

New Member
Okay, I am seriously thinking about coloring my hair, nothing drastic but I would like to highlight my hair (my stylist would do it). I think it's the warmer weather. A lot of my friends have used color, and their hair (from observation) has basically maintained it current length, they had when the originally highlighted. So my question is do you think it is better to wait until after you have reached your hair goals to color? Or should I try it now? I am not talking a drastic move. I am currently dark brown, but would like to go to a warmer shade...


New Member
Whenever you want to lighten your hair, you are taking a risk that could possibly produce undesirable effects. Would you rather take this risk on your hair now, or when it is longer? If you happen to suffer damage, it may seem easier to just trim/cut and start over on shorter hair than on longer hair.

Not to be a pessimist, but no one knows for sure that they absolutely will reach their hair goals for sure in a specific time frame, so if you end up waiting, by that time, you may not want your hair dyed anymore. That can be good or bad, but that's up to you to decide.