friend...Anyways, I'm airdrying my hair after cw/w cause it's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hot where I live in Louisiana to sit under the dryer, even at night (lol)....So how do I air dry? I want to do braidouts, but I don't know how to do that with my layers...I'm becoming extra lazy and don't feel like doing rollersets (cause I workout @ night and don't have the energy lol) hair is barely long enough for a ponytail, and that's a no go for a high one what do I do?

btw, I only have one month to go until senegalese twists! So I'm trying to baby my hair best I can until then....