denman and streched curls


Well-Known Member
I have been using my denman and the twist out method for enlongating my curls for 5 months (right after a texturizer). Trouble is that when I get out of the shower, my hair doesn't "feel"right unless I use the denman , and I cannot get my curls to go back to the springy tight 3c curls I had! I've tried going without the denman for a day, and the curls didn't spring back. Any suggestions as to how to fix this?


Well-Known Member
I've been getting texturizers for a while, the only thing I have done different is using the denman. Every time I wash my hair, I detangle with a denman then I put it in two twists.


Well-Known Member
So is your hair straight after you get out of the shower until you use the denman? Are you getting your hair too straight with the texturizer?


New Member
Denmans help curls clump together creating extra curl definition

If you don't have a strong curl pattern to begin with you will probably see a
noticeable difference. My hair is already very curly and demans make my curls curl and shrink up more then I'd like to.

I try to keep my curls stretched and using a denman seems to do the opposite for me. If you want more curls I'd keep using it, try scrunching, or shingling.


Well-Known Member
prettybyrd said:
So is your hair straight after you get out of the shower until you use the denman? Are you getting your hair too straight with the texturizer?

At first, it wasn't straight but after doing it a while, when I tried to do a wash and go, the pattern wasn't the same, and my hair didn't feel the same.


Well-Known Member
kaytorry, I think it sounds like your hair has been over processed. I used to use texturizers and over time my curl pattern became looser, especially in the front where my texture is naturally loose.

You may want to put more space between your texturizers. I certainly remember those feelings of anxiety when I'd finish rinsing the texturizer out and my hair would look limp and wouldn't curl. The hair would feel more relaxed than curly after a while too. Is that what you're experiencing?

Your hair is so pretty in your siggy - I hope that you can get a handle on the problem soon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment! I'm hope I can get this curl thing under control. I am going to give the denman a break for a week and see if my hair acts. If it remains the same, I'll just have to contintue with the twistouts. Like the old saying goes, you don't know how good you have it till it's gone.