Do French Twists (French Rolls) Break Off Hair?


New Member
I read somewhere (on a different board) that wearing a French Twist (or French Roll) can break off the hair when it rubs against the other hair. I started wearing this style off and on in the last month or so and I just remembered reading this somewhere.

I can't find that post but has anyone else heard about this or experienced hair breakage from this style? I love the French Twist - it's easy to do, looks great and it's supposed to be a protective style. Thank you.
Just going by statistics, I find this hard to believe since a lot of people with long hair and who have maintained their hair length wear it. Maybe there's a good way and a bad way to do a French twist/roll, (too tight anything is always bad) but in general, it seems to be a safe way to wear your hair, IMO.
Do they mean french rolls with just one's natural hair or the elaborate ones with the handful of weave stuck in the middle and secured with a can of hairspray and pack of prickly bobby pins? I think that the simple ones people do with ther own hair, but that adding all that other stuff could be somewhat damaging. I remember getting those do's highschool and having to wash my hair twice just to get all the gunk out.
Re: Do French Twists (French Rolls) Break Off Hair

i have been wearing the style for about.... 7 months now... I don't get breakage with it. What can cause least for me... is using regular hairpins to secure it. I use the Good Hair Days pins instead. (If you do a search for Allandra and Good Hair Days pins you should pull up a lot of threads showing pictures of what they look like and links for where to get them.)

French rolls broke my hair in the past, but I was using regular bobby pins to secure them. This is way before I found this board, but even now I'm reluctant to do them because of memories of past breakage. If I do them in the future, I'll try the pins that ThursdayGirl mentioned.
Thank you so much ThursdayGirl and everyone! I did read that wonderful thread the other day and I bought both the clear and tortoise Good Day hair pins at Sally's. I have them in my hair right now and they are great!

So it sounds like the metal bobby pins are the culprit, not the hair rubbing against other hair. Thank you.
Hi Isis,

I do not believe it face I remember when I was in college a few of my friends us to go this shop in DC where that is all they did....girls would line up first thing in the morning and they woudl get a wash/condition then a french roll while wet...I do not recall the name of the place but my friends that went had long mid back length hair and they attributed it to the fact that they did not have to do anything to thier hair. I wish I knew how to do a french roll..could someone post instructions???
I wish I knew how to do a french roll..could someone post instructions???

[/ QUOTE ]

Please? I can never get the top right....there's always a hole.
Re: Do French Twists (French Rolls) Break Off Hair

I don't think it breaks the hair off, but I don't usually like the way my ends look when I take the french roll out.
Re: Do French Twists (French Rolls) Break Off Hair

There must be a way to keep the ends smoother when doing French Twists. I notice mine are crinkly when I take my hair down. I"ll have to experiment with ideas, like maybe small rollers which I can tuck in. Or maybe someone already came up with a great solution for this.

I love the way this style makes my hair look fuller and longer, even though it is up.