Cleansing Conditioners for Textlaxed/Relaxed Hair


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies

Im thinking of moving onto cleansing conditioners as I find that shampoos just tangle my hair.

I do a heavy oil pre poo overnight and only wash once every 2 weeks.

Do you know of a good cleansing conditio er that can manage this amount of dirt and oil that still leaves hair detangled, clean and soft that works on relaxed hair?

Do you need to still use shampoo every ao often or can you ditch them for good with a cleansing conditioner?

Thanks ladies x
I like (in no particular order):

Hairveda Amala Crème Rinse
Claudie Hair Revitalizer Jojoba Cleansing or Claudie 3 n 1
As I Am Cleansing Pudding
Jessicurl TooShea! or Jessicurl Shealoe
HydraQuench Systems
Darcy's Botanicals Daily Cleansing Conditioner
Naturelle Grow's Cleansing Conditioners
Curl Junkie's Daily Cleansing
DevaCurl No Poo
SSI Blueberry Cowash
Hairitage Hydrations Dark Honey
Shea Moisture Purification Hair Mask
Silk Dreams Whip My Hair

*the only time I shampoo is when I neutralize after relaxing. I find that most of these can remove a ton of build up and leave hair sufficiently cleansed.

I use Hairveda Amla cream rinse cleanser Vo5 clarifying conditioner Blended beauty soy cream shampoo I love them all.

Eta__i used these as a texlaxed head and now as a natural. Love them! Vo5 is great because it's cheap and on the ground

I also used deva curl no poo but I didn't like the price. The product is great though