Crown Breakage *Help*


Well-Known Member
grrrr.....NO MATTER WHAT I do or how many treatments I give my hair, I always end up getting severe breakage at the crown. Its worst of all when I go a while without a relaxer (3 months or more). I think the problem is my hair is 4A/4B but at the crown it must be coursest of all (like 4zzz) and after about the 4-6 week mark it will break off at the new growth. I can pull a section back there and its just like a mini fro...I can stretch it out to about 2 or 3 inches but its all natural textures hair with maybe a tiny bit of thin ends.

This is driving my crazy. I dont sleep on that area. I try my best to keep it moisturized, oiled, deep conditioned, protein treatments, etc. but this still happens to me on a regular basis. The only reason I can think of it being the coursest texture on my head.

What can I do to grow it back and make it stop breaking off once and for all?? Would it be a good idea to touch up that area more often than the rest of my hair? What else could I try?

Its to the point Im embarrased to go to the salon bc I know they will be like WHAT is wrong with your hair??????

Other than that, my hair is getting much thicker and its growing all around, but this part always holds me back and I end up cutting the bottom to try to help the top catch up....yet it never happens--not even close. Please help me! Its so depressing, all my set backs have been because of this!
I have had the same problem too for years. My crown is 4z as well. What is your regime? Does it include CO washes?

I had to trim my crown area and started COing at least 2X a week. I also apply conditioners (some extra) to that area first. I have gained at least 2 inches there so far this year. When I cut it, some areas were shorter than an inch. It used to seem to grow in 'splits', but it has done a 360.

Also, if you wear ponytails/buns, it would help if you moved them around instead of in the same area. That has helped my crown thrive too.

Oh yeah, deep condition at least once a week, if you don't already....
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You probably need even more moisture on this area (IMHO) than you probably realize. I say this because my kitchen area requires so much moisture and oil it is almost funny. Every night before I go to bed I drench it in water, then coat it with Carol's Daughter Some of Maugerite's Magic, then coat with the CD Khoret Amen hair oil, then coat with CD hair balm or hot six oil. I sometimes repeat this process one or two more times before braiding it up b4 I go to bed. Cover with a silky scarf and when I wake up in the morning it is just a little damp and has very little residue on it. If I did this to the rest of my hair it would look a hot mess but this very dry area needs extra special attention. I would use s-curl on this area but when s-curl gets on my neck it becomes irritated. Maybe this is not your prob but I just thought I'd share my story with you. That area of my hair is finally growing and not breaking for the first time since I was a little girl. Thank goodness for LHCF! I suffered just like you and found it embarrassing too. Good luck and I hope you eventually get to the bottom of this.:Rose: :kiss:
I'm the crown breaks off when I'm stressed. I'll comb my hair and see short strands of hair. Hasn't happened in a few years.
Hey Leslie!
My suggestion is more moisture there. And possibly a protective style for a month or so.
What products are you using? Possibly they dont agree with that area of hair.
kombov_dymond said:
I have had the same problem too for years. My crown is 4z as well. What is your regime? Does it include CO washes?

I had to trim my crown area and started COing at least 2X a week. I also apply conditioners (some extra) to that area first. I have gained at least 2 inches there so far this year. When I cut it, some areas were shorter than an inch. It used to seem to grow in 'splits', but it has done a 360.

Also, if you wear ponytails/buns, it would help if you moved them around instead of in the same area. That has helped my crown thrive too.

Oh yeah, deep condition at least once a week, if you don't already....

I agree with kombov_diamond. "Baby" that area to death. Extra, extra moisturizing conditioner on that section. Apply extra leave-in conditioner on that section (crown area ) as well. [RUSK Smoother is a great one for taming crown areas ] My crown area was jacked up from a stylist over processing my highlights and not rinsing my relaxer out good. A couple months later another stylist tripped out on my hair and my crown area suffered again. Now it is nice and thick and the length in that area is the way it should be thanks to LHCF. I constantly babied that area! It will get there !
I have the same probelm. My crown is like 4 z too . And I also thought of touching up this area more often but I don't know because I am really trying strecth my relaxer to see if I can transition.......
I was doing well though not much breakage then touch up troubles struck with my last relaxer and now I have breakage again but anywho

Now I am just moisturizing this area more and "babying it"

Well good look
Trust me Leslie C, if anyone feels your pain it is me. I have had crown breakage for seems like my entire life, but it is more like 12 years. I really didn't start to take care of my hair until about 4 years ago. I only saw significant improvement this year and there only 2 things that I have done differently. I stopped wrapping my hair at nights and I started using Phytorelaxer January of this year.
Leslie, I'm going through THE SAME EXACT THING!! Mine happens like every few years though. It's usually from stress or a relaxer done wrong. I believe this time it's from the way the stylist did my relaxer, because I started noticing it right after. Rarely does my crown area break off when I do my own relaxers.

Anyway, what I usually do is wear braids for about 4 months (2 months at a time) and it grows right back, but this time since I've been transitioning with extra conditioner washes, cornrows, flexi rod sets, and no heat I've noticed that it seems to be growing back ok. I also alternate between a spray moisturizer, WGO, and MTG.
I feel you. I feel you. My problemed crown area is why I always have to have layers. Here is what I am doing to combat it - I have grown four inches so far:

1) watch any tension I put on it during styling, clamps, claws, clips, etc.

2) I also constantly moisturized that area. Using that area as a starting point.

3) I had to grow that area at a separate legenth than all of my hair. I cut it shorter with an nice even starting point and monitered it closely. This way when I pass the comb in that area it would not be prone to snap due to uneven ends. I even comb it first and separately that all the rest of my hair.

Good luck girl..It will grow. Hope this helped.