Co-Washing: Am I doing something wrong?


New Member
I am going to FLA in a in a month or two and I wanted to consistenly co-wash every other day.

But now that I work out a lot I want to start co-washing every other day now too. But something isn't going right for me as far as co-washing goes. My hair does NOT get soft. It feels kinda hard and crunchy. I have used:

V05 Kiwi Lime Squeeze
Suave Milk and Honey
Keracare Humecto
Aveda DR-worked great but I won't reuse because 1. it is too expensive 2. silicone content. I want to use coneless co-washing cons.
and Nexxus Humectress, with all of them giving me mediocre results, nothing quite as what everyone else is getting.

What am I doing wrong? What I do is, I rinse my hair very well under the water concentrating on my scalp. I apply globs of conditioner and act like I am shampooing but with the conditioner. I add a cap or something while I am shaving and such. Then I get out, deep condtion, rinse and apply leave-in.

I was thinking of trying the Humectress agin, but without a deep conditioner and trying to leave it on a little bit longer. What do you ladies think?

Should I just rinse, apply conditioner and bag, then rinse when I am finished? Please help me!
I don't know about the other products, but you can't use vo5 kiwi and lime for a cowash--it's too harsh. I use it as my clarifying condish.

If I use condish with either cones or too much protein (other than a silk protein) my hair comes out feeling dry rather than moisturized.
I routinely use the VO5 Kiwi & Lime Squeeze and Suave Milk & Honey conditioners and I have never had that hard, crunchy feeling. However, I know both of those products contain protein, maybe your hair is suffering from protein overload. :scratchch

As far as though other conditioners, maybe you're getting build-up from the silicones.
Is your water hard? If so, try using distilled water. I also like Herbal Essence Moisturizing conditioner. Suave and Vo5 products give me mediocre results.
when I co-wash, I apply conditioner to dry hair and it works so much better THAN on wet/rinsed hair.
I know what you mean. The first one I did came out beautiful. My hair was so soft and moist but I did one yesterday and my hair didn't come out like it did the first time.
newslady said:
when I co-wash, I apply conditioner to dry hair and it works so much better THAN on wet/rinsed hair.

Interesting, when you apply it to dry hair how long do you leave it on? How do you go about actually cleansing your hair strands?
MizaniMami said:
Interesting, when you apply it to dry hair how long do you leave it on? How do you go about actually cleansing your hair strands?

check my siggy.
i just rinse after 20 mins
Adrian said:
I know what you mean. The first one I did came out beautiful. My hair was so soft and moist but I did one yesterday and my hair didn't come out like it did the first time.

What was the difference between the first and the second? What did you use?

Cheleigh, IMO there is nothing clarifying about that conditioner. It has nothing that actually clarifies. It is just another extremely light conditioner if you ask me. But maybe you are right. Either way it goes, I pitched it anyhow.

Priestess, I thought about those options. It's good to see that it's not just my technique!
I agree it sounds like you should use conditioners with low/or no protein for a while and concentrate on moisture.

Also, have you clarified your hair? My hair starts to feel odd and does not respond to product in the usual manner if I do not clarify my hair every 4-6 weeks.

I would also suggest rotating your products, but it sounds like you’re doing that already. :)
MizaniMami I am having the same problem. For cw's I use the following:
-Suave citrus smoothie followed by humectant

sometimes water lily(CDD). At first I thought it was hard water so I brought a shower filter off of ebay. Now I actually do not know what it is my hair is still somewhat hard. After each cw I apply a leave in(catcus & lime or Greg's juice) followed by scurl then nexxus botanic oil to my ends. I am still looking for a replacement for the scurl though b/c I *think* that it is the glyercine that's drying my hair out or then again it could be the humectant:confused: :( :ohwell: :perplexed
Conditioners like suave and V05 make my hair feel horrible so I cant use them for condition washes. What I do use is cholesterol (either by Lekair or dark and lovely) with added jojoba oil and honey. I apply it to dry hair and let it sit for minimum of 20-30 minutes. I then add a little water and the hair suds up like ultra moisturizing shampoo. I lather for about a minute and then rinse.

Good luck.
MizaniMami said:
What was the difference between the first and the second? What did you use?

