Cortisone injections


Well-Known Member
Has anyone gotten cortisone injections for growth? I've heard of it, but I don't know alot about it. Of course this would be for situations where the hair does not grow/has fallen out.

My nape has been challenged ever since I got a relaxer in the 7th grade. It's about 1.5" and that's it. I plan on getting this checked out at the dermatologist at the beginning of the year.

Please share your experience, pros and cons.

Hi I don't know if this would be the same thing as steroid injections, but my 7 year old nephew had a few bald spots on his head a few months ago, which we later found out was alopecia. He received several steroid injections in the affected areas and his hair has grown back quite well. However the injections do slightly damage the skin but the derm assures that over time the damage will heal. Hope this helps!
I definitely have to do some research on this. Not sure that I want to go this route, but it's a possibility. Do people get these shots for bald areas? My nape isn't bald. It has always grown slowly in the past.
Thanks for this question op! This is a very interesting topic. I don't know too much about a steroid being used for hair growth.

But I do know they are often used to combat inflammation. Also when used in high doses or long term can lead to increased blood sugar, weight gain and a moon face appearance.

Can't wait to see the input from other members. Hope you find a solution for your stunted nape growth!
Yodie: My Cousin was going to a dermatologist either getting Steroids or Cortisone (I'd have to ask her) for Follicular Damage she sustained from Relaxers.:look:

First the Derm did a Scalp biopsy, and then she received a series of these injections.

Not sure which tho' (Steroids or Cortisone)? But whichever ones she got, that area slowly recovered.:yep:
Yodie: My Cousin was going to a dermatologist either getting Steroids or Cortisone (I'd have to ask her) for Follicular Damage she sustained from Relaxers.:look:

First the Derm did a Scalp biopsy, and then she received a series of these injections.

Not sure which tho' (Steroids or Cortisone)? But whichever ones she got, that area slowly recovered.:yep:

Actually they are one in the same. Cortisone is a steroid.. its actually within a class of medications called ways OP I'v never heard about using cortisone for hair growth so this is very informative. I am aware that cortisone is used to reduce tissue and joint inflammation. Also individuals with diabetes should monitor their blood glucose levels bc steroids tend to raise them....well ...please continue to give us feedback...
Yodie: My Cousin was going to a dermatologist either getting Steroids or Cortisone (I'd have to ask her) for Follicular Damage she sustained from Relaxers.:look:

First the Derm did a Scalp biopsy, and then she received a series of these injections.

Not sure which tho' (Steroids or Cortisone)? But whichever ones she got, that area slowly recovered.:yep:

Cortisone is a steroid. Lots of meds that have a -sone suffix are steroids.
The steroids are usually for inflammatory conditions or autoimmune conditions of the scalp. It probably wouldnt work for hair breakage from manipulation or just to grow hair. The steroids can causing thinning of scalp if too many or very potent steroid injections are given. Have u tried Mook's approach to improving the nape? She has a tutorial in her fotki. It is good that you are going to have an evaluation. Keep us posted.
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A family member of mine was under extreme stress and suffered bald spots throughout her head. She always had long, full, and healthy hair. She received the injections from the dermatologist and over time the spots filled in.

I would definitely go to the dermatologist and have him/her examine your scalp and discuss alternatives before undergoing the injection treatment.

Good luck!! :)
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Hi I don't know if this would be the same thing as steroid injections, but my 7 year old nephew had a few bald spots on his head a few months ago, which we later found out was alopecia. He received several steroid injections in the affected areas and his hair has grown back quite well. However the injections do slightly damage the skin but the derm assures that over time the damage will heal. Hope this helps!

I also have Alopecia and according to my dermatologist the cortizon shots are the last resort when treating balding. I Haven't had the shots because he recommended rogaine 5%(yea for men) and that worked just find it brought my hair from totally bald on one whole side of my head to thick and long. The only problem is the other side continues to try to catch up.
ALEXYSS K. TYLOR spoke about having cortisone injections when she had several bald spots. If you can get past her content, maybe you can find the video that she did regarding the injections. I went to a dermatologist for a similar problem, but she prescribed a cream that included steroids and a mixture of other things. I had to go to a special mixture pharmacy, here in Atlanta, just to get it filled. I've only had cortisone injections in the face for acne, but see if you can find the video where she speaks about it. If I find it, I'll post.
Thanks for this question op! This is a very interesting topic. I don't know too much about a steroid being used for hair growth.

But I do know they are often used to combat inflammation. Also when used in high doses or long term can lead to increased blood sugar, weight gain and a moon face appearance.

Can't wait to see the input from other members. Hope you find a solution for your stunted nape growth!

wow, those side effects are scary. Never read about all of that. My hair, in general, just can't take relaxers. So, relaxing from 7th grade to adult hood just harmed whatever I had back there. You'd think I would've caught on sometime in high school and stopped relaxing. Just wasn't in my mindset.

My nape actually is trying to catch on. Right now I try to grab that area and twist with castor oil. Seems like my lil' twists are turning into longer lil' twists. We'll see.
Yodie: My Cousin was going to a dermatologist either getting Steroids or Cortisone (I'd have to ask her) for Follicular Damage she sustained from Relaxers.:look:

First the Derm did a Scalp biopsy, and then she received a series of these injections.

Not sure which tho' (Steroids or Cortisone)? But whichever ones she got, that area slowly recovered.:yep:

Ooh, that's great news. My insurance is so off right now. I've been trying to get in to see the derm for months. I'm switching in January and I'll get in to see the dermatologist then.
I also have Alopecia and according to my dermatologist the cortizon shots are the last resort when treating balding. I Haven't had the shots because he recommended rogaine 5%(yea for men) and that worked just find it brought my hair from totally bald on one whole side of my head to thick and long. The only problem is the other side continues to try to catch up.

This really makes sense. I went to see someone about my hair. She talked to me about this very issue and suggested that my length might not be too long in the back because the healtheir part of my hair is influenced by the length of my nape.
I could kick myself for not seeing a derm years ago.
ALEXYSS K. TYLOR spoke about having cortisone injections when she had several bald spots. If you can get past her content, maybe you can find the video that she did regarding the injections. I went to a dermatologist for a similar problem, but she prescribed a cream that included steroids and a mixture of other things. I had to go to a special mixture pharmacy, here in Atlanta, just to get it filled. I've only had cortisone injections in the face for acne, but see if you can find the video where she speaks about it. If I find it, I'll post.

How did the cream work for you?
I'm not too fond of steriods. I definitely don't want adverse side effects like facial hair, etc.
Yodie, I've had them. A few years back when I was first diagnosed with alopecia. I went to a private derm and they gave me quite a few. They hurt and my scalp bled a teeny bit. I felt kinda woosey, too. I had them done twice - the second time wasn't bad at all, but can't vouch for the effects bcs I discontinued them.

When I thought about going back, I found that the derm had moved out of town... I inquired about weight gain and was assured that these type of injections do not bring about the weight gain normal steroids do. I was also advised to not get them too often, maybe every 3 months or so. I was also rx'd an ointment that also contained a mild steroid. I think that worked really well, but I was concerned it would clog my pores so I stopped getting it filled.
Hey Bronze. Glad you popped in.
The cream sounds like it might help my hair out, without it being the same strength as the shot. I just don't like the idea of using steroids.

Ladies, do you know if insurance covers this or is it something that I have to pay out of my own pocket?
Yodie, the cream worked well, but I did not continue because it made my scalp extremely sore. I used it when I was relaxed and the pharmacist did inform me that it would not be a good idea to relax my hair because the steroids would thin the area that it was being applied to, which could cause major problems if I tried to relax that area. I started taking iron pills and that helped.
Thanks, 1richesquire. I'm natural, so relaxing wouldn't be a problem. I know you didn't continue using the cream, but I'm wondering if I could use it for three weeks with noticeable results?

Iron pills constipate me and I already suffer from constipation. I started taking spirulina and it's very rich in iron. Believe it or not, it causes constipation, but not as bad as iron. The energy is great. I have to believe that this is helping my nape as well.

I believe I started seeing results from Phytophanere Cap'Energy, but my budget took another focus and I didn't buy them again. I plan on repurchasing when I finish with my Trader Joe's vits. I noticed that I was able to actually pull the hair in my nape and I wasn't able to do that before.
Yodie, I did have to pay out of pocket for the cream, but it was only $60.00. Your insurance should cover it, but because the pharmacy was a Specialized Compound pharmacy, they did not take insurance. I'm not sure if it had to be mixed, but that's what my Dermatologist prescribed.
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Yodie, I did have to pay out of pocket for the cream, but it was only $60.00. Your insurance should cover it, but because the pharmacy was a Specialized Compound pharmacy, they did not take insurance. I'm not sure if it had to be mixed, but that's what my Dermatologist prescribed.

How long did you use the cream?
My cream was a compound as well. My insurance did cover it. I paid maybe $20 out of pocket. It was more of a vaseline-type compound, like grease with a grainy texture, not creamy like a conditioner if you know what i mean.
My boyfriend had a bald spot in his eyebrows and I made an appointment for him to see the dermatologist. The derm gave him a couple of cortisone shots and within the week, the spot filled in.

I am not sure if it would work on breakage though. I think it is more for bald spots caused by inflammatory conditions.
I've had cortisone injections but after surgery on my shoulder but they also say you can only have 3 injections in life so err...
I have received cortisone shots several times over the years. I have an autoimmune diease that cause alopecia. The injections did help but, as others have said, they should not be given to frequently as they can cause thinning of the skin (in this case scalp). They are key if the problem is inflamation because left untreated, the inflamation can lead to permaent scarring and permanent baldness. Have it thouroghly checked out before agreeing to the shots to make sure that is what it is.

I used OCT/MT for a year w/ great results before finally having the injections to the areas that would not fill-in. There are potentially other options.
I would not suggest having that. It is used for alopecia areata and it did nothing for me because I grew hair that was white at the beggining and they all fell out short after. Its really not something to play with as it is really a synthetic substance . If I knew that it wouldve done nothing for me I wouldve skipped that part really.

I did use ecrinal vials which really helped me get rid of the bald spot I had.

If you have alopecia, give it some thoughts because if you receive several injections it usually thinners the scalp.

So imo yodie, cortizone shots are no joke and its really not a growth aid. Its only use when you have a serious issue such as alopecia areata (circle shape bald spot and topical cream has not worked for you ).