Cold weather regimen-Naturals?


Well-Known Member
How do you naturals out there change your regimen for cold weather. Should I use heavy products? Do I need to condition more? I'm still knew to this and I know hair regimen should change as the weather changes
I'm not a natural, but I had this information in my files.

I believe I got them from the


I do not rinse daily . Sometimes I spritz my hair to restyle with
-African Royal Daily Doctor Leave In

I use my winter product of choice
-Proclaim Natural 7 Oil
-Shea Butter (current fav)
-CD Healthy Hair Butter
-CD Hair Milk

-twist outs

Here's another one

2. Cold Weather Routine:
1) Condition Wash my hair once a week:
2) Apply a leave-in conditioner and a moisturizer on the ends.
3) I braid or twist and let it air-dry. Once dry I would either wear them for a week or so or 4) Unravel them after a few days. Then I'll either put it in a updo or wear a scarf or headband. When the style gets old, I put it into a puff.
5) Every night I spritz my hair with water to keep it moisturized and oil the ends with Constant Care for Ends or Coconut Oil from From Nature With Love. Then proceed to re-braid or re-twist my hair into 4 large sections. I also wear flat-twists, headwraps and wigs. Protecting my hair against the harsh cold air is my goal during this time. I still occasionally wear my puffs too!
6)I deep condition once or twice a week in the cooler months (depend on my hairstyle)

Ive only been natural since August so this will be my first winter. I only have about 2.5 inches of hair but I have been practicing my twists so mostly I will be wearing twists and twist outs. I will also be switching to a moisturizing formula conditioner(Suave and Nexxus Humectress) and deep conditioning with Lustersilk Aloe once a week. I usually rinse with conditioner every other day but im going to switch to doing it twice a week. I will be using thicker moisturizers, and as for oils im switching from olive oil to the thicker castor oil.
im not sur about this one eather.I have about 4" of 4ab3c mixish hair and currently i just wing it(which usually ends up in Conditioner washing everyday,braiding or twisting whenever posible,and washing when it gets to oily).
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When I had a teenie weenie afro (or TWA), I kept my hair in braids, scarves, or wigs during the cold months. My "Sta-Sof-Fro Hair and Scalp Spray" and I became best buddies over these past four years even during the cold times. I wash my hair more often when it's warm and less often when it's cold. I wear protective styles during the day and moisturize at night. Always wear a satin cap.
I'm thinking I'm twisting every week, doing regular CO's, towel drying, slathering on moisturizer, putting on a silk scarf and a hat and going on with my day. I don't really like how my face looks in twists, but i want a low maintenance style i can continue daily rinsing/washing. That's why I'm rocking the scarf/hat. I'm itching to try Elasta QP mango butter and Profective breakfree. I also make an amazing heavy moisturizer out of cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil and coconut oil. I plan to start using castor oil. I'll also spritzing my hair fanatically. If I can afford it I'll be getting braids here and there- but its getting expensive for how long I can wear them- my hair's growing too fast for them to look good, i think.
I'm not interested in the braid thing, I han din fro disease so that doesn't work. I don't wear hats..I hate them.

So I guess I'll just rinse every morning and night and then spray with dew. Seal it in nature's blessing or a mixture I made of aloe, cocoa butter, sesame oil, vitamin e and olive oil. At night I just use care free creme, braid spray, or dew.