Cheleigh, IMO there is nothing clarifying about that conditioner. It has nothing that actually clarifies. It is just another extremely light conditioner if you ask me. But maybe you are right. Either way it goes, I pitched it anyhow.

Priestess, I thought about those options. It's good to see that it's not just my technique!

You got it MizaniMami, hair can be very fussy. I don't think it's your technique at all. Your beloved Aveda Damage Remedy set, does that have protein in it? That might be all the protein your hair needs in its regimen.
I agree with the other ladies about possible protein overload, hard water, or needing to clarify. If you want to take a slightly different route, you could try using an ultra moisturizing shampoo without sulphates to CO wash. It sounds weird but alot of times I'll get more moisture from a shampoo like Breakthru or Elasta QP Creme Moisturizing than if I use a cheap conditioner although those have their place too. If you try this steer clear of Creme Of Nature 'poo though! If you didn't already know this'll build up on your hair like a mother and you'll have that viscious cycle of clarifying and desperately moisturizing.
MizaniMami said:
I am going to FLA in a in a month or two and I wanted to consistenly co-wash every other day.

But now that I work out a lot I want to start co-washing every other day now too. But something isn't going right for me as far as co-washing goes. My hair does NOT get soft. It feels kinda hard and crunchy. I have used:

V05 Kiwi Lime Squeeze
Suave Milk and Honey
Keracare Humecto
Aveda DR-worked great but I won't reuse because 1. it is too expensive 2. silicone content. I want to use coneless co-washing cons.
and Nexxus Humectress, with all of them giving me mediocre results, nothing quite as what everyone else is getting.

What am I doing wrong? What I do is, I rinse my hair very well under the water concentrating on my scalp. I apply globs of conditioner and act like I am shampooing but with the conditioner. I add a cap or something while I am shaving and such. Then I get out, deep condtion, rinse and apply leave-in.

I was thinking of trying the Humectress agin, but without a deep conditioner and trying to leave it on a little bit longer. What do you ladies think?

Should I just rinse, apply conditioner and bag, then rinse when I am finished? Please help me!

I use the Suave milk and honey and add a spoon of honey and olive oil to to the conditioner. This tends to get it really soft and supple afterward. Perhaps that will work for you as well.
This is what I do to achieve silky, smooth hair:

1. Apply Suave Tropical Coconut Condish to dry hair.
2. Cover hair with aluminum foil.
3. Tie scarf around foil.
4. Leave on for at least one hour. I usually get on the treadmill.
5. Rinse thoroughly.
6. Apply Pantene Breakage Defense Condish, do not rinse out.
7. Apply MNT Condish on top of the Pantene.
8. Work through, let sit for a few minutes.
9. Rinse with warm water.

I hope this works for you.:)
What are some conditioners that are purely moisturizing, no protein? All the ones that I've seen have always contained some form of protein.
LovelyMiracle said:
What are some conditioners that are purely moisturizing, no protein? All the ones that I've seen have always contained some form of protein.

Great Question! All the cheapies have some type of protein in it. CandyC, if you are reading this what kind of Lekair conditioner did you use to co-wash?? I can't think of the name for NOTHING!
goldensensation said:
Conditioners like suave and V05 make my hair feel horrible so I cant use them for condition washes. What I do use is cholesterol (either by Lekair or dark and lovely) with added jojoba oil and honey. I apply it to dry hair and let it sit for minimum of 20-30 minutes. I then add a little water and the hair suds up like ultra moisturizing shampoo. I lather for about a minute and then rinse.

Good luck.

I agree with this. I have to use something thick and creamy. If it runs or spreads in my hands, I can't use it.
KiniKakes said:
I use the Suave milk and honey and add a spoon of honey and olive oil to to the conditioner. This tends to get it really soft and supple afterward. Perhaps that will work for you as well.

I use pretty much the same technique with either the milk & honey or the tropical coconut. I add EVOO to the conditioner put it on dry hair put a plastic cap on leave in for about half hour and then rinse, and my hair feels like cotton, then apply NTM daily deep conditioner for 10 minutes rinse, and add my leave ins. and style as usual.
Cheleigh said:
I don't know about the other products, but you can't use vo5 kiwi and lime for a cowash--it's too harsh. I use it as my clarifying condish.

If I use condish with either cones or too much protein (other than a silk protein) my hair comes out feeling dry rather than moisturized.

I have to disagree with you on the Kiwi Lime Squeeze. I don't find it harsh at all, just very light in terms of moisturizing.

Mizani, maybe you should clarify and start fresh. Do any of your leave ins have cones? If you use anything with cones, then co washing becomes null and void. The whole idea is to eliminate all products that can cause build up if you are not going to use shampoo at all. You might have build up on your hair that's causing your no poo conditioners to build up too rather than penetrate the hair shaft for moisture.
curlilocs said:
I have to disagree with you on the Kiwi Lime Squeeze. I don't find it harsh at all, just very light in terms of moisturizing.

Mizani, maybe you should clarify and start fresh. Do any of your leave ins have cones? If you use anything with cones, then co washing becomes null and void. The whole idea is to eliminate all products that can cause build up if you are not going to use shampoo at all. You might have build up on your hair that's causing your no poo conditioners to build up too rather than penetrate the hair shaft for moisture.

Great advice! Well, all the advice was great in this thread.

But I clarify very often atleast once a week. But I will clarify before I got to FLA so I can have a fresh start. I didn't think about using leave-in without cones too. I think that is a great idea also. I always use my coney leave in lol, but since I love Humectress and that is no cone I will use that as a leave-in too. Thank a lot!
curlilocs said:
I have to disagree with you on the Kiwi Lime Squeeze. I don't find it harsh at all, just very light in terms of moisturizing.

You're right--I should have clarified (ha ha)--FOR ME, Kiwi Lime is not moisturizing enough to use as a moisturizing condish (I CW primarily for moisture). I use kiwi lime instead of sls-free shampoo, and it gets my hair and scalp clean. I probably have a strong reaction to citrus. I follow the Kiwi Lime with a more moisturizing condish (Trader Joes Nourish Spa being one of my favs). I do use as a part of my co-wash, I just don't rely on it for moisture. YMMV.

I also do better with thick, creamy condish for a moisturizing CW--I do use cheapies for the actual CW, and follow with a creamier condish.
MizaniMami, I think we are hair twins. Yes, I have to admit I have been stalking you :blush: but its out a admiration.

I have had the same issues with cowashing. My hair does need a lot of protein (its fine), but its also hard to fine anything real moisturizing when I need it. I am stretching and have gotton to the point where I want to focus on cowashing now.

So my question to everyone is here is: which leave-ins do not have have any cones, is moisturizing and wont kill my fine hair?
curlilocs said:
I have to disagree with you on the Kiwi Lime Squeeze. I don't find it harsh at all, just very light in terms of moisturizing.

Mizani, maybe you should clarify and start fresh. Do any of your leave ins have cones? If you use anything with cones, then co washing becomes null and void. The whole idea is to eliminate all products that can cause build up if you are not going to use shampoo at all. You might have build up on your hair that's causing your no poo conditioners to build up too rather than penetrate the hair shaft for moisture.

I thought I updated about this I guess not.

I have tried various conditioners with the same results.

So I got the idea from CandyC to apply my conditioner to my dry hair, let it sit (deep condition with heat) and do a water rinse. My hair LOOOOOOOOOOVES this!! It is the bomb! AND VERY MOISTURIZING.
I gave up on cowashing months ago. I wonder if cowashing is easier for people with hair types other than 4a/b??:confused: Anyway, Mizanimani, what conditioner are you using on dry hair? I guess it would be considered a prepoo, right?
shunta said:
I gave up on cowashing months ago. I wonder if cowashing is easier for people with hair types other than 4a/b??:confused: Anyway, Mizanimani, what conditioner are you using on dry hair? I guess it would be considered a prepoo, right?

Well not really a prepoo because after I rinse, I add my leave-in and style. I am using Keracare Humecto BTW.
I hated my first cowash once my hair dried. I think I may have overdone it with products after the final rinse. Anyway, have you thought of using an organic shampoo that doesn't have all of the harsh detergents that can be drying? That may be another option if the co-wash doesn't work out. There are so many out there and just as gentle as a conditioner